Chapter 7: fury's plan

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It was early on a tuesday morning when fury went to the marshalls office and luckly he was awake but fury knocked just to be sure
Marshall: come in ahh mr fury what can i do for you
Fury: about ny resquest yesterday sir i asked my pilots and they agree but rees left me this note this morning
The marshall read the note and wasnt all too surprised
Marshall: rees said that when the upcoming mission to attack the breach is on he wants to pilot you solo
Fury: yes sir
Marshall: do you know why
Fury: yes sir two reasons actually
Marshall: which are
Fury: well rees and myself care deeply for the people here more with others but you get my point and secondly sir im like gipsy im nuclear which means my self destruct will close the breach
Marshall: but we loose you and rees also we have a nuclear warhead ready to strap to strikers back
Fury: can i surgest strapping it to my back sir
Marshall: why as you so content with dieing fury
Fury breathed hard as he knew he had to tell the marshall the truth as everyone but the marshall knows that he is a mark 6
Fury: sir im one of the last marks 6's alive which means im also the fastests and strongest
Marshall: wait so your a mark 6 but who is the other
Fury: gipsy danger sir you know when my sibling jeager said our parts would mix
Marshall: yes i can recall that
Fury: well with me being a mark 5 already i was upgraded internally and exterior so it made me a mark 9 the first ever
Marshall: so how you a mark 6 now
Fury: because as you know us jeagerteens cant age until a love intrest is found and you also know im with gipsy
Marshall: yes but that doesnt answer my question mr parker
Fury: sir when mine and my siblings parts mixed there was a inbeded message that said the parts can be share with a love intrest but it had to be sexually transfered so thats how me ans gipsy are mark 6's
Marshall: who else knows this
Fury: erm everyone sir but im pleaded for them not to tell you in fear of being scrapped
Marshall: but you more than willing to sacifice yourself
Fury: yes sir for earth, for the beckets, for my pilots and for her
The marshall understood because he wanted the same but couldnt step foot in a jeager again as it will kill him
Marshall: very well fury you request has been granted on one condition
Fury: which is
Marshall: we do the mission today and now
Fury puffed but agreed and went to tell rees who agreed but on the way to loccent they saw the marshall
Rees: marshal as youve granted furys request i have one of my own
Marshall: which is
Rees: dont tell everyone until weve left or we will say once weve left
Marshall: granted ranger but i must say you two have some balls
Later everyone was in loccent and waiting for orders when raleigh notice that rees and fury were missing
Raleigh: sir wheres rees and fury
The marshall turned to the com and put it on loud speaker
Marshall: boys are you telling or am i
Fury: we will sir so everyone listen up
Rees: right was everyone told that this was a training drill
Amara: yes why
Fury: it isnt
Gipsy:what so what is it then
Everyone heard rees and fury both breath heavy
Fury: me and rees requested that we seal the breach and from the news newt and gottleib gave us we most probably wont be coming back
Amara/gipsy: WHAT !!
Fury: we have to jump though the breach with this nuclear warhead that orginal planned for striker and crew and use a kaiju carcus
Raleigh: which mean you have to detonate it on the other side
Rees: bang on raleigh ha bang on get it fury
Fury: yes rees i get it
Gipsy: so what do you mean you both wont be coming back
Marshall: gipsy rees and fury both requested for this which i granted
Amara: why though sir we are loosing to good men
Rees: babe were replacable
Gipsy: no your not neither of you are replaceable
Fury/rees: were sorry girls and everyone else
Then they all alarms blare around the base
Rees: loccent what up
Marshall: there is two kaiju circling the breach
Fury: newt they know of our plans
Newt: what how
Rees: because when you drifted the first time with them it was like a distress signal and because you know what jeagers are on hand they were ready for cherno and crimsom but not for fury or gipsy
Gipsy: so when both of them drift that means that
Fury: it was a double distress signal
Marshall: fury look sharp a third singal is coming out of the breach
Rees: what cattergory
The marshall looked at the two worried girl and asked raleigh and mako to hold them
Fury: loccent answer
Marshall: catergory 5 first ever
Gipsy: what and what are the other two
Marshall: both catergory 4's
Raleigh: so adding them together thats
Mako: catergory 13 with all three
Fury: woah thats a big number
Gipsy: guys you retreat now
Amara: i agree
Rees: loccent are we sure an explosion on the other side will work
Everyone looked at newton
Newt: yes it should work
Gipsy: you betting my babys dads life on a should
Amara: i am not going to raise my child alone
Gipsy: yes we were going to tell you today
Rees: well shit loccent is raleigh and im almost afraid to ask but striker there
Marshall: yes why
Rees: right raleigh if i dont come back help look after my child for me
Fury: and striker you titty launcher you better help gipsy or ill come back and kill you
Striker: but youd be coming though
Fury: then raleigh can hit as many times as he likes with the help of cherno
Cherno: da me like the sound of that
Marshall: fury the kaiju have stopped moving
Fury: erm funny question marshall is this warhead detachable
Marshall: yes why
Rees: so if we plant the warhead in a kaiju carcus and set a timer then push the kaiju back through would that work
Newt: yes probably better
Rees: right now were getting somewhere
Fury: you thinking what im thinking
Rees : your in my head but of course i am
Gipsy: parker stop laughing
Amara: dont you dare
all of loccent shook there heads as the faint sound of music could be heard amongst the fighting until rees came across the coms
Rees:thats one down two to go fury
Marshall: fury coming towards you full speed move it
Fury: anyone want sushi
Fury activated his sword and cut the kaiju in half
Fury: two down one to go daddys going home
Gipsy: i heard that
Fury: good
Then the last kaiju fell at the hand of fury and his pilot
Fury: last one down but rees is loosing oxygen
Rees: let.....continue......fury
Fury: right ok planting warhead now
Manual attivation required
Fury: shit fuck rees its been a pleasure being your jeager same to you amara and gipsy love you and finally loccent it been an honour sir
Gipsy: wait fury what you doing
Raleigh: being yancy
Fury: spot on rals this was yancys goal amd im going to finish it
Amara: wait wheres rees
fury: loccent this in jeager fury can i leave sir
Marshall looked at gipsy then to amara then everyone else then he noticed the other jeagers werent there
Fury: sir
Marshall: fury youve got friendlys inbound
Fury: who it better not be gipsy
Striker: no its the other 5 of us
Fury: striker what you doing
Striker: im not going to loose another brother to this war if you go id have lost one more person
Fury: cherno and crim stop him and that an order
Cherno: no we save
Crim: agreed
Fury: girls hold back the boys
Thornado: sorry i agree with crim
Thunder: i agree with my baby
Striker: really now
Thunder: sorry
Abyss: we not loose another comrade
Fury: avenger stop them
Avenger: sorry big bro not going to happen
Fury: loccent how far are they
Marshall: about half a mile striker will reach you first
Fury: im sorry sir but no he wont
Everyone watched strikers camera as fury jumped over the edge with the warhead
Striker: guys guys throw me
Crim: what
Cherno: da da calm down
All the other jeagers grabbed striker and threw him towards the breach where is flipped over the edge and knocked the kaiju carcus as well but he grabbed fury
Fury: striker stop i have to do this
Striker: no you dont you have a family now
Thunder: just a reminder so do you
Striker: ugh women
Thunder: heard that
Striker: anyway heres the carcus and now plant that warhead
Fury: but a manual activation is needed
Striker: you dumbass just turn the dial on top
Fury: you tell me that now why didnt you tell me that earlier
Striker: erm because i was getting beat up by gipsy
Striker: very fun now whats you say we blow these ass...
Striker: ahh fuck it lets blow these assholes away
Fury: very good striker but we better drop the carcus and run
Fury: i might of been playing with the turn dial and weve got five minutes left
Striker: shit lets go
Fury and striker dropped the carcus through the breach and started climbing when the other jeager looked at them running
Striker: run RUN
all jeager started to run but fury started to slow down as one of he kaiju assumed dead was still alive so he turned and planted his swords into the ground as the kaiju roared at him
Fury: well roar to you too
Striker: what are you doing
The striker noticed thhe kaiju
Fury: striker get the other jeagers to safety ill kill this bitch and meet you all top side
Striker: you better
Striker: sorry gipsy he requested
As all the jeager got top side and stood on the beach with everyone from the shatterdome just as the warhead blast shockwaved through the base
Gipsy: come on come on hes got to off made it
Marshall: erm gipsy ive got no life signal for fury
Gipsy: WHAT
Then they heard a laugh coming from the ocean everyone turned to see a kaiju head emerge
Gipsy: nooo
Striker: ill kill it
Voise: fuck off you couldnt kill me
Striker: wanna bet wait when do kaiju speak
Then the head fell and was held up by a matte black and red arm and everyone knew who it was
Fury: god to think you wanted to kill me striker
Striker: watch it brother
Fury: oh hardy har
But fury didnt see gipsy run towards him even though see was in jeager form
Fury: really well thats great
Raleigh: haha defo a bit of yancy in you fury with a mix of me,rees and amara
Fury: yeah but can i like sleep now
Thunder walked up next to striker
Thunder: do you think hes forgot gipsy's pregnant
Striker: maybe ill ask hey fury
Fury: yeah
Stirker: arent you forgetting something
Fury: erm no both arms and legs are here
Thunder: wow so a child isnt on your mind
Gipsy: took you long enough
Fury: im gonna be a dad hey raleigh have fun being a uncle
Raleigh: i think its grandad actually but im not sure
Chuck: ha your getting old rals
Striker: erm chuck you are forgetting thunder is pregnant to right
Chuck: fuck
Cherno: da da happy days well me go sleep now
Abyss: not with out me
Fury: well that happened so marshall what will happen now the breach is closed
Marshall: the jeager program will be shut down and all remaining jeagers are to be scrapped
Fury: what so we dont get to live
Marshall: i said jeagers mr parker not jeagerteens
Fury: oh yeah well im off to bed now that the breach is closed and forever will be
Everyone left but they didnt notice newt still staring out at sea
Newt: haha my plans didnt work well this time but with the help of shao and her business my legion shell rise again to claim this world when i create the kaiju hybrids hahaHAHHAA
So the breach is closed but this story will now follow over into pacific rim uprising but there is a shorter time gap between them

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