Chapter 2

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This was new and different and everything Steve could have ever asked for at a time like this. Because he was a man out of his time but she made him feel like all that didn't matter. That all that mattered was who he was now, in this time. She had a light that seemed to surround her that made any dark thought cower away in fear. Just her voice seemed to drag Steve back to the present when his mind had crawled so far back in the past.

Shaking his head Steve let a bitter laugh leave him. They'd only meet yesterday and she was still the only thing that seemed to occupy his mind. He wasn't even sure he'd ever hear from her again, she might not ever even call him. Lying on his bed he closed his eyes he rubbed a hand down his face.

"Get it together Rodgers," he mumbled staring up at the ceiling. It wasn't a moment after that a soft ping came from his phone making him snap his eyes open. Wrestling around his bed he found his phone.

Training new recruits 6 am

From Natasha Romanoff

With a groan, he tossed his phone back down. Charlie was beautiful, kind, extremely intelligent and most likely someone who would never call him.

His phone rang again, rolling his eyes he picked it up not bothering to see the name assuming it was Natasha again.

"Hello," He said with a sigh. A soft laugh could be heard from the other side of the phone making him snap up.

"Wow don't sound so excited that I called," Charlie teased with a smile Steve could only imagine at the moment.

"I'm sorry I thought it was one of my co-workers calling to pester me," Steve said quickly trying to excuse himself. She giggled making him let a relieved breath out.

"Its ok, I was just calling to see if you maybe wanted to go get coffee with me tomorrow morning. Maybe walk through the park and not knock each other down for a change," the smile on his face was so large he was sure that he might split in two.

"I'd love to," He tried to contain some of his excitement so he didn't sound too eager but it still slipped in. But who could blame him, the girl he couldn't get off his mind actually wanted to see him again.

"Ok how about 8:30?" that was perfect training the new recruits wouldn't take more than two hours that gave him 30 minutes to run back to his room shower and be out the door. Stark wanted them all in the conference room at noon to discuss his daughter's visit and some new rules that would be put in place when she arrived.

"Sounds great, same shop as last time?"

"Ya, unless you have a different place in mind?" she asked curiously.

"None that I can think of,"

" was your day?" she asked almost shyly. He was just happy she still wanted to talk to him because the thought of her hanging up made his stomach twist. This wasn't normal, you're not supposed to like someone this quickly after meeting them. The logical side of Steve told him to slow down and not get attached because there was no way to know if she would even want him after she really got to know him. Shaking that thought out of his head Steve replied.

"It was pretty boring to be honest with you...just meetings and I went to the gym," it wasn't a lie, he did have to do mission debriefs and training today was not something he would consider fun.

"Hm that does sound boring," she teased back.

"Well hopefully your day was better,"

"ugh hardly," she groaned, you could hear a bed shifting like she threw herself back on it. He gave a hum to show he was listening. "My dad is absolutely ridiculous, I haven't lived with him since I was 20 and he's making all these wild rules. I forgot how over bearing he can be at times,"

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