Chapter 7

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Charlie walked to the front door of the tower which was open quickly by Happy who gave her one of his rare smiles. Princess stood patently next to her on her leash.

"Miss Charlotte," Happy greeted he but was given a swift hug. "Princess," He said to the dog giving her a soft pat.

"Hi Happy," she said back with a grin. "You here to take me to my dad?"

"Yes ma'am," nodding she followed him to the elevator and watched as he swiped his key card before they finally started moving up to one of the upper levels. "Your father is very happy that you're here, and I think it would be good for him if you decided to say,"

"Did he tell you to say that?" Charlie questioned with a raised brow.

"...Yes," Happy said knowing that she would catch him if he chose to lie. "But it doesn't mean that I don't agree with it. He worries about you Charlotte,"

"He's the one flying around in an iron suit fighting bad guys, shouldn't I be the one worrying,"

"He's your father it's his job to worry about you,"

The elevator came to a stop and let the three of them out being greeted by her father who stood in front of it.

"There's my girl," Tony said with a grin opening his arms for her to launch herself in them. She did swiftly while he spun her softly. She was a daddy's girl through and through no matter what. Her mother was absent most her life and only ever used her for money and fame. It put quite the damper on their relationship.

"Hi Daddy," She said with a big smile.

"And you brought my furry grandchild," Tony wasn't partial to pets but the large dog had found a place in his heart. Leaning down he pet the dog behind the ear before looking back up at Charlotte.

"You ready to meet Dr. Banner?"

"Yes! I want to ask him some questions concerning my research on gamma radiation,"

"Well I'm sure he will be more than happy to answer them," the pair walked into the lab to find Bruce looking over some papers that had started to accumulate on his desk. Looking up he took notice to the girl. He had seen pictures of Tony's daughter before but they truly did not do her beauty justice. She hadn't talked yet but he could only assume she would be just like her father.

"Charlotte, Dr. Bruce Banner," Tony introduced them watching as his daughter looked to be trying to not lose her cool in front of one of her science idols.

"Hi," she said shyly. "I'm a huge fan of your work Dr. Banner it's an honor to meet you. I actually wrote my doctoral thesis over your study of gamma radiation when I was at Harvard,"

"Did the thesis also include the Hulk in it?" Bruce asked curiously.

"Nope, why?" She stated with a tilt of her head.

"Just curious," he said shrugging before turning to Tony.

"So, what's on the agenda,"

"Agenda, psh who said anything about an agenda," Tony said with a wave of his hand while Charlotte and Bruce shared a look. Tony broke under their gaze. "Fine maybe there is an agenda,"

"So, what's up first," 

"First, I will let your geek out in here for a while and then we will be moving to my lab so that you can see all my suits and then at the end I have a surprise for you,"

"oooh a surprise, what kind of surprise,"

"One that you will hopefully like,"

The three continued to discuss every science question that had been burning on Charlottes mind. Bruce was incredible impressed with her vast knowledge and how she easily kept up with both him and Tony.

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