Chapter 8

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Sometimes what we want, isn't what we need,

Like when we are lost and when we need to sleep,

Sometimes we lose our ways,

Sometimes for days.

Sooner or later our happiness fades,

Then some people pick up the blade

When they pick up the blade, they're deeply lost,

They, at this point, are willing to pay the cost.

They want the pain to end,

They day, "Goodbye my friend."

So I guess this is where we stand,

Not hand in hand.

This cruel world changes you,

And we don't even have a clue

It's sick isn't it?

The flames have been lit.

Nothing will be the same,

And we're the only one to blame

Because this is the world we live in, I'm afraid,

No wonder everyone wants to fade.

Here you go, I'll end it here,

Just try not to live your life in fear

I wish you the best of luck,

Even though this world sucks.

Ms. Hanji finished the poem and there were mixed reactions from the class. Some of the class had smiles on their faces and giving Levi and I a thumbs up. Some of the class had frowns on the faces. They actually were the depressed kids so they probably related to that. Then other people were just shock because, come on, that poem was deep.

"So," Ms. Hanji asked, "you guys think one of the problems today is...."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Levi cut me off. "Depression and self harming." I glared at Levi and he gave me an evil smirk.

Hanji nodded. "I liked it. It was something different. Most people did a poem about war."

I gave Levi a I-told-you-so look and his smirk faded away and he glared at me instead. "Thank you, Ms. Hanji."

"I'm guessing this took you a while to come up with," she stated looking at me then at Levi.

I shook my head. "Not really." It wasn't until then when I realized what I had said and what she was doing. My eyes opened wide and I could feel two holes burning into my head.

Hanji had a mischievous grin on her face. "Well the poem was great you guys." She paused for a second. "You guys make a great team."

I swear, two holes were actually in my head by now. I moved my head to the side and looked at Levi. "Stop it you asshole," I hissed at him.

I walked away from the two of them and sat down at my desk. I could tell the girls were staring at me. I could also tell my cheeks were hot.

I laid my head down on the desk and groaned quietly. I felt Levi walk by me and sat down in his seat. There was another set of holes burning into my skull.

"Way to go shit head," he spat. "Hanji will probably make us be partners a lot."

I picked my head up and looked at him with anger in my eyes. "Oh shut up. If you were smart enough, you would have given me a look or something signaling me to shut the fuck up."

Flowers and Jeans [Modern Day Levi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now