Chapter 6

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Steve walked Charlie and Princess back to the hotel she was currently staying at. Making their way to the front door Steve looked at his watch and noticed that it was 12:15. He had 15 minutes to get back to the coffee shop grab his bike and make it back to the tower. If he ran he might just make it on time for the meeting at 12:30.

"I had a lot of fun today," Charlie said when they finally stopped at the door standing slightly off to the side so that they weren't in anyone's way.

"I did too," Steve stated with a large grin. He found himself smiling the whole day. Normally he would be stuck thinking about his past and little things that would put a damper on his mood, but today was different. Today all he could think about was the energetic blonde in front of him that stole all of his attention.

"I'd ask you to come in but you have that meeting," Charlie said almost shyly as she looked away with a light blush on her cheeks.

"I'd say yes too if I didn't have it," He said making her grin widely up at him. Standing on her tippy toes she placed a hand on his cheek while giving him a soft kiss. She planned for it to be short but Steve placed a hand on her waist while pulling her closer to his body. Tilting her head to the side she deepened the kiss while brushing her tongue over his bottom lip. They both pulled away after a moment breathless.

"You sure you have to go to that meeting," Charlie joked as they stood only inches apart.

"I could be convinced to skip it," Steve replied without thought earning him a laugh from Charlie.

"mh your bad," she teased before leaning up and giving him one more kiss. "Bye Steve," Charlie said as she back up towards the door.

"Bye Charlie," The large smile on his face stayed as he watched her walk in the building turning on his heals he walked down the street back to the shop with a new skip in his step that made it hard to actually be worried about the meeting. Making it to the coffee shop he got on his bike at 12:25.

Zipping through traffic he made it to the tower and jogged inside to the meeting room. He made it there only 3 minutes late. If he was lucky he might actually not catch any shit for being late. He was always punctual so maybe no one would notice.

They noticed.

As soon as he entered the room all eyes were on him.

"Nice of you to join us Cap," Tony said slightly annoyed. This meeting was important, well at least to him it was.

"Sorry," Was all he got in reply, Steve didn't want to explain he was late because he was so caught up in his girl. His girl? They had one date, Charlie wasn't his yet. Yet being the key word, because if Steve had it his way then she would be his girlfriend in the next coming weeks.

"And where were you," Natasha asked, though she knew the answer seeing as she had stalked the couple for a better part of their date for entertainment.

"Out," was his clipped reply catching the rest of the team's attention.

"and what does out mean?" Clint questioned now curious.

"He was on a date, coffee and a walk. Old man stuff, now can we get back to the important matter here," Tony said irritated that no one was taking his meeting seriously. Though he would admit he was pretty curious about how the date went.

"Wait Cap was on a date? With who?" Clint said excitedly. He and Natasha had been scheming to get him a girl for the last month with no such luck.

"he won't tell us," Natasha said watching him with a tilt of her head like she was trying to get him to crack.

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