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Wednesday, August 22nd
{Mia's P.O.V.}

11:34 am

"Mia! Mia, seriously wake up!" I faintly hear a voice say. After rolling over onto my side, I feel a hand violently shake my arm.

Jolting up, I place a finger on my temple and groan. My head is pounding.

In front of me stands Tara, one of my sorority sisters. She crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at me.

"Mia. It's rush week, you should be up by now!" She yells. I put a finger to my lips and lay my head back down.

Rush week is when all the big sisters and brothers in sororities and fraternities hand out bids to new students on campus.

It's fucking exhausting.

If I'd know that being in a sorority meant having to survive rush week once a year, I never would've joined Sigma Pi two years ago.

We've been partying all week to catch potential fraters' attention. I don't sleep, barely eat, and drink way too much. My parents must be so proud.

"Five more minutes." I groan, placing a pillow on top of my head. Tara rips the pillow away from me and pulls on my arm.

"Mia get up!" She growls. By the third tug, she finally has me on the floor, groaning about how hard the fall was.

After picking myself up onto my feet, I rub my hand over the spot where I fell on my ass.

That's gonna leave a bruise.

"You're such a bitch." I mutter as I pad over to my vanity, examining my face in the mirror.

"I can't let you sleep! You're the most valuable sister we have here!" She says as she takes a seat on my bed.

I roll my eyes and turn towards her.

"You're such a liar." I laugh, taking a seat in my vanity chair.

"Mia, we've had 10 girls accept our bids because of you. People like you!" She throws her hands up into the air, as if I should know this.

"Oh yeah, I bet it's all because of me." I say sarcastically. "Now get out of my room."

She huffs and rolls her eyes. "Be ready in 45 minutes." She demands before walking out of my room.

I quickly remove last nights makeup and apply a fresh coat of foundation to my face.

My skin must hate me right now.

Once my makeup is on and looks kind of decent, I curl my hair and quickly slip into a white crop top and teal blue Juicy Couture shorts.

"Mia!" Tara calls from downstairs. I ignore her and check the mirror one last time, adding final touches to my hair and makeup before sliding my pair of Adidas Tubulars.

"Mia!" Tara calls again, sounding more annoyed.

"Coming!" I say sweetly as I shut the door to my bedroom. She rolls her eyes as I smile at her and prance down the sorority steps.

Noticing the awkward silence, I look around and then look back at Tara.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, walking into the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

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