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Credit to Anon Artist

Boss~NCT U

Y/N's pov

After the war was temporarily stopped  as
Megatron disappeared possibly living in exile or secretly planning another war and so did Starscream along with the rest of the Decepticons.

With all my strength, I fiercely ripped off the Decepticon Insignia on my right arm. It was finally over, Autobots had won this battle. My friends and I no longer had to infiltrate and spy on the Decepticons.

I watched Knockout not far from me, he was with the Autobots now. Should I go and confess? Its now or never...

Mercedez and Snow stood not far from me, smiling.

Taking a deep breath, as the group Autobots began to disperse from a meeting and leave, I slowly made my way toward Knockout.

I was about to say something but then...

"I was just going to look for you." Began Knockout

I tried not to blush, some of the Autobots were there to see what is about to happen but they probably won't mind.

"Y/N, I have something to tell you." He began.

"What is it Knockout?"

"I have a confession to make: To be honest, I've had a crush on you since we met, it was during the accident. You might not remember much... You are the smartest and most kind leader for us all and the bravest warrior I have ever seen in battle. " He compliments me.

"Knockout....You remind me of someone, I feel the same, its true I have feelings for you." I replied, looking away.

"Same thing goes for you. However, there is something I want to tell you..." he began.

"What is it?!" I asked.

"I am "Bloodrust", it was a disguised name, I felt guilty after what the Decepticon soldiers did and secretly helped you, as a double agent. To pay up for what happened, I wanted to rescue you and help you." He replied, looking down

"What?!" I asked and stared at him in shock.

I reached for him into a sudden hug.
He hugged me in return.

"I finally found you." I suddenly replied as I began to cry a little.

"Awwww." Gushed Smokescreen, who was standing not far from Knockout.

"I won't tell anyone." Buzzed Bumblebee in the background raising his servos.

"Yeah! You better not tell anyone!" Warned Mercedez.

"You really have other Alt forms?!" I asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah." With that said, Knockout quickly transformed into his old alt-form of a 2001 Buick Century Sedan, then he returned to Aston Martin, and then a shiny red Lamborghini.

He then transformed back.
"Now you believe me?!" He asked, smiling.

"Yeah." I breathed.

Knockout continued
"The past that I spent with the Decepticons is a terrible past, but I learned from it, however, the other past is what I shall treasure forever of the times you spent with me in America and in Asia. From now on, I will always be there for you, Firestar I will make sure no one dares to harm you. I will always be there if you need me."

"Thank you Ko." I Replied, smiling to myself.

"Where you go, I will follow, your excellency." Replied Knockout he says as he suddenly kneeled and bowed before me.

"Stand up, You will no longer be just a warrior, from this day forward, you will be my deputy, a commander." I announced suddenly.

He stood up, and he looks at me, waiting for new orders.

I suddenly grabbed him by the collar and kissed him roughly.

He then kissed me gently in return, we had to break apart just in case the others were watching.

The fake Decepticon Insignia I  had worn on my right shoulder was destroyed just now, however, the wound on my shoulder where I ripped it off began to burn.

It didn't take long for Knockout to notice the deep, dent-like wound.

Before Knockout could say anything, I spoke up quickly.

"I have something to admit too..... I was undercover as a spy among the Decepticons to report to the Autobots what they were doing." I breathed.

"I already knew that from the start," replied Knockout.

"Now that all this is hopefully over, I don't have to wear the fake insignia, it has left a huge wound when I ripped it off." I replied, sighing.

Knockout was not mad at all, in fact, he completely understood me.

"I understand, You did the right thing." Replied Knockout, he continued, "If only I had done the same thing before."

"You were really brave." He nods in agreement.

"I'm sorry." I began.

"Don't be."Replied Knockout, he kissed my faceplates softly.
"Do you have a med bay on your spaceship?" He asked.

"Of course!" I Replied, smiling.

Knockout kissed me again and followed me towards the spaceship.

We bid the Autobots of Team Prime farewell and we headed into the UFO Atmosphere.

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