Chapter 4

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Walking through the park with Charlie gave Steve a sense of peace he hadn't felt in years. His eyes still scanned for danger but he wasn't tensed ready for a fight. Being with this girl felt easy almost like breathing.

"You know what's crazy?" Charlie said as she looked up at him.


"After I heard about the attack on New York I thought central park would surely be ruined but it happened to be one of the only placed left completely untouched." Shew said happily. "I can't imagine this place not being around,"

"Ya," Steve said in agreement but his mind was suddenly somewhere else. Memories of Loki's army flooded his brain. It reminded him that the girl in front of him knew nothing about him being Captain America. Was it selfish to not tell her before they got more involved? The answer was more than likely yes. He would have to tell her at one point, the danger around him was always present.

"Steve?" Charlie said softly her tone concerned. "Are you alright," She had let go of his arm and was now stopped in front of him. Princess healed at his side never tugging on her leash.

"Ya, I'm alright Doll," He said snapping out of it quickly. Pushing the dark clouds away he focused on the bright sun that seemed to shine up at him taking away the shadows.

"OK," she said before taking his free hand tugging him along. "I want to show you this spot I found the other day, it's a bit farther but its-" Charlie was cut off by her phone ringing, looking down she noticed it was her father. She groaned before looking at Steve apologetically.

"it's my dad, one second," He smiled letting her know it was fine.

"Hello?" She said letting her annoyance be heard. "Yes, I'm still coming... no...yes...I don't know...ok...yes...fine...fine...Dad are you done?" she paused again running a hand through her hair. "I swear to god if you do I will take a torch to your cars...ok maybe I will just forget to show up to the party...that's what I thought," her face became smug as Steve became more and more confused. "I will see you you too bye," hanging up she looked at Steve.

"I'm sorry my father can be a bit ridiculous sometimes,"

"So, you were going to set his cars on fire?" Steve questioned not able to tell if she was serious or not about it.

"No...well not if he followed the rules," she said of handedly.


"He's not allowed to look up my dates or interrogate them till at least the fifth date," She said matter of fact before letting a sigh of annoyance out. "He somehow found out I was on a date and likes to sabotage them because he wants me to die alone," she pouted up at Steve making his heart melt for a moment at the cuteness that was her face.

"I'm sure he's just looking out for his daughter," Steve said grinning at her watching as she rolled her eyes.

"Ya say that now but wait till you meet him and he threatens to make you disappear. Won't be so sweet then," Steve couldn't help the laugh that left him. He had never meet anyone's father. Though he wondered how one would react if they found out their daughter was dating Captain America.

"Well I look forward to making it far enough to even be considered for interrogation"

The smile that lit up her face was giddy as she shyly looked down while biting her lip. She tried to hide just how happy his words had made her, or at least try to hide the blush that covered her cheeks.

"Me too," was all she got out before resuming their journey to her special spot, which Steve soon found out was off the side walk and up a dirt path. Charlie walked forward confidently before taking a turn in the trees and off the path.

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