Chapter 13:final attack

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It had now been nearly four years since rees had been passed the title of marshall and rees's plan had been going nicely to point of where they were more than ready to attack the kaiju so rees ordered everyone to the jeager bay
Rees: thank you everyone for coming so quickly now onto more important things operation far cry is nearly apon us and we are more than ready to take the leap but i need to say a couple of things to you pilots and jeagers, so this could be our final days being alive and we have all progress to greater hights but this is our biggest challage yet amd i wont hold it against any of you who want to stay
Rees looked around the room and was quite surprised no one wanted to leave
Amara: no one is leave babe we are all in this together
Rees nodded and continued on
Rees: well we will open the breach at the old location at 0900 tomorrow and all jeager need to be well rested aswell as locked and loaded for it so we will run over the plan once more in the morning at 0700 is that ok with everyone
Rees looked at everyone in the jeager bay as they agreed
Rees: so all meet in LOCCENT in the morning now everyone go and get some rest
Raleigh: but im not tired yet
Rees: raleigh dont make me order you to
Yancy: i agree raleigh we all need to be on top of our game but one question rees
Rees: what up yance
Yancy: are tempest and eurunder in operation far cry
Rees sighed as he looked at his son talking with tempest and eurunder
(Btw raleigh and mako have had a daughter and she is a year younger than yancy jr which make her about 16 now as yancy jr is 17 and they get along quite well and her name is charlotte named after rees's sister)
Rees: yancy jr, charlotte, tempest and eurunder can you come here please
Yancy jr: what up dad
Rees: how would you and charlotte like to help mom and your uncle yancy in operation far cry
Yancy jr : id be happy to help dad
Charlotte: me to but we dont have jeagers
Rees: you will get one when we come back i promise but charlotte can you team with amara and yancy jr you join your uncle yancy
Yancy: the yancy duo is gonna kick ass
Rees: you watch him yancy thats my son
Amara: dont worry raleigh ill look after her
Raleigh: oh i trust you amara if she was piloting gipsy or fury id be a bit more worried
Gipsy: hey what that meant to mean
Raleigh: nothing
Rees: ok calm down you two so everyone get some rest and meet in LOCCENT in the morning
Everyone left to there room as amara walked up to rees as he puffed
Rees: hey babe
Amara: i see your taking the marshall thing very seriously im so proud of you
Rees: thanks i guess
Amara: what the matter rees
Rees: erm what nothing ok maybe there is something
Amara: come on tell me
Rees: ok dont laugh but im scared
Amara: why would i laugh at you rees im scared too
Rees: yeah i know i guess we all are but if this operation fails then i reflects back on me
Amara: it reflect on me too you know
Rees: it doesnt anymore
Amara: what why dont it, rees your my husband your problems are my problems and vise versa
Rees: god i see why i love you
Amara giggled and hugged rees
Amara: come on lets get some shut eye
So they left to there room justbas fury enetered through the other door so he wouldnt be noticed.
Fury stood in one of the big door ways that led out to the helipads and just stared out as he knew what tomorrow could bring but he fell asleep leaning against the door frame when morning came he was awoken by rees who handed him a coffee
Fury: oh erm morning marshall
Rees: rees fury just call me rees and morning
Fury: right sorry so what time is it
Rees: 5:30 in the morning amara should be awake in about half an hour but bever mind that why were you asleep here and not with gipsy
Fury: i was with gipsy but when she finally fell asleep i came here to look out at the surrounding after all today could be the last time
Rees: i understand that fury and we are leading the charge im just worried
Fury: about what
Rees: three things one being amara, charlotte and eurunder, second being yancy, yancy jr and tempest and finally all of us really we could loose some good people today
Fury: well those six will be fine after all me and the other jeagers did train my son and eurunder and i know youve been training yancy jr and charlotte
Rees looked at him surprised
Fury: im in your head rees i know what your thinking
Rees: haha we should us the old becket line before the knifehead accident
Fury: yeah if they remember
Ree: wow times flew is 6:30 we better get LOCCENT
Fury: yeah lets go
So fury and rees met up with everyone in LOCCENT and rees started going over the plan
Rees: right ok everyone so me and fury will lead the attack then you all follow us and we kick the kaiju's ass
Chuck: saying blunt i like it
Rees: yeah well today could be our last day im not being proper today so everyone let load up and roll out
Eveyone ran to get there pilot gear on as the jeager turned to their jeager forms ready for their pilots after about an hour they all were walking to towards the old breach's location
Rees: LOCCENT this is nightfury tempest we've got the bol and are the roll
Chuck: thats my line
Herc just laughed as his son pouted
Fury: right everyone seal all ports and be ready to submerge
Rees: all port sealed and ready to submerge
Everyone followed suit and they all stopped at the edge of the jump where the breach once was
Rees: shao this is marshall rees parker requesting your kaiju hybrids to my location over
Shao: location received and hybrid ETA 5 minutes
Within a couple of minutes the kaiju hybrid had opened the breach again and had to be destroyed so they didnt attack while the jeagers are away but fury didnt more
Raleigh: fury what the problem
Rees: nothing raleigh but fury you thinking what im thinking
Fury: im in your head i know
Rees: then lets go fishing
Raleigh: holy shit
Yancy: hahah i remember those words bery well rals
Gipsy: so do i and id rather not remember after
Fury: dont chase the rabbit gips
Ree: right eveyone lets go
Yancy jr: but dad how are we gonna get through we need a kaiju carcus
Rees: no son i took the kaiju dna signal and mixed it with the jeagers so we can jump through no problem now let do this
And with that they all jumped and went through the breach where they all landed in an very big open area
Rees: wait i know what this is
Fury: kill ring
Gipsy: a what
Fury: a kill ring babe where they put to kaiju's against each other and who every win i asume attacks earth
Gipsy: oh ok
Rees scanned the area and notice alot of kaiju around them then he exited his con pod and stood on fury's con pod
Everyone was in a panic rees stood on top of fury con pod but rees then started to do some sort of sign laungage then all the kaiju roared which put everyone is fight postions
Rees: everyone stand down there is only one way to beat these kaiju
Amara: ok one you so getting a slap when we get back and two how do we beat them
Rees: by the looks of it these kaiju are a very honorable kind so if each jeager can take on three kaiju of there choosing they will not attack earth again
Chuck: pfft we so go this handled
Rees: at once chuck we have to kill three kaiju's at once but it seems that they are going to put up a good fight
Raleigh: well if this is what it takes then lets do it
Rees: ok
So rees took control of fury and signalled for the battles to begin
After what felt like an years it was down to rees and fury to win against these kaiju so they could return home but the kaiju had a plan of there own as they started to roar
Rees: LOCCENT is there anyway you can translate there roars into words and vise versa
Mako: i could try hold on ok there that should do it
Kaiju: if you so special to all of these pathetic things then you can fight 10 kaiju seems fair
Gispy: what 10 fury we all could bare beat 3
Fury: i know but it up to rees he is the chooser her
Rees: and what do we get back in return monster
Kaiju: we leave your pathetic planet alone and we never return to it as long as you kill these 10 kaiju
Rees: im guessing it one at a time
Kaiju: no human you have to beat them in fives
Rees: so five kaiju agaisnt one jeager
Kaiju: correct humanoid
Amara: rees you cant if one kaiju could dismember fury and gipsy i dread to think about what five could do
Rees: i know wait ive got an idea hey monster
Kaiju: what human
Rees: if me and my jeager falls to these ten ugly thing then so be it but you let all of them return to earth safely and you never attack it again
Amara: rees what are you doing
Kaiju: hmm fine humanoid i agree
Rees: good now fury you ready
Fury: you damn right i am
Rees: then kaiju shit head release the ugly bastards
Everyone watched as a group of five kaiju ran towards fury and rees and they all varied in size too
Rees: im sorry everyone but this is the only way
and with that rees and fury roared and charged the kaiju head on as everyone watch in worry
Yancy jr: mom why does dad have to be such a badass
Amara: i dont know bab but it one of the reason why i fell for him and im guessing it the same with gipsy too
Gipsy: yeah about right
Rees: we can still hear you
Fury: rees focus that 5 down 5 more to go
Rees: fury i think its time for the secret weapon
Fury: i think now is better than any
Rees activate something inside of fury con pod and everyone is confused on what it is
Chuck: secret weapon i understand that but what is it i didnt see any thing change
Yancy: look at fury's condition everyone
Raleigh: he's untouched
Rees: yeah fury called is gipsy's revenge
Gipsy: awww
Amara: but what is it that he does
Rees: self heals at a rapid rate
Raleigh: so lets say a knifehead knock off put his arm off
Rees: it would be back with seconds
Herc: how tho
Fury: erm cherno gave ne the idea actaully
Everyone turned to look at the said russian jeager
Sasha: what dis everyone lookin at
Cherno: da what dis everyone want
Crim: how did cherno give you the idea
Fury: not just him gipsy as well
Everyone then looked at gipsy in question
Chuck: wait which one
Fury: chuck you stupid twat there is only one nuclear gipsy the other is for show
Jake: wait it is
Nate: weve been pilots of avenger for a year now and you thought he was nuclear
Jake: well yeah i thought he was a face
lift of danger so automactical assumed he was nuclear
Raleigh: kid you do realise that a nuclear jeager is what killed your dad right
Jake: no i got told he was dieing to cancer
Amara: and who told you that
Jake: he did but which jeager
Herc: coyota tango he's nuclear power leaked during a mission and it infected both your dad and his co pilot his co pilot wasnt so lucky she died a couple of days later
Jake: ohhh
Everyone was silent until rees burst through the coms
Fury: the classic two vs one
Rees: i say we add abit of rock to this
Fury: ohh who AC/DC
Rees: fuck why not
Then acdc came across the coms
Amara: ohhh highway to hell sound great for this
Everyone watched as the two kaiju grabbed either side of fury and started to pull the fury snapped straight down the middle
Gipsy: FURY!!!!
Everyone watched as he kaiju stared at the two jeager peices and suddenly the two halfs started to move towards each other and with a minutes fury was standinng again
Raleigh: oh no
Amara: oh no why oh no raleigh speak
Raleigh: youve never seen those to when they see red have you
Everyone but yancy and raleigh answer with no
Yancy: when some sees red they are nearly impossiable to beat but they dont stop until the pilot dies from stress and the jeager explodes but that was a rumor
Amara: you your say that there is a possiablity that they could die
Yancy: no i was kidding they will be fine
beckets: HAHAHA
Everyone turned to see fury on top of a kaiju and then stand up with it head in his hand
Gipsy: wait isnt that the main kaiju's head
Cherno: da
When the kaiju didnt this enraged rees even more so he walked fury over to the nearest kaiju and ripped it head off
all the kaiju roared a yes
everyone noticed that it was a nuclear warhead like the one before they all turned to cherno again
Sasha: what he ask for bomb we deliver bomb
Herc: how big
Cherno: three time bigger
Rees: yeah on that note everyoen run for the breach
All the jeager amhad ran through and turned to see fury a good couple of metres away from it then the bomb exploded justbas fury dived through
Rees:LOCCENT this is marshall parker the kaiju are gone and they wont be returning
Later everyone was celabrating when the one question remained
Raleigh: rees what was it like to see res for that long
Rees: we didnt
Yancy: wait so you didnt see red
Fury: nope
Gipsy: so why was you so angry
Fury: we werent babe
Amara: but you two ripped a kaiju the size of leaterback head off easly
Rees: the secret weapon didnt only improve fury healing rate it also aloud him functinal on all power
Striker: wait youve lost me
Fury: when first jeager were built like cherno earth had already decided that there max tier jeagers would be mark 5's so they added a system to stop the jeagers from fully functioning at mark 5 tiers
Amara: so if all jeager were built to mark 5's why did so many fall to catedgory 1 kaiju
Rees: because the system doesnt only stop thw jeager from functioning at full power but it slows there movements aswell like here ill show you too clips one being gipsy then the other is fury and this is both before they became hybrids fully
Everyone watched gipsy's clip against an catergory 3 kaiju
Rees: no see how slow her movement were
Amara: yes
Rees: ok now watch this
They watched fury clip and they could all see the speed difference in movenment
Rees: all jeagers are mark 5's but have a restriction in there system which then can put them at the mark the production team want them to be so gipsy was reatricted to a mark 3 so she was mid range but cherno was set to mark 1 which meant he would be slow and sluggish but would still pack a punch so that's why so many jeagers have fallen
Herc: how do you know this
Rees: because when fuy was finished being built and me and amara lost contact with each other my dad suddenly took ill and he said in his will was the production building and fury mean no one and i mean no one could give fury pilots
Yancy: but me and raleigh pilots him once
Rees: yes that was in between his production finish and my dad giving me the secrets to and behind the jeagers
Gipsy: wait so if we are all orginally mark 5 does that mean when you brought that armour back from anchorage we got upgrade to mark 10's
Rees: she's a quick think fury
Fury: yeah she is
Striker: so we are all mark 10 jeagers then
Rees: yes but the lower the orginal mark the more upgrading had to be done but as ive said i know all the secrects to the jeagers so get cherno and abyss to a mark 10 was piss easy which reminds me jr and charlotte come with me please
Amara: why dont we all come
Rees: if youd like to
Everyone followed rees i to the jeager bay and they noticed to new unpainted jeager
Raleigh: who are they
Rees: they are jr's and charlottes jeager which they get to name and choose the paint scheme
Yancy jr: is jr going to be my nickname now
Rees: yeah sorry son but now what do you want to name your jeager
Jr: its got to have gipsy in
Charlotte: i agree
Gipsy: awwwww
Avenger: yes
Jr: oh i know gipsy revenger
Rees: sound good
Fury: so that five gipsy here now
Everyone looked at fury confused
Gipsy: you mean four babe because there is me, avenger, our son and now there jeager
Fury: raleigh you never told her did you
Raleigh: told her what
Fury: wait sorry wrong becket yancy you didnt tell her did you
Yancy: no i didnt
Everyone looked at yancy awaiting an answer
Yancy: ok i guess i should tell you but fury isnt really nightfury tempest
Everyone: what
Yancy: yeah nightfury tempest was his big brother but he took nightfury tempest as a cover up for his real name after gipsy danger was built
Gipsy: why after me
Yancy: because his real name is
Fury: you want me to tell them
Yancy: if you would
Fury: my real name given to me is gipsy defender
Gipsy: wait hold on does that mean your relate to me
Defender: no it doesnt because you were i was build in england where you and avenger were built in america
Revenger: and i was
Defender: right sorry
Gipsy: wait your an hybrid how you havent even been piloted yet
Revenger: i have actually
Amara: really by who
Rees: me as me, raleigh and yancy were the first people to know about this hybrid stuff i drifted with her so start the hybrid process
Gipsy: wait how long ago was sne being built
Rees: after toyko
Amara: so it toom four years to build a mark 10
Rees: yeah didnt you ever wonder where i was at night four years
Amara: erm i didnt know you had left when i fell asleep you were there and when i woke up you were eother ther or around the shatterdome
Rees: well i was in the old storage bay out back working on this jeager for jr and charlotte
Amara: who else helped you
Deferder: me and all the male jeager along with the help of the scrapper
Amara: scrapper
Rees: yep i had to pilot him
Amara: great use my jeager why dont you
Gipsy: so do we call you gipsy defender or nightfury tempest
Defender: ill go back to my old name so defender or def for short
Gipsy: ok then but i still love you mr gipsy defender wait so im now gipsy danger defender
Def: you know i didnt think of that i guess it has to be parker as its easier
Gipsy: defentinly but where is revenger staying now as we havent got to worry about the kaiju
Rees: well as the war shouldnt happen again all jeagerteens will probably able to stay in human form for ever now
Def: wait doesn that mean we can now leave the shatterdome
Rees: erm def you could anyway
Striker: so your telling me that we could come and go from this shatterdome for the pass 8 years
Rees: yeah we all thought you didnt want to though as you were always here
Def: why didnt you tell us
Rees: you never asked but guess who's coming to hong kong this weekend
Def: would it be armin van buuren
Rees: yep and i happen to have VIP access for all of us
Def: fuck yeah
Amara: sweet
Striker: sound great
Everyone agreed and left to do what ever and rees started to think
Rees:things are starting to look up for us all
Amara: that it is
Rees: you heard that
Amara: yeah why
Rees: oh right the drift never mind now let go and catch up with them all
Everyone was now happy that the war was over and the jeagerteen enjoyed life as humans but did have a walk around in jeager form every now and then just in case but everytimg seemed to be looking up for the group after all
one will stand and one will fall

This is the end to this fan fic but im thinking of doing something simular to this but fury or defender might not be in it but will we see

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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