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For better understanding of me as an author and the story. DONT SKIP THINGS IN BOLD.


Its been some time since me and mosey started taking our break. I miss the time we spent together and all but still he did me dirty. I decided that I need to start forgiving him. Today was the day that me, mosey, and Nikki were to settle our beef. It was about time because we were supposed to two weeks ago.

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Mosey🤐- Ima pick you up alright I'll be there in 5.

Me: ok

Mosey has turned 16. He didn't have a bday party or nothing. I wished him happy bday. He got a new car. He pulled and opened the car door for me, trying to be a gentlemen. " Hey" I said. " Look everything is gonna be alright and hopeful we can go back to the way we were when we were both happy." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

(P.S Gabby is now 15. Amira is the same age. Princeton is 17. Nahmir is the same age. Manny is 15.)

We pulled up to Nikki's house. Mosey knocked on the door. Nikki answered the door with sweatpants and a Calvin Klein bra on. "Oh hey mosey" she said ignoring me. We both walked in and sat on her couch. " Alright Nikki you need to stop terrorizing my girl because you want me. You know how I get when I'm drunk so you took advantage of me. I can't believe that you really did that and then tried to send a video to Amira, that's just plan dirty. I apologized for what I did and I will admit I could've said no and walked out but I didn't but you need to apologize to Amira for treating her like shit." Mosey said giving Nikki a stern look. She sighed." I'm sorry Amira". I looked at her. " Its ok". "It's just I've always been jealous of you because even when me and mosey were dating I knew he loved you more than anything. Constant texting, he even said your name while we were fucking" Nikki said. She began crying. " I was so damn angry because I had finally got what I had wanted and then here you go making him more happy then I ever could" she wiped her tears away. " I get it you guys are perfect together I'll leave you alone" She said. Mosey looked at me. I nodded knowing that he wanted to comfort her and I gave him permission. He hugged her" Nikki don't cry alright one day you'll find somebody that can treat you better than I ever did"He said. With that he got up and left to wait in the car. "I'm sorry I made your relationship that way. I know how that feels."I said. I hugged her. She hugged back. " Thanks for understanding" she said. I got up and left.


I had invited Amira to go to the movies with me. She said yes. We went to the movies and got some food after. " I still love you" I told her. " I love you too but don't go out here doing shit like that making me look like a fool having everyone know but me" she said."Alright I promise"I said. We went back to my place and chilled there. " Alright I gotta go" she said. "Wait don't leave spend the night you still got a bag over here." I said grabbing her arm. I turned her around and put her on top of me. I kissed her. She got changed and came back. I took my shirt off.She laid on me and we fell asleep like that.

Saturday morning

I wake up to Amira on her phone laying on my chest. I kissed her surprising her. " Hmm so you awake now" she said." Yeah how long have you been up " I said . " Bout ten minutes" she got up. I checked my phone 12 missed calls from 7 minutes ago. My ringer was off. It was Gabby. I called her back.



me : I was sleep bro

Gabby: Come to the hospital on Oak Avenue. Nahmir got shot

I hung up . I put my phone in my pocket. Amira was dressed. I quickly put a sweatshirt and some shorts on " Come on we gotta go to the hospital I'll explain in the car." I said grabbing my keys." Aight" She said. We both ran out the door.

Hey y'all I'm back. How y'all like this chapter? Anyways y'all I got another story called nerd please read it‼️ just click on my profile and it's there. How y'all think Nahmir got shot? Do y'all think Nikki was just faking? . Read my next chapter coming out today to find out. Don't forgot to follow me , vote my story, and comment what y'all think. Love y'all 💛

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