Chapter 8

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"Ok Capsicle what do you need?" Tony said as soon as he walked into the common room to see Steve pacing around the kitchen.

"How do I know when to text a girl," Steve asked getting straight to the point. "I just want to know how her day is going, I don't have any reason to really talk to her but I just want to, but I don't want to come off as to clingy." Tony watched as he continued to ramble completely out of character. "But I just want to talk to her all the time,"

"You got it bad Cap," was all that Tony said at first cracking a smile watching as Steve gave him a glare.

"Tony I'm serious, this girl she's..." Steve tried to find the words to describe Charlie. "she's special,"

"Well how long ago did you talk to her,"

"About three hours ago," Steve replied quickly.

"three hours ago, and you're already trying to contact her, Cap you got to leave some mystery,"

"what?" From what Steve knew about woman, which admittedly was not a lot, they liked attention. Shit Charlie had even admitted to liking it so why would this be a bad thing.

"Steve if you go to hard in the beginning then what's left after that? The romance and the fire it all fizzles out," Tony sounded like he was confident but Steve decided in that moment that maybe he wasn't actually the best option for this when it came to asking for help. "Girls like a little mystery, got to play a little hard to get or they lose interest,"

Steve looked away now deep in thought unsure of what to do now. He was torn, on one hand Tony had a lot more experience with woman but on the other his gut was telling him to just follow his heart and talk to Charlie every second of the day.

"Thanks for the advice Tony," Steve said as he made up his mind, walking back to his room he grabbed his phone and scrolled through the contacts he found her name and pressed on it.

The phone dialed for a moment as he waited for her to answer. A moment later and her voice came through.


"Hey," Steve said with a content sign as he settled himself on his couch. "I have a question,"


"Do we talk too much? I mean to each other; do we talk to each other to much? It's just I was talking to a friend about you- it wasn't anything bad but really what is there to say about you that is bad. Your amazing. Besides the point though. I just was talking to a friend and he said that if I kept trying to talk to you that you would get bored because there was no mystery and I just don't know if I can pull of the whole mysterious thing- "

"Steve?" Charlie said his name stopping his talking for a moment.

"And I really like you Charlie, a lot and if you want mystery I can try bu-"


"Ya?" He said breathlessly after talking so quickly for so long.

"I don't want mysterious," She said softly. He couldn't see it but she was smiling at the phone. "I like you the way you are. Probably more then I should for only having meet you so recently, but the point I'm making is that I like that you want to talk to me. Your kind and funny and I don't know it's just feels like breathing when I'm talking to you. So as long as you like it too I think were alright,"

"No mystery?" Steve questioned one last time not able to stop the large grin that covered his face.

"No mystery." She echoed listening to his loud sigh of relief.

"That's a relief,"

"Glad to hear," Her giggle came through the phone dancing to his ears. With a large grin on his face he leaned back on his couch to get more comfortable.

"So how did your day with your dad go?" Steve asked while settling himself for a hopefully a long conversation.

"Good I meet one of his co- workers-" Charlie continued to talk about her day for another ten minutes while Steve interjected a random comment here and there. Just like the nights before the two talked for a few hours till a knock came to Steve's door.

"Hey, I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow,"

"12, my hotel, don't be late," Charlie replied happily as Steve said bye one more time before getting up to go check his door. Pulling it open his eyes fell to Natasha who was leaning against the wall casually.

"Cap," Nat said greeting him. "Tony ordered us take out, you coming?"

"Ya, I'll be up in a minute," He said with a nod getting ready to close his door.

"Were you talking to your girl?" The red head asked with a smirk.

"I don't see how that's any of your business if I was,"

The spy gave a shrug before turning around and walking back towards the elevator she came off of.

"I'm happy for you Steve," She said giving him one of her rare smiles. "Charlie seems...nice"

"She is," He said with a small smile of his own as he thought of her. His head though snapped up as he realized what she said. "Wait how do you know her name,"

Natasha threw him a mischievous wink before the elevator closed making him shake his head. Meddling spy's the lot of them.


hope y'all enjoy 




Beautiful Ignoranceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें