Chapter 1: gipsy danger's arrival

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Fury was sitting in his dorm room when herc hanson walked in as fury had left the door open
Fury: morning sir
Herc: at ease Fury im here to talk to about a couple of things
Fury: oh ok and whats that then
Herc: we have a mark 3 jeager coming this afternoon and she can do exactly what you and the others can do but as weve got no other rooms she is going to have to share with you
Fury: i dont mind sir but a couple of questions tho
Herc: ask away
Fury: ok well first how we going to share a dorm when there is only one bed
Herc: a bunk bed is on its way as we speak fury
Fury: oh ok secondly who is the mark 3 and who are her/ his pilots
Herc: funny thing actaully youve ran with them before only once but the mark 3 is gipsy danger and pilots are raleigh becket and mako mori
Fury: wait raleigh becket as in the becket brothers who piloted gipsy before the knifehead situation
Herc: yes fury that becket
Fury: holy sh...
Herc: fury!!
Fury: shit that is so cool and she is so beautiful and i said that aloud didnt i
Herc: yes fury you did
Fury: oh offline me now
Striker: that can be done
Fury: fuck off steve
Steve: what i tell you about that name
Fury: oh i dont know something about not to use it in the shatterdome
Steve : exactly !!
Herc: son i surguest you leave before i ground you
Steve: but dad he started it
Herc: and im finishing it and go to chuck he said something about basketball or something
Steve: ok im defo gone
Herc: now he's gone any more questions rhys
Fury: you did this on purpose didnt you
Herc: wha i would never
Fury: haha very fun but dont expect me to keep calm if striker tries anything when she gets here
Herc: i wont because she is early
Fury: oh great ill comm the jeagers
Fury: Hey jeagers gipsy danger is here and marshall want us all at the jeager bays in 10
Striker: defo on way to see this beautiful
Cherno: me on way comrade
Crim: already on route rhys
Fury: ok and cherno
Cherno: da
Fury: if striker makes a fool out of him self you have my permission to hit him
Striker: hey twat i can still her you
Fury: yep cherno i might join in
Cherno: me break striker arms
Striker : on your live
Fury: ok just get to the jeager bays now

10 minutes later
Herc: haha if it isnt mr raleigh becket and miss mori
Raleigh: glad to be here sir but erm weres the jeager
Herc: right here raleigh this is paltoon fury and this is there leader fury or better known as nightfury tempest
Fury: pleasure to meet you again raleigh and you too miss mori
Raleigh: i remember you already fury and are you the only one who is like gipsy
Fury: what both human and jeager
Raleigh: well yeah
Fury: aha no here is cherno alpha, crimson typhoon, and striker eureka
Raleigh: pleasure meet you all and here comes gipsy still in jeager form for some reason
Raleigh turn to his jeager
Raleigh: hey gips you can change forms you know
Gispy: no thanks because by the looks of it im the only jeager here
Fury: oh really gipsy well why dont i show you
They all watched as fury walked to the other side of the room and watch as his bones shattered, organs sqashed and muscle ripped as he turned from human to his jeager form which looks like gipsy but matte black and red when he finished his change he walk up to gipsy
Gipsy: no way your a human hybrid to
Fury: yes so are those three the one on the left is crimson typhoon, the one on the right is cherno alpha and the middle one is the striker eureka or also known as the biggest twat here
Herc: FURY!!
Fury: oh right sorry no bad words
Fury bowed his head alittle only to recive a little giggle from gipsy
Fury: did you just giggle
Gipsy: hmfpp no i dont giggle
Raleigh: yes you do you giggled when got slapped by mako, then we found you weak spot which you didnt stop giggling from for good hour
Gipsy: hey your surposed to love me becket
Raleigh: i do
Gipsy: oh really
Striker: i would lo...
Striker got cut of as cherno punch him in his right arm
Striker: owww what was that for
Cherno: the boss told me to hit you
Striker: so if he told you to jump of a cliff you would
Cherno: da
Striker: huh
Fury: that enough you too why dont you three have the afternoon off as i probably have to show gips round and that is ok to call you right
Gipsy look at fury and nodded shyly
Fury: ok and herc is she in my platoon
Herc: its up to her and her pilots fury
Fury: oh ok
Raleigh: well im defo in so is mako so its up to big metal fluffy ball to answer
Gipsy: dont make me kill you raleigh
Raleigh: you wouldnt kill me you love me to much
Gipsy: yeah yeah whatever becket
Fury: well youve been here before so ill show you to our room
Gipsy: our
Fury: ermm yeah we kinda have to share
Gipsy: thats fine as long as you dont try something
Fury: i swear on my metal and human bodys i would never touch you in that way
Gipsy: good mr fury
Fury: well right this way miss danger or should i say miss becket ahh i dont know im confused
Gipsy: gips will do fury
Fury: ok then right this way gips
Everyone watched as the two jeager switched from jeager to human as they walked
Herc: so how much we betting raleigh that gipsy is dating him by the next couple of weeks
Raleigh: 100
Herc: 100 sounds fair ill shake to that becket
Raleigh: good
Back with fury and gipsy they had just reached the dorm door and rhys let gipsy walk in and have a look around as he told he was nipping off somewhere but to return a moment later with her baggage for her human self
Gipsy: did you just go and fetch my baggage for me
Fury: erm yeah why
Gipsy: no one has ever gave me the welcone you have and have been so helpful as well
Fury blushed alittle at her comment
Fury: well i do try
Gipsy: erm fury or should call you something different
Fury: fury or parkerwhich even you want as one of my pilots is last name is parker 
Gipsy : ok ill call you both but we have a little problem
Fury: which is
Gipsy: there only one bed
Fury: bollocks herc said it would be here by now but looks like its not but dont worry you have the bed ill sleep on the floor
Gipsy: what no its your room you have the bed
Fury: gipsy dont make tie you to the bed
Gipsy: kinky much
Fury: oh for fucks sake not that way god your so like raleigh
Gipsy: i know isnt it great
Fury: at little yeah but im being serious gips ill have the floor the lady gets the bed
Gipsy: you sure
Fury: posative
Gipsy: ok then and what time is it
Fury: i dont know but im gonna hit the hay
Gipsy: what
Fury: it meant im going to sleep you should to
Gipsy: oh ok but erm i need to get changed
Fury: right do you want me to leave or just turn around amd face the wall
Gipsy: you can just look away i wont be long
Fury: you sure
Gipsy: yep
Fury: ok then
Fury turned to look at the wall as gipsy changed when she had fully change she told him he can turn around again when he did he was shocked to see gipsy in just a shirt and underwear he instantly closed his eyes
Gipsy: fury what you got your eyes closed for
Fury: you bottom half isnt covered
Gipsy: parker i know and i trust you enough to sleep like this
Fury: you sure you met me a couple of hour ago
Gipsy: im sure besides my pilots do the same so i probably picked up from them in the drift
Fury: oh well then good night gips
Gipsy: night parker
Fury: thats defo stuck there now isnt it
Gipsy: yeah it is
Fury: oh well see you either when a kaiju twats come or in the morning
Gipsy: yeah i guess we will see parker
The to teen jeager slowly drifted to sleep well gipsy did fury lay awake as he could not get comfortable on the floor
Gipsy: parker for fucks sake it hasnt even be 10 minutes and your in pain and please dont lie
Fury: fine i cant get comfortable
Gipsy: what do you suggest then
Fury: erm i dont know except for i lay on the bed and you sleep on top but its just a stupid thought which sounds like i wanna have sex with you
Gipsy: no its sounds ok so come on im tired now
Fury: if your sure
Gipsy: parker im sure god what you so worried about
Fury: raleigh
Gipsy: raleigh as in my pilot
Fury: yep you do realise that im currently sharing a bed with raleighs sister right
Gipsy: erm yeah and i dont care so sleep before i knock you out
Fury: i see where the danger comes from
Gipsy giggled and snuggled in fury chest as she finally fell asleep with fury not far behind her
To be continued
Well there is chapter one done so lets see how this fanfic goes but other that than ill see you's later

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