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{mia's p.o.v.}
same day

ethan pulls into a fancy looking restaurant right outside of LA. i feel my face fall, frowning due to the fact that i was in no way dressed for a place like this. "ethan, what the hell?"

"what? i always pick the nicest places." he winks as his hand finds the small of my back as he guided us inside.

the host looked at me with a smirk on his face before checking me out, i laughed to myself at the gesture as ethan cleared his throat to get his attention.

"reservation for dolan," he growls.

the host nods before picking up a couple of menus, "right this way." the restaurant was beautiful, i couldn't help but stare at everything in awe as the host led us to an outdoor patio.

"i got one of the good tables," ethan whispers close to my ear, raising a few goosebumps on my arm. the host tried to pull out my chair and seat me, but ethan shot him down with a quick glare.

i tried to hide how amused i was, but i doubt it was working.

"your waitress should be with you shortly," the host informs us before walking away. as he did so ethan had no problem throwing daggers into his back.

i opened my menu and quickly scanned the drinks, after making a selection the waitress came over and took our orders.

"ethan, the cheapest meal here is $20," i say, frowning at him once again. "i don't even know what most of this is."

all i was wanting at the moment was a few chicken tenders and fries, all drowned in ketchup. i wasn't in the mood to try and decipher what the hell i would be ordering and if i would even like it.

he moves his chair closer to mine with a smile on his face, placing his arm around my shoulder as he began to read off the entrees.

i was shocked at how everything began to role off of his tongue, never would i have taken him as a man who knows italian. i look at him and scrunch my face up, causing him to laugh. "what, i've taken italian for a few years," he informs me with a beaming smile.

he continued to read to me and oh boy was i getting hot. the way it seemed to roll off of his tongue perfectly and the smell of his cologne was enough to make my control go overboard.

his hand moved to my leg and i pushed my chair back, excusing myself to the bathroom. i took a few deep breaths and fanned my face, trying to cool myself off.

the more time i spend with him the more and more attractive he gets to me. and he shouldn't!! i shouldn't be attractive to him, he's a douche. and he annoys the absolute shit out of me any chance he gets.

but he's also good looking, has a beautiful smile, and he's a great kisser.

oh god what am i even saying.

i take a deep breath and rejoin him at the table. he smiles at me and i try to regain my composure throughout the rest of the meal.


his thumb draws circles on my thigh and i try not to show my disappointment when we pass by the UCLA campus.

"so, i had a good time," i say. i did. i feel like i know him differently now. before he was just a douche-y boy i met at a frat party, a boy who only wanted to get into my pants.

but after today i can feel a change in him, almost like he let me see a different side of him.

"i did too," he says with a small smile. he turns his body to face mine. "so i'll uh, see you tomorrow," i mumble.

i don't know whether or not i should be kissing him or getting out of his car. i feel a sense of relief though when his hand meets the side of my cheek, pulling me closer to him.

at first the kiss was simple, us leaning over the divider for a quick peck before i got out of the car.

but of course, nothing was ever that simple and my body was wanting more and more of him.

i feel ethan pull on my arm, clueing me in that he wants me to climb over the divider, so naturally i do and find myself straddling his lap.

his hand moves to recline the seat, allowing for a little more room in the now claustrophobic feeling car. as uncomfortable as i am at the moment, i couldn't care less just to be this close to him. my hand nestle themselves into his hair, tugging slightly which makes him groan.

we're interrupted by the ringing of my phone, making us stop what we're doing as i try and dig through my bag to stop it.

"who is it?" ethan asks, trying to catch a glance at the screen. "jack," i tell him, quickly hitting the power button to stop the ringing.

i ignore the change of ethan's facial expression as i throw my phone into the passenger seat and lean back in. he pulls away.

"i think you should get out now," ethan says as he clears his throat. his face is ice cold and i roll my eyes as i pick myself off of his body.

i know that he's jealous of jack and i's friendship, but this is ridiculous. i mean good god, you're gonna let one phone call ruin the mood of a day that's actually been pretty pleasant so far?

"uhh okay," i begin to say as i place myself in the passenger seat. "if he really makes you so uncomfortable i can just tell him that we've got something going on."

"huh?" he asks me, "what's going on?" i frown at him and feel my face heating up. "whatever the hell we've been doing all day!" i say, feeling the rage build up in my voice.

"i really don't know what you're talking about, i'm just having fun." okay, that's it. i'm gonna lose it.

"oh my god! you're the most confusing person on planet earth." my voice came out close to a whisper, making me even more upset because i couldn't even let my anger be known with him.

then, he laughs. this mother fucker is laughing at me! days after telling me he "wants me" and just a couple of hours after having his tongue down my throat before speaking italian to me, he wants to act like all of this is some kind of joke.

"you're gross," i growl, grabbing my stuff. he look at me like he's going to respond, but he takes too long and i've already slammed his car door shut.

"mia! come on!" he says after unrolling his car window.

"stay away from me," i scream at him before turning and walking towards the sorority house, "i mean it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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