Chapter 9

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Walking towards the hotel with a bag of snacks that he had just bought from the convenience store that he had come across on the way, Steve took a deep breath. He didn't know what he even thought would happen today other than watching movies but he was out of his time, the jokes the team kept making about Netflix and chill had gotten to him. What was he even walking into.

Pushing the door open he walked in, now noticing just how nice the hotel was. A fountain in the middle that had a large statue in the center was the focus of the room. The front desk was to his right and the elevators were to his left. Charlie had texted him her floor and room number an hour ago so that she wouldn't have to come down. Making his way to the elevator he noticed the stares he was getting and instantly regretted not wearing a hat or glasses to at least slow people from recognizing him. He actually was happy that his girl was feeling lazy today. Speaking of his girl, he needed to ask her if she would be just that, his. He had thought about it all night and realized that he shouldn't be holding back what he wanted because of time. Time had never been kind to him so why should he take it into consideration at this point.

Stepping off the elevator and walking down the hall, Steve took a deep once he stopped in front of the door that said 1092. Raising his hand, he went to knock but was interrupted by Charlie swinging the door open. She had it slightly open with her foot pushed back trying to ward off Princess who was eagerly trying to get to Steve.

"She lost her shit about 15 seconds ago so I knew you were on the floor," Charlie said with a grin while Steve walked into the room. It was huge with a large bed on one side and a big plush couch that sat in front of a tv. DVDs were laid out on the coffee table in front of it. Steve placed his bag of snacks on the counter before turning back to Charlie.

"I grabbed a bunch of different snacks, I wasn't really sure what you liked," He said while rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit he was never able to kick. Charlie seemed to take notice to his nerves because she gave him a sweet smile before stepping closer while wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'm sure ill like whatever you got for us," She reassured before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. He was quick to place his own on her hips while pulling her closer. The kiss was quick but still left Steve slightly dazed. Princess gave an impatient whine demanding their attention. The pair broke apart to look at the large dog who looked up at them with her big eyes begging for attention. Steve easily feel for her tricks and knelt down to pet her only to be tackled onto his back by the pup and attacked with love.

"Aw looks like I wasn't the only one who wanted kisses," Charlie said with a giggle while she watched him laugh freely while trying to sit up. "Princess down," the dog instantly was off and walking towards the bed where she jumped on it, she was turned to stare at the pair. Seeming to watch their every move ready to pounce if the opportunity arose again.

"You ready to watch some Twilight?" Charlie said as she took Steve's arm and helped him get to his feet, much to his surprise.

"I guess, but I talked to a few of my friends and was informed that I would hate them all,"

"Well they may be right but its mandatory for every person to at least sit through the series once, it's almost unamerican to not,"

"And we would hate for that," Steve said laughing slightly harder than needed, though she wasn't aware that he was an American symbol, her words still amused him.

"Exactly so sit while I get the movies set up," she said while pushing him towards the large couch. He sat in the middle slightly stiff as he watched her fiddle with a DVD player before the screen lit up. Turning she grabbed a large blanket off of the bed before she plopped herself next to him. Grabbing his arm, she lifted it so that she could snuggle into his chest. He was glad that she initiated the move because he wasn't sure he would have been able to.

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