Chapter 5

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Tony ran around the compound looking for Bruce so that he could confirm that he would be free this afternoon to hang out with Charlotte and let her geek out to her little heart's desire. It warmed him that his own daughter was as brilliant if not more than him. She was everything Tony dreamed she would be and more. He wanted nothing but happiness for his little girl.

But right now, she was on a date and that was not in his agenda.

Yes, she was 25 and yes, she has had boyfriends but that did not mean he was happy about it. Every single one seemed to fail his basic tests. Either they weren't smart enough, not kind, lacked initiative, or they just weren't right for his princess. Yes, his standards were miles high but they weren't impossible, at least he didn't think so.

Tony found out this morning about her date when one of his many many friends asked why Charlotte was having coffee with an unknown man. Obviously being the respectful father he was he called her to confirm.

"Hello?" Charlotte answered the phone after a few rings annoyance filling her tone.

"Hello, my wonderful daughter, are you busy?"

. "Yes," was her short answer making him think she was not alone.

"Well I just wanted to make sure that you weren't ditching out on me today,"

"I'm still coming"

"wonderful also would you like to hear something interesting I heard today,"


"Well I'll tell you anyway, it seems someone saw you at a coffee shop and said you were on a date is that true?"

The line was quiet for a moment till he heard a sigh. Charlotte was never one to lie to her father and she wasn't going to start knowing.


"Do I know him,"

"I don't know"

"well I want to meet him at one point," he waited for her to deny him or at least say that it wouldn't happen anytime soon but was shocked by her answer.


"So, I can meet him soon?"


"Well then, he better be pretty great, make sure he is well prepped to be with a Stark,"


"And smart, he needs to be smart," he heard her let out a loud sigh. Obviously impatient to get off the phone.


"Are you going to continue to one work answer me?"

"Dad are you done?"

"No, I also need his full name and social if you can get that," Tony was only half way joking when he said this and his daughter knew him well enough to know what he was doing. "Just want to get to know him before I meet him,"

"I swear to god if you do I will take a torch to your cars" he laughed a bit at her reply but he knew she would hold to her threat if he pushed her enough

"I can buy more Princess we are rich,"

"ok maybe I will just forget to show up to the party"

"Wow there not let's not get out of hand," Tony had spent too much time planning and was too excited to let that happen. After pushing for months, she had now finally agreed to meet them.

"that's what I thought," Her voice was smug and even if he couldn't see her he knew she was smirking.

"I will see you then,"

"Alright I love you," Tony finished as he walked into the lab walking towards Bruce who was hunched over a large pile of papers.

"love you too bye," Charlotte said quickly before hanging up making him huff at not getting her full attention.

"Why are you pouting," Bruce said once he took notice to the man in front of him.

"My daughter is currently on a date," the word date came out sounding like an evil word as he glared at the wall. "And she won't tell me the guy's name without threatening me,"

"Hm," Bruce made a noise while letting out a small laugh. "She sounds stubborn like you,"

"She is," Tony said it almost proudly before turning on Bruce. "You still on for meeting her this afternoon?" It was said as a question but it came out almost as a demand making Bruce chuckle.

"Yes, my schedule is all clear,"

"Good, just checking. I'll let you get back to...that," Tony said gesturing to his pile of papers before exiting the room.

Walking into his office he got to his computer.

"Jarvis, I need some help finding the guy Charlotte is on a date with,"

"Have they been on their fifth date yet?" Jarvis inquired automatically.

"Well no,"

"Then I am required to deny this request,"

"Override then,"

"I am sorry sir the system is unable to override,"

"What the hell," tony said in confusion. He couldn't remember ever making that a demand for Jarvis. "Who made this a rule,"

"Ms. Charlotte," Jarvis said making Tony groan. He had taught her everything he knew about computers and if there was one thing charlotte was good at was setting up fire walls that even Tony could not get past.

"Well I guess I'll just have to wait," Tony mumbled to himself with a pout. "I hate waiting."


Hope y'all liked it!




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