Chapter 2: fury's back story

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Gipsy had woken up bright and early only to be court sleeping on fury's chest by raleigh who wasnt really bothered as he trusts rhys because his brothers first drift was with rhys or was more known back then as nightfury tempest but raleigh told gipsy that rhys tried anything he would break something but the jeager and pilot spent a couple of hours together as mako wasnt an early riser, mako finally joined the duo about three hours after they had woken up so gipsy left the pilots to themselfs and headed for her dorm to have a shower but to receive an funny surprise from rhys

Fury had woken up as soon as gipsy body heat left him but he didnt want to intrude between the jeagerteen and pilot has fury holds very high respect for the beckets after all yancy was his first drift partner,  but after about 2 hours fury started to get bored as the other jeagers dont normally wake up until midday on a saturday so he decided as he is alone he will listen to his and his pilots favourite dj armin van buuren and after awhile fury started to jump around just like him and pilots do when they watch him live and he was so into the damce zone as he called it he didnt hear or see gipsy watching him from the door with a smile on her face
Gipsy stood in the door way watching fury dance around like the dj on the flat screen in there room then rhys started to copy what he was saying as well
Armin on the tv and fury:are you ready hong kong i said are you ready
Gipsy watched as fury and the dj seemed so in sync that she thought they had drifted but she carried on watching with a smile on her face as she fury being quite cute at the moment
Armin and fury: hong kong are you ready for a state of trance if you are ready jump with me
Gipsy carried on watching as the music dropped into some bass and fury started jumping around in a circle but on the spot and she also noticed that so was the dj but as the music died down fury stopped spinning and looked at the door and noticed gipsy standing there with a big smile on her face
Fury: huh hi gipsy gipsy hey hi erm how long have you been there
Gipsy: long enough to see you jump around like a maniac
Fury: fuck well im so never going to live that down am i
Gipsy: yeah you will because its my secret now
Fury: ohh thank god but what do need anyway
Gipsy: we share a room parker i came back for a shower and by the looks of it you need one to so ill go first then you go and ill wait for you
Fury: wait why you waiting for me
Gipsy blushed a little but hid it behind her bangs
Gipsy: well i want to get to know you and i assume vis versa
Fury: well i would like to get know my first drift partners jeager to be honest
Gipsy: wait your the jeager that yancy did his drift trail in
Fury: yep i was the last mark 5 off the production line and yancy was already in trainning when they moved me to this shatterdome so he was really hyper lets say to drift in a jeager that raleigh had to drag his ass way from my jeager bay
Gipsy: so thats who the unpainted yeager was it was you
Fury: yeah it was but i became what i am today because of yancy
Gipsy: ok carry on talking im going for a shower but i can still hear you
Fury: well ok then so yancy's first drift was not a planned one well not by the marshall anyway and to explain what i mean the becket brothers had been bullied in there first days of trainning yancy more that raleigh so when another cadet started to say that yancy couldnt pilot a yeager, i watched as he stormed up the metal steps and into my con pod and at the time i was still unnamed but anyway when yancy try to drift he forgot that he need another pilot but in the heat of he moment he went a head and drift with me and as soon as it happened i became hybrid as you called it i think
Gipsy: yeah i did and your turn in the shower
Fury: oh ok and back to the story yancy manage to drift with me and walk about 5 steps before he finally noticed he need a another pilot but thankfully for him raleigh followed him and manged to climb in the con pod and drift with us both and the marshall was amazed by the beckets performance that he allowed them to name me and choose my colour but they noticed through the drift that i was going to become a hybrid so yancy named me and they both decide my colours with was matte black and red black because it went with nightfury and red because there favorite colour
Gipsy: so thats why ive got red highlights then
Fury: yes i guess it is but anyway the becket brother became the hotest news around the shatterdome for piloting the first mark 5 in hong kong
Gipsy: wait a minutes you arent from hong kongs production line are you
Fury: no gips im from one of my pilots production line based in england
Gipsy: wait rees or amara
Fury: rees was best friends amara before my construction started so rees's dad let rees and amara decide on what i looked like and what fight style i was which turn out to be wrestling, long distance shooting and mma
Gipsy: wait so your both a brawler and shooter
Fury: yes same as you
Gipsy: how many are like that
Fury: was three now too with us being the last too
Gipsy: who was the third
Fury looked down before looking at gipsy with look that told her he was about to break down
Fury: my sister nadder tempest the first ever mark 4
Gipsy: ohh so sorry fury if i had know i wouldnt of asked
Fury sniffed but forced a smile
Fury: its fine your the only other person who knows except my pilots of course, and raleigh so mako will know next
Gipsy: why only mako
Raleigh enter the room with a look the same as fury
Raleigh: because gips we were there when she fell in october 2019
Gipsy: oh my god operation destiny
Fury and raleigh look at each other before nodding
Gipsy: may i know what happened
Fury: course you can as ive said before you three arrived i respect the beckets very much and same to you too but ill let raleigh tell it as i might break down
Gipsy:then im sitting next you while he tells me
Fury smiled lightly and nodded to raleigh
Raleigh: right so i assume fury has told you about being my first drift jeager well what he didnt tell you was me and yancy were only 16 at the time and offically not meant to step foot in a jeager until 19 but just as we drifted the kaiju attack us with the first ever mark 3 so the marshall so he ordered nadder tempest and brother jeager and last of the mark 5's and newly named nightfury tempest and furys pilots were me and yancy and our older siblings jazamin and kyle becket so everyone called the mission operation destiny so mine and my brothers orders were to hold the mircle mile as we were basically rookies and so was fury, by this time fury had become full hybrid so we were the first people to know about fury but his sister and our siblings orders were to attack the kaiju and kill it before it reaches hong kong but this kaiju wasnt only the first mark 3 it was also
Fury: the biggest kaiju on records at the time
Gipsy: holy shit so erm what happened
Raleigh: our siblings and nadder had a total of 10 kills and 4 assists by then but this kaiju attacked from behind them and we watched in horror and anger as we saw both pilots being ripped out the con pod exactly like yancy and just before nadder got destroyed she saluted us before the kaiju destroyed her and, at this point we were livid that we the three of us rush the jeager with so much force and speed that it didnt see it coming but the bad thing was we were lost in red we killed the kaiju but we didnt stop we kept punching, kicking, scratching and shooting that it took striker eureka, cherno alpha and coyota tango to pull us away from it but, what amazed the shatterdome staff was the three jeagers pilots were all standing at the shatterdome while their jeagers were helping us and nadders remains back to the shatterdome,  when we got back we all passed out on the shore and when we awoke we see fury as a teen but everyone knew what he was because he was the same as cherno, striker and tango they got the name jeagerteens because they discover that the dont age until a love intrest like tango and ronin
Gipsy: omg im so sorry to the both of you
Fury: its fine gips besides nadder is still somewhat still here
Gipsy: but how
Raleigh: stacker knewn what fury wanted becuase nadders pilots and herself had told him that when she is destroyed her armour and parts get mixed with furys and of course stacker didnt full understood what she meant until fury was in the jeager bay in jeager form when metal and parts went flying everywhere as it attached and formed around him making him the fastest, strongest and best jeager well apart for you gips
Gipsy: no its fine but what do you mean rhys is the best jeager
Fury: well because my sister was mark 4 and i was a mark 5 our mixed parts and armour so everything within my jeager form is mark 9 stuff which when i find a love intrest gets share between me and her so for example lets say you and me fell in love gipsy you wouldnt be a mark 3 anymore you would be a mark 6 same as i would which would then make you the best with your mark and same for me
Raleigh: so basically gips it like a wedding ring you see the russians wear
Gipsy: oh cool but fury may i ask why you used me for an example
Fury: at the moment your the only female yeager here and your either going to end up with striker or cherno maybe crim but lets say striker or cherno
Gipsy: erm no thanks ive found my love intrest
Raleigh: why thank you gips
Gipsy: not you twat even tho i do love you but i meant someone else
Fury: ohh is he here in this shatterdome
Gipsy: yes
Fury: cherno
Gipsy: no
Raleigh: striker
Gipsy: nope never
Fury: crimson
Gipsy: no
Fury:then who that all the male jeagers here
Raleigh started to laugh while gipsy looked at fury with a 'really' look
Raleigh: so fury
Fury: yea
Raleigh: are you not the jeager they call nightfury tempest
Fury: yeah you should known
Raleigh and gipsy watched fury walk to the fridge and grab a can of rockstar
Raleigh: fury are you straight or gay
Fury: weird question but im straight
Gipsy: and your a male jeager to right
Fury: yes
Then it the penny dropped and so did he rockstar
Raleigh: i think his realised now
Gipsy: bout time
Fury: wait so you gipsy danger love nightfury tempest which is me
Gipsy: well done genius
Fury: well first your so like raleigh
Raleigh: yancy actually
Fury: good point there becket and second guess what
Gipsy: what?
Fury smirked at raleigh and he returned it with a nod
Fury: i love you too
Gipsy : oh well this is awkward i kinda guessed you wouldnt like me wait what did you say you did
Fury: yes gips i nightfury tempest aka fury love gipsy danger aka gipsy
Gipsy: aww i love you too
Raleigh: haha herc owns me 100
Both jeager teen shook there heads
Fury: ohhh i so carnt wait until i rub this in strikers face that i got the gorgoues girl not him haha
Gipsy blushed bright red as raleigh smiled and walked up to fury
Raleigh: well you said the last bit out loud and look after her or ill kill you
Fury: yes mr becket sir nah im joking but i will look after miss becket and do you mean to tell me i said the most gorgoues girl part out loud
Gipsy: yes he does mean that part you twat
Fury: raleighhhhh shes picking on meeee
Raleigh: really i didnt notice
Fury: thats cold rals so cold
Gipsy: you love me so im aloud to parker
Fury: right back at you future mrs parker wait i am aloud to marry her right like in the future raleigh
Raleigh: you have her pilots blessing but its up to her besides do you want to down grade from a mark 9 to mark 6
Fury: for her yes
Gipsy: awwwww
Raleigh: ok love bird its now midday so lets go and get some food plus fury weve got a game against chuck and striker today
Fury: wait you mean that its you and me vs dumb and dumber
Gipsy: hey i understood that
Fury: well done gips
Gipsy: if you win you get a surprize and no raleigh it is what your thinking
Raleigh: hey not my fault mako does that to me like she said if i win we get to
Gipsy/fury: RALEIGH!!!
Raleigh laugh as the trio walked to the court for the game of basketball
When the trio reached the court striker tried to show of because gipsy was there and herc was going to watch this game as he knows what his sons are like
Herc: ok so boys rule one no fighting
Fury: ok so rule one fighting is ok
Gipsy: parker dont make me change your nickname
Herc: rule two no phsycial contact like punching
Fury: rule two punching striker is ok
Fury looked at her while smirking which made her blush alittle
Herc smiled knowning what had happened between them just by looking and knowning he owned raleigh 100 
Herc: ok final rule no agrueing
Fury: pffft final rule agrue with striker
Gipsy: BABE!!
Fury: what babe
Gipsy: ok that defo your new nickname
Fury: fine by me
Striker: wait your dating gipsy
Fury: yea why
Striker: shes mine 
Fury: BAHAHA if shes yours i carnt do this then
Fury walked over to gipsy grabbed her by the waist and kissed her for a full two minutes
Gipsy: wow
Fury: holy shit that was better than i expected
Raleigh: fury less my sister more the game
Fury: but raleighhh
Raleigh: but rhyssss
Gipsy: babe join the game then you can kiss me when ever you like
Fury: sweet raleigh we are so winning
Rhys ran back to the court and joined raleigh in beating the hansons arses
Fury: ha beckets win
Striker: your not a becket
Fury: no but she is
Striker: hmmf player
Fury froze in place as he turned to look at striker again and raleigh looked proper ready to hit him too
Fury: what was that
Striker: i said your a player you just using her
Fury was proper pissed now as a drift memory came to him of when the beckets dad left them because he got called a player so he ended him self, fury snapped back to reality as everyone watched on
Fury: you and me striker jeager bay NOW
striker: and what in it for me
Fury looked at raleigh then to gipsy then back to striker
Fury: ill leave the shatterdome for good
Herc: wait fury that means youd have to rust in oblivion bay or you get killed in your human neither being good
Fury: yes it does herc and he get what he wants me gone and gipsy to himself even tho i doubt she'd date you
Striker: and if i loose
Fury: you leave me and my relationship alone
Striker: deal
Herc: ughhh i would say no but i know you'll do it anyway but why the jeager bay
Fury: because its a jeager fight
Gipsy: but what about your pilots
Rees: all pilots will be on the side lines as the jeager can move on there own
Chuck: wait so why are we piloting them when we can just send them out there on their own
Amara: because we are there power increase you dumbass
Raleigh: i like furys pilots
Rees/amara: cheers becket
Gipsy: fury you carnt be serious can you like we just got together
Fury: and you think im going to give that up no way am i
Gipsy: then why you fighting
Fury: for yancy and raleigh also you
Gipsy: why me and my ex pilots
Raleigh: hey ex pilot but why are you fighting him fury wait i think i know
Fury: becuase what he has just called me is the exact word that made the becket brothers be parentless
Raleigh: wait so it is that but gipsy doesnt know that and ive been drifting with her for 4 years now
Fury: your first drift with yancy revealed what happened to your father but i made sure no other jeager could access that memory
Raleigh: how
Gipsy: why
Fury: because i didnt want to see another person or jeager see that memory and they pick on the becket brothers because there parentless but i had forgot that memory but when striker said the words to retrigger it i promised my self id do something
Gipsy:  well i hope you know what your doing
Fury: dont i always
Gipsy gave him a 'seriourly' look
Fury: ok fine most of the time
Gipsy: just dont dent striker to bad
Herc: yeah we do need him fully operational rhys
Cherno: aww no comrade lose leg or arm today
Gipsy: no cherno im afraid not
Cherno: me no like way striker insult becket family me like to teach lessons but be fine with watching fury kick ass
Fury: what can i say im a natural
Gipsy: erm babe all jeager are natural
Fury: ok raleigh i mean gipsy
Gispy: you so lucky i love you
Fury: yeah guess i am and i love you too now to striker because operation kick comrade ass it a go
Cherno: da da me like name of operation
They all laughed and followed fury to the jeager bays to see striker already in his jeager form with chuck giving him some fighting tips
Raleigh: dont you be given him tips chuck you got you ass beat before
Chuck: shut it raleigh
Striker then boomed
Striker: come on fury i want to lying in my bed with a certain someone right now
Fury just smirked and changed to his jeager form
Fury: so you ready mr mark 5
Striker: are you mr mark 5
Gipsy: mark 9 to be right
Striker: bull
Fury: i guess loosing a family member brought me a gift that i will keep
Striker: whatever dont go crying around base when gipsy's mine
Fury: ive always want to say this but striker one shall stand and one shall fall
And like that both jeager rushed each other
To be continued
I decided to make this a long chapter with a bit more detail involve with how fury got his jeager name and the becket brothers past in my fanfic

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