Chapter 3: jeager duel and kaiju fight

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Everyone that was in the jeager bay watched as nightfury and striker rushed each other but fury ducked under strikers punch and pushed him out onto the beach so they didnt break anything inside the base.

When striker regained his footing he whipped around to see all the other jeager in there jeager forms with the pilots on the shoulder just incase a kaiju attacked then he forced on fury again and noticed that he was the same model type as gipsy but more upgraded Striker was starting to get more pissed off with how the other jeagers seemed to be backing fury
Striker: why are they backing you fury
Fury: because striker they know when to fight and when to not unlike us too
Striker: well you wont be fighting for much longer
Striker rushed only to be flipped and put in submission
Fury: striker eureka do it forfeit
Striker was about to say no but fury applyed more pressure onto his arm
Striker: yes i forfeit
Fury: good because we need to suit up
Striker: what why
Herc: catergory 4 kaiju will reach hong kong within the hour i want cherno and crim to frontline the harbour
Raleigh: what about us sir
Herc: you, mako and gipsy along with rees, amara and fury will hold the miricle mile with me, chuck and striker incase cherno or crimson need assitance
All pilots and jeagers: yes sir
Within a couple of minutes fury, gipsy and striker watched crimson and cherno fly over head
Striker/chuck: this is striker weve got the bol and were on the role
Fury/amara: this is nightfury were on your right and ready to engage if require
Gipsy/raleigh: this is gipsy and were centre and ready to engage if required
They all watched on as cherno and crimson checked there surrounds and was soon in battle with the kaiju otachi
Striker: sir crim and alpha are in trouble and were moving in
Marshall: negative you hold you ground
They all carried on watching until they all heard a roar and a jeager rushing forward
Fury: this is jeager nightfury were moving in
Marshall: no hold you
Fury: no sir were moving in and i dont give a fuck
Marshall: furys jeager pilot hold him back
Rees/amara: with all due respect sir we agree with our jeager and gipsy, striker hold your ground only move in if we go down
Gipsy: fury you better not go down
Fury: hahah babe im a mark 9 and got the best pilots excluding the beckets
Raleigh: ha see i am that good
Raleigh shouted in pain a gipsy shocked him
Raleigh: hey gips what was that for
Gipsy: my boyfriend is rushing in and you expect me to be calm
Raleigh: oh yeah sorry
Chuck: hah rals she so told you
Chuck so got cut of as he was shocked by striker
Striker: oii thats my brother that rushing in and my sister and her pilot your teasing
Everyone soon when quiet as fury came across the com link
Fury/rees: this is fury there a second kaiju reading marshall can you identify
Marshall: fury its a catergory 4 codename leatherback
Fury: fuck ok where is it ive lost sight of it
Marshall: your 2 o'clock
Fury: ok ahh shit
Fury was cut off as he kaiju leapt out of the water and threw him towards gipsys feet before cherno came in to attack it
Fury and his pilots landed at gipsy feet and when they stood up fury got a look at gipsy who stood there with a hand on hip and striker offering him a hand
Fury: cheers striker and erm hi gipsy
Gipsy: stop scaring me you twat
Raleigh: hahahahaha
Amara: id stop laugh raleigh because dont forgot he can become a human again
Raleigh: erm are you ok fury and pilots
Mako: nice save
Rees: were ok a bit bang up in here but all good
Fury: im good now back to mr leatherback
Gipsy and striker watched fury and his pilots run towards the kaiju with his hands in the air
Gipsy: what are you doing fury
All she recived was
Gipsy and her pilots just laugh at his little act while striker and his pilot were in stitches laughing at him
Herc: hey rals the last time i seen that was before your second mission with gipsy
Raleigh: hahah oh yeah operation nightfall
Gipsy: wait why dont i remember this
Herc: because he didnt tell you and you was in the first stages of the hybrid thing
Gipsy: wait so your telling me i ran towards a kaiju like fury and his pilots were just doing
Herc: yes raleigh and yancy had some proper balls of steel then
Raleigh: more so yance i just followed him
They were cut of as some type of dance muisc came across the com link and it sound just like the music the fury trio listened to
Gipsy: is he serious right now his fighting kaiju and decides to blast music across the com link
Striker: erm gipsy how much do you love fury
Gipsy: a lot why
Striker: becuase fury as just informed me and my pilots of his plan
Gipsy: which is
Striker: to blast that music out the loud speaker and use him a bait while cherno and crimson return to base
Gipsy: WHAT
Fury: striker as much as i love you as a brother i could so offline you at times
Gipsy: fury what do you think your doing and why are cherno and crim heading back
Fury: this is fury and pilots can gipsy and striker please be battle ready as im bringing he party to you
Both jeagers looked up and saw that fury was bringing the kaiju towards them but they were behind a good couple of feet and just as fury closed in on the two jeagers he turned around and skidded to stop between gipsy and striker and his pilots came acroos the coms
Rees: you other pilots ready
Gipsy pilots: as ready as we can be
Striker pilots: same as them
Fury: and what about you too
Striker: im born ready
Gipsy: im ready but im so kicking you ass later
Fury: raleighhhh she's picking on me againnnnn
Raleigh: seriously are you going to do that everytime
Marshall: pilots and jeagers focus
Fury started to blast more of the music as he start to jump from foot to foot he waited until the kaiju got closer
Fury: jeagers are you ready
Striker: yeah
Gipsy: yea
Fury: wait for my signal
Fury waited until the kaiju were with in punching range
Fury: now striker and gipsy focus on leatherback and ill focus on otachi
The three jeagers advanced and when leatherback seen them coming he used his weapon which was an EMP which shocked striker and his pilots but strikers jeager com connection still work
Striker: this is striker we've been hit with a EMP and has shut down my systems for now
Fury: roger that striker how long until reboot
Striker: two hours fury
Fury: roger that and keep your pilots save striker me and gipsy will come for you
Striker: wait where are you because gipsy just dropped and killed leatherback
Fury: erm dont tell gipsy but otachi can fly and were very high up
Gipsy: i can hear you fury this is the jeager personal link
Fury: fuck well my we've killed otachi but please dont look up
Of course gipsy looked up and can see fury and his pilots falling toward the earth 
Fury left the jeager line open so other jeagers could hear him and his pilots
Rees: amara if this it i just want you to know i love you
Amara: you telling me this now you asshole but if this is the last time i love you too
Fury: well gipsy your heard them so guess if this is my end i love you
Gipsy: dont you dare leave me
Marshall: fury and pilots loosen all shock asborbers and use fury's chest beam to slow you fall
By now the back up power had kicked in and all of the shatterdome and jeagers could hear and watch as the jeager free fell towards the ground
Rees: firing chest beam its not enough amara brace you self and you to fury
They all watched as fury and crew impacted the ground where a stadium once stood
Marshall: fury pilots can you hear me
Rees/amara: loud and clear sir
Gipsy: parker can you hear me
Fury: loud and clear babe
Gipsy: oh thank god
When all the jeager and pilots returned base the whole base eurpted i cheers for gipsy and fury along with there crews
Herc: gipsy, fury and pilots thank you and even though my boys won't admit it their thankful to
Fury and raleigh looked over at the said boys to get a approving nod which they returned before the marshall walked over
Marshall: gipsy, fury and pilots in all my years of fight i never seen fighting like that and fury even tho it was a reckless plan it worked but why use yourselfs as bait
Rees: to save to crews of cherno and crimson sir
Fury: and to allow them to safely get back to the shatterdome before either got destroyed sir
Cherno: thank you
Crimson: yeah thanks to you six we still live and function for more days to come
Fury: it was nothing really but i better go bef...
Before he could finish be got slapped by gipsy
Gipsy: you are an asshole you know that right
Fury: yes i know that
Gipsy: parker you scared the circuits out of me and my pilots for a matter of fact
Fury: sorry gips but neither me or my pilots knew otachi could fly
Rees: hell of a ride tho and we also picked the right song to didnt we fury
Fury: yes we did but you better watch it
Rees: what why
Next thing rees got slapped by amara
Rees: what was that for
Amara: for not telling me you loved me sooner and for doing when we could of died
Rees: oh right sorry
Then another echo happen and the remaining pilots and jeager turned to see raleigh rubbing his head
Raleigh: mako what was that for
Mako: nothing everyone else was slapping their boyfreinds so thought id join in
Raleigh: well warn me next time
Mako: noted
Then all jeagerteens and pilot bid each other good byes and returned to there rooms
When fury and gispy returned to there room gipsy noticed fury holding his left should the same one rees had been holding
Gipsy: hows the shoulder
Fury: alittle sore but nothing broken
Gipsy: do you realise how scared i was today
Fury: yes babe i do and im sorry
Gispy: its fine but ive got to admit you run towards two kaiju while screaming was quite funny
Fury: yeah i thought it would be
Gipsy: you should of seen striker and his pilots they nearly passed out from laughing
Fury: i thiught they would like to be honest and raleigh for that matter as he did the same on your second mission
Gipsy: which ive only learned today
Fury: really i thought you already knew
Gipsy: nope but anyway im ready for some sleep so move over
Fury: but gipsyyyyyy im not tired
As if right on que he yawed
Gipsy: huh huh you not tired my ass now lets get some sleep
Fury: fine and love you
Gipsy: love you too
To be continued

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