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Friday, September 7th
{Mia's P.O.V.}

7:49 pm

"What time do we need to be there?" I ask Jazmin as I apply a small amount of blush to my cheeks.

"8 sharp. Grayson said to meet him by the stairs." She steps into a pair of black vans and readjusts her messy bun in the mirror.

Jazmin started talking to Grayson a few days ago when they bumped into each other after a class.

She immediately thought he was Ethan and almost clawed his eyes out before realizing he was a completely different person.

They've moved past that though.

I hop up from my vanity chair and look myself up and down. My look for tonight was pretty simple. Ripped, black high waisted jeans and a loose white tee.

"We better get going now then." I reply, slipping into a pair of checkered vans.

There was a huge party tonight at Phi Kappa, almost everyone in the Greek community was going to be there.

I haven't talked to Ethan since the night of our first date. Our walk to the house is silent and I find myself growing nervous about seeing him there.

Every part of me can't stand him, but I can't get him off of my mind either.

Jazmin notices me rubbing my wrist lightly when we reach the door. "Mia have fun and let loose. Don't let him stop you from that."

I nod and follow her lead as she opens the door, sliding past groups of people to reach the main staircase.

"Hey ladies!" Grayson yells, waving his hands towards the right, gesturing for us to head that direction.

He sits us down on a couch where he and a few others are sitting. I recognize Jack, but there are a few people I haven't met before, including a girl who Ethan has his arm wrapped around.

It's been a little over week and he's already moved onto the next victim. Classic.

"Are you going to sit?" Ethan asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Oh uh, yeah." I stutter, taking a seat next to Jazmin.

"I'm Hayden." A guy with sandy blonde hair says, introducing himself. "And this is Isaac." He points to the guy sitting next to him.

"We were all in the middle of truth or dare. You guys can join in if you want." Grayson informs us, taking a sip from the red solo cup in his hand.

Jazmin automatically jumps in, leaving the attention on me. "No thanks, I'll just watch for now." I lean back into the couch cushions and cross my arms.

"Don't be a pussy. You're at a party." Ethan rolls his eyes and the girl next to him chuckles.

"Ethan, don't be like that." Grayson says through his teeth. Ethan shrugs and looks back at me.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." I mumble, picking myself up from the couch. Jazmin grabs my hand before I have the chance to leave.

"Hey, bring me something please? And when you get back, you're playing this game." I flash a small smile and nod before she lets go.

I make my way through the crowds of people and reach the kitchen, searching through the fridge for anything but beer.

Not having any luck, I sigh and lean myself up against a counter, pulling out my phone to keep myself busy for a few minutes.

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