Chapter 1

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Central Park was quiet today, not out of the ordinary seeing that it was barely 7am. It was a sunny Tuesday morning in the middle of September. A soft breeze flowed through the city setting the scene at a nice 67 degrees. A perfect day for a stroll through the park a luxury Steve Rodgers did not get too often. Taking the chance to get out of Stark tower for a while. He loved his team, and he would undoubtedly do anything for them but he was human and needed his space.

His walk was peaceful, no one seemed to recognize him. The fight against Loki's army had only been a few months ago. The battle still fresh in his mind. Shaking his head like he could actually shake off the dark thoughts that threated to ruin his content mood. He closed his eyes for a moment, feet still moving forward as he rubbed his tired face. It was only a second he could have sworn but it must have been long enough because he was suddenly rocked off balance.

What felt like a small boulder rammed into his chest knocking him on his back, his breath whooshing out of him as his eyes snapped open.

A soft squeak was heard as the pair landed. Cap looked down and saw a mass of blond curls on his chest and two small hands gripping his shirt. The head of the stranger lifted, shock covering their face as blue oceans meet green seas.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," The young woman chocked out her face a bright red as she scrambled off a blushing Steve. "I was just in the zone running after my dog and didn't even notice you were in the way, are you alright?" She took his hand and hoisted him off the ground making his eyes widen in shock at her strength. He took notice then to the large Rottweiler who sat obediently near them, head tilted to the side as it studied the humans.

"Did you hit your head, oh my god your concussed. I gave you a concussion." Her voice was frantic as she took his frozen face in her hands examining him. Steve suddenly gained his bearings, the woman in front of him had to be some sort of goddess. He'd never seen a girl like her.

"No-No I'm alright," Steve scolded himself for stuttering in front of the gorgeous blond. "Are you ok?"

She let out a short laugh giving him a large smile that momentarily took his breath away. "I just bulldozed you to the ground and you're asking if I'm ok?"

"Yes?" his answer came out more like a question then an answer earning him another laugh.

"I'm perfectly fine, you broke my fall," she reassured sounding almost like she was teasing him.

Steve raked his brain for something witty to say, god he wished he was tony right now. He'd have already secured a date with the woman. But sadly, he was Steve, a man out of his time who lacked any experience with a normal woman. He was fucked.

"Well I'm sorry about...all that," She said waving her hand before gathering the leash that hung from the large dog.

"It alright, honestly," Steve stated reassuringly. "Nothing I couldn't take,"

The blonde looked him up and down with a slight smirk. "I don't doubt that," His eyes widened at her boldness but he covered it quickly, unable though to hide his red cheeks.

"I'm Charlie," She stated sticking out her hand that wasn't occupied with the leash.

"Steve," He took her hand shaking it gently before turning to the dog. "And who might this be?"

"This is Princess," Charlie stated proudly, giving the dog a quick scratch behind the ear. "Princess shake," she said sweetly to the dog who held its paw out to Steve. He bent down and took the dogs paw shaking it, listening to the girl giggle softly next to him.

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