Chapter 4: gipsy's discovery and new jeagers

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Fury was in his and gipsy's dorm working out when gipsy walked in
Gipsy: hi babe
Fury: hi to you too
Gipsy: erm babe can i ask you something
By now fury had grabbed a drink from the fridge
Fury: yeah sure
Gipsy: what's sex
Fury spit his drink out and start choking he soon recovered
Fury: your joking right
Gipsy: no
Fury: oh well when to people love each other alot they can have sex which can result in a baby so like raleigh and mako or rees and amara
Gipsy: oh ok and i dont mean to be rude but when do i become a mark 6
Fury looked down because he knew there was only one way for her to become a mark 6 and it had to be sexually transfered
Fury: erm you sure you wanna know
Gipsy: yes fury
Fury took a deep breath before continuing
Fury: erm for you to become a mark 6 gipsy it has to be sexually transfered which mean me and you both have to agree to sex
Gipsy: oh well im ready are you
Fury: if you are
Gipsy nodded and for the next two hours the too jeagerteen had the best time of the lives so when dinner rolledaround and they walked into the cafertia to everyone watching them and then raleigh spoke up
Raleigh: so did you have fun
Fury: what you mean
Raleigh: you know what i mean
Fury: nope not a clue
By now gipsy had burried her head in his neck
Raleigh: fury the whole base heard you so theres no hiding it
Fury then realised what he was refering to and he looked a gipsy as she looked up at him
Fury: sorry babe
Gipsy: i dont care i had fun mr mark 6
Fury: dont start with that mrs mark 6
Raleigh: wait gipsys now a mark 6
Everyone looked at fury and gipsy in amazement
Fury: ok so everyone here knows about my sister jeager giving me her parts right
Striker: yeah
Fury: ok so she told the marshall that the only way for me to share her parts was it had to be sexually transfered
Rees: meaning you and gipsy had to well you know
Fury: yes rees
Amara: awww thats so cute rees why cant you do that
Rees was soon a red at crimson jeager form and so was amara once she realised she said outloud
Fury: well pilots i guess we all know what going to be happening in an hour
Rees: dont make me end you
Fury: haha just dont forget to wear protection
Rees: well did you for that matter
Fury and gipsy looked at each other then back to everyone and then at raleigh as he started to laugh
Raleigh: you didnt did you
Fury: we kinda didnt think about it
Amara: wait so we could have a mini nightfury danger running around
Gipsy mumbled something only fury heard
Fury: no i dont think so because if i remember correctly when two jeagerteens have sex they both protected by there systems
Raleigh: fury you forgetting your in human form
Fury: right shit so i guess we could have a mini nightfury danger or gipsy tempest running around in 9 months
Rees: well i better catch up and i said that outloud didnt i
Amara: yes bab yes you did but i agree so erm lets go
Fury: have fun pilot and rees
Rees: yes
Fury: two things first wear protection
Rees: and secondly
Fury: just fuck her already youve like her for nearly 6 years now
Rees: i know and im planning on wait where did raleigh and mako go
They heard raleigh shout from down the corridor
Raleigh: dont you worry about it im busy
Gipsy: oiii becket wear protection
Raleigh: yes mom
Gipsy just shook her heard as fury was get high five off the other jeagers
Gipsy: oi fury what you celebrating
Fury: nothing babe defently not that we had sex
Gipsy: your unbelieveable
Fury: why thank you babe and here is you food
Gipsy: thank you
So for the next couple of hours the jeagers talked when the marshall walked
Marshall: jeager we have three new jeagers joining our shatterdome tomorrow and i need three of you to share a room
Fury: well i carnt my room already shared sir
Marshall: then striker, cherno and crimson you will share
Striker: but i dont want to
Marshall: there female striker im sure you wouldnt keep a lady roomless
Striker: no sir
Marshall: good now are these arangements ok
Striker: yes sir
Cherno: da sir
Crimson: yes sir
Marshall: good report to the jeager bays with you pilots at 0600 hours
Jeager: yes sir
Marshall: good oh fury and gipsy
Fury: yes sir
Marshall: be more quiet next time
Fury laughed while gipsy burried her head in fury neck again
Fury: noted sir
Marshall: good
Fury: well jeagers lets get some shut eye before these new jeagers and pilots get here as they where heading to their rooms the marshall came to say one last thing
Marshall: i forgot to say that they are also jeagerteens
Fury: sir what mark are they and whats they names
Marshall: tsunami thunder is a mark 5 and will share with striker, abyss six surprizingly is a mark 1 and will share with cherno, emerald thornado is a mark 4 and will share with crimson and lastly well erm it doesnt matter
Fury: wait sir theres four jeager coming so whos the last
Marshall: if you must know is gipsy's younger jeager gipsy avenger
Gipsy: wait i have a brother
Fury: i have a step brother sweet
Gipsy: why are you so happy
Fury: because the family is growing
Gipsy: ok but how are going to tell each other apart
Fury: easy your gipsy and he is avenger
Marshall: yes gipsy i agree with fury
Fury: well jeagers lets go and get some shit eye and gipsy ill be anout 10 minutes so ill see you in our room
Gipsy: wait babe where you going
Fury: to raleigh
Gipsy: WHY!
But he didnt hear her as he had sprinted off to raleigh and was knocking on his door
Raleigh: ok ok im coming
Fury: good
Raleigh: fury whats up
Fury: did you know gipsy had a brother jeager
Raleigh: no
Mako: erm i did
Raleigh/fury: WHAT
Mako: when gipsy came back from the anchorage mission the one you lost yancy in
Raleigh: yeah i know so continue
Mako: well as you know i was put in charge of the mark 3 restortion program but i was aloud to make one jeager at any mark so i made gipsy avenger
Fury: so whos his pilots
Mako: my step brother jake pentecost and nate lambert
Fury: wait you mean jake pentecost as in the person who got grabbed by the PPDC two years ago with my pilot
Raleigh: which one
Amara: me
Mako: yes fury thats him we tried to convice him to stay but he got kicked out for trying to excatly what yancy did
Fury: how far did he get
Mako: two steps before he passed out
Amara: i remember him telling me that
Rees: so why do i only know now
Fury: because she had a crush on him before you
Amara: FURY!!
Fury: what amara he should know after all he is your boyfreind
Rees mumbled sonething but fury heard him
Fury: if you give up that easy im gonna hit you
Amara: what he say
Fury: he said that he probably wont be your botfriend much longer if jake is coming here
Amara: rees i love you not him ok
Rees: yes i love you too
Raleigh: yeepee now please leave to your rooms as im tired
Fury: right come on pilots
Amara: pilots we have name you know
Fury: yeah mr and mrs parker
Rees: hey how you know that will happen
Fury: reez you my pilot i know this that not even she knows
Amara: like
Rees: ive ran solo like raleigh
Amara: what when
Rees: when one of my best freinds died
Amara: who
Rees: haydyn
Amara: im almost afraid to ask but how
Rees and fury looked at her
Rees: same way yancy did i watched as the right side of the con pod got ripped away pulling him with it i felt his fear, he was scared then it all went dead as he died by that kaiju
Amara: what kaiju
Striker was walking toward his room when heatd the convosation and could see rees and fury struggling
Striker: bladehead he took down two jeagers before me and my pilots had finished off
Amara: who was the jeagers
Striker: my brother striker attacker and then rees and fury well rees and fury still held the beast of for a good two hours before i got there
Amara: wait you piloted for two hours on your own
Rees: yes because i wasnt going to give up and i knew you were at base trainning so we werent going to let it win that quick
Striker: i will say these two have to proper balls because holding off a catergory three with only one arm is hard
Amara: howd you know striker
Striker: i dont personally but gipsy does
Fury: me and gipsy are the only two jeagers left alive that have been piloted solo and have lost an arm
Rees: marshall's jeager was the other to be piloted solo
Amara: wow
Fury: yeah well anyway you three see you tomorrow for the new yeagers arrival
Rees: yeah see you later
Striker: yeah see you boss
Fury: it fury striker im not the marshall
Striker: i know
Everyone returned to there rooms and fury found gipsy fast asleep when he returned to his room ge smiled and join her in a peaceful sleep

Gipsy danger x ocOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora