Chapter 11: kaiju hybrids

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Today was he day that the hong kong shatterdome would get the jeager hybrids and at seven in the afternoon they were flying towards the shatterdome when something weird happened.
Fury was standing with everyone near the landing platforms and all jeagers are in jeager forms as shao still didnt known of their human selfs
Shao: marsahll hercules hanson my jeager hybrids should be landing in ten minutes
Herc: yes miss shao were watching them now
Then something went wrong and they changed and fury knew what to do
Fury: marshall permission to take over sir
Marshall: granted everyone fury is in charge
Fury: right gottlieb are you still in contact with newton
Gottlieb: briefly
Fury: well go to shao's building and see if he knows what is happening
Gottlieb: will do sir
Fury: right striker, thunder and crew you four with cherno, abyss and crew protect the human personnel
Striker: will do
Thunder: understood
Cherno and abyss: da
Strikers pilots: understood
Thunders pilots: will do
Cherno and abyss's pilots: da da
Fury: right crim,thornado and crew you help with keep the base up and running we cant lose power here
Crim: ok
Thornado: will be done
Their pilots: understood sir
Fury: ok gipsy and crew your with me and kids stay with striker and thunder and help them
Gipsy: im with you
Tempest: we will do you proud dad
Eurunder: ill help the best i can sir
Fury: we believe in you eurunuder now keep my son out of trouble
Eurunder giggled
Eurunder: dont i always
Fury: haha now go
Fury,gipsy and their pilots watched everyone run to there postions
Rees: right becket boys you ready
Fury: never thought id here that again
Yancy: me neither fury but were ready
Raleigh: this feels weird
Fury: why
Raleigh: im on my orginal side so it feels weird to be in mako's place
Gipsy: im just nervous
Fury: youll be fine gips youve got the best pilots there is well except mine of course
Avenger: sir you forgot to address us
Fury: shit sorry guys right avenger you take your platoon and help who ever needs it as i can see this getting messy
Avenger: on it sir come on guys
Yancy: fury do these new hybrids look like there being controlled like obsidion was
Fury: yeah looks like it right gipsy you take one ill take the other
After an good hour of fighting the hybrids gottlieb comed through
Gottlieb: fury it was newton all a long the kaiju have infected his brain and he put kaiju brains in all of the hybrid
Fury: shit anything else
Gottlieb: erm all hybrids are converging on three points
Raleigh: which are
Gottlieb: on your head up display now
Yancy: one in anchorage
Amara: one here
Fury: and the final one is london wait gottleib can shao shut these things down
Shao: yes but it will take me time
Fury: im sorry but we dont have fucking time dont you know whats happening
Everyone looked or listened to fury
Fury: if the kaiju have infected newtons brain then these three point are breachs and there going to multiple which means more kaiju are coming to earth
Mako: all jeagers and pilots this is mako mori and three kaiju signal are appearing out of the first three breachs
Fury: where they heading mako
Mako: mt fuji
Gottleib: of course kaiju blue is very reactive with certain earth materials and an active volcano has all of then and an explosion would cause the air to change to suit the kaiju so they can start being born here
Fury: gottlieb are you rocket thrusters ready
Gottleib: there function but i dont know about ready
Fury: right get back here we need you
Gottlieb: will do sir
Fury shouted so that everyone could here him
Everyone shouted and rushed to get all then jeagers ready for transport just as gottlieb arrive
Gottlieb: ive brought help
Fury: good now jeagers lets get straped up
Gottleib: one problem fury
Fury: which is
Gottlieb: theres only five rockets
Fury: fuck ok gipsy your with me on rocket 1 striker N thunder your rocket 2, cherno and abyss your on rocket 3, crim and thornado rocket 4 and finally tempest and eurunder rocket 5
Tempest: wait were coming with you
Fury: son this is a kill or be killed situation and if im going to be kill im dieing with my family
Gipsy: fury are you sure there both rookies
Fury: now there not all male jeagers have been training them since they were upgraded and there just as power as me and striker so there coming
Striker: fury i guess having a kid wasnt so bad now was
Fury: no it wasnt brother
Gipsy: why do you too always call each other brothers
Striker and fury looked at each other then back to everyone else
Striker: because we are i was just built in the aussie production while he was in the england one but my production line got shut down half way through my production so herc and chuck who had already been choosen to be my pilots requested for me to be finished in emgland which rees's dad gladly accepted as long as i was fury brother
Fury: yep well there you go brothers fight but when together were unstoppable
Striker: fuck too right
Herc: striker laungauge
Striker: right sorry
Gottlieb: fury ive found two more rockets in storage
Fury: haha great avenger and sabar your rocket 6 and titan n bracer rocket 7 now lets roll out
Rees: youve been watch transformers again havent you
Fury: yep
So all the jeagers were coupled up to the jeagers and were well on the way to tokyo and just before they landed mako came across the coms again
Mako: right jeagers im taking over loccent for this operation which i can name yet
Fury: operation get fucked kaiju is a go
Mako: ah screw it that it right guys and girls operation get fucked kaiju is a go
Rees: that my boy fury but you son is so going to copy you
The fury realised and screamed
Gipsy: babe what up
Fury: i forgot tempest and eurunder dont have pilots
Gipsy: you told them to come but forgot to get them pilots
Striker: dont worry fury ive got an idea
Fury: what
Striker: well raleigh and rees have solo piloted before so why dont yancy and amara pilot tempest and eurunder
Fury: you two ok with that
Yancy: fuck yeah tmepest when we land uncle yancy's coming in
Tempest: ok yancy
Amara: dont worry eurunder ill look after you
Eurunder: dont worry i trust you
So when all of the yeagers landed all piloted jeagers circled tempest and eurunder as yancy and amara drifted with them
Amara: this is jeager striker eurunder drift is strong and holding
Yancy: this is jeager gipsy tempest and weve hot the bol and on the role
Chuck: that was my line
Yancy: sorry chucky
Fury: raliegh and rees you too going to be ok srift solo
Raliegh: yeah ive handle a pissed off gipsy before so i can do it again
Rees: weve dont it before fury why you so worried
Fury: because afer a certain amount of solo drifting you brain can either explode or youll be deformed
Raleigh: wait really
Rees: no way i are you sure
Fury: yeah im so messing with you two
Rees: cunt
Raleigh: gipsy can i have permission to hit you boyfriend
Gipsy: no but i can hit him though
Fury: never mind that loccent how far are the kaiju
Mako: five hundred yards fury but erm there is six of them
Fury: what how
Rees: the kaiju must of knew that all of us were coming so they are being prepared
Fury: one kaiju for two jeagers right erm gipsy your
Gipsy: with you i know
Fury: erm actually your with our son
Gipsy: right ok
Fury: so you two take then right one while crim
And thornado you take far left
Crim: ok
Fury: right cherno and abyss take left one while avenger and sabar take far right
Avenger: confirmed fury
Fury: right brother you with me were taking on the main one
Striker: ok
Fury: Right so that leaves thunder, bracer, titan and eurunder so titan you back up tempest and gipsy
Titan: will do
Fury: bracer you back up cherno and abyss
Bracer: ok boss
Fury: and thunder you back up crim and thornado with eurunder
Thunder: ok babe please be careful
Striker: im always careful
Herc: no your not your as bad as chuck
Fury: right so everyone lets go
Everyone watched as fury and rees rushed off and they soon followed and came face fo face with the targets after a goos while four group were down which where cherno and abyss, crim and thornado, avenger and sabar and titan and bracer which left fury and striker with gipsy and tempest, thunder and eurunder and that was it fury sighed heavyly
Striker: what the plan fury
Fury: i dont know
Gipsy: can you hear something
The remaining jeagers look down at their feet to see little things that attached to the kaiju and merged them into one
Raleigh: well he's pretty big
Fury; tempest and eurunder you take thunder and gipsy and help the others me and striker will handle this
Gipsy was about to agrue until she saw fury's con pod it was dented and some of the glass was missing
Gipsy: fury you ok
Fury: yeah
Gipsy: but your con pod is badly damaged
Fury: loccent how do we take it down
Mako: well if all six kaiju are one then all six brains must be in there
Shao: yes they are the brain are in a line alog its spine
Fury: right ok thanks loccent
Mako: by the way fury newton is in tokyo he is watching everything from some where
Nate: dont worry loccent me and jako will find him
Fury: stay safe and striker let do this
Striker: right behind you
Raleigh: did fury just ignore you gips
Gipsy: erm yeah
Raleigh: man thats cold
After a good attempt at the kaiju both striker and fury had taken down four of the six brain but striker was too damaged to carry on but fury and rees tried to attack it again but the kaiju slammed it fist down on top of fury and slightly crushed his con pod which mad a peice a metel go through rees side that caused rees to scream in pain and that stop everyone dead in there tracks
Amara: babe you ok
Rees: y-yeah im ( cough) good b-baby
Fury: loccent this is jeager nightfury tempest pilot is been stabbed by a peice of metel and he is slowly dieing i have to finish this alone
Mako: o-ok fury
Amara: what do you mean rees has been stabbed
All jeagers came to fury to see him badly dented amd his con pod slightly crushed amara ran down tempest's arm and into fury con pod to see rees just dangling there motionless as the metel stuck straight through him
Fury: amara take him and make sure he get medical attention
Amara: i cant leave you
Then everyone else entered and where horrified to see rees's state
Raleigh: rees is he
Amara: hes still breathing that a good sign
Fury: amara please take him ill come back
Amara: but with this amount of damage you need a pilot
Jake: fury ill help you
Fury: thanks
Jake: amara take him and get him medical attention and ill bring your jeager back
Fury signed as he knew what he was planning
Fury: loccent this is jeager nightfury tempest prepare for neral handshake
Mako: will do fury
Fury: and send in scrapper i need his welder
Amara: scrapper
Fury: rees and i modified him so he could be used as a construction jeager now everyone get back here comes scrapper now
Shao: jeager fury this shao what you need
Fury: i need you too weld that rocket to my hand
Gipsy: why
Fury: doesnt matter why just watch our son
Shao: all done fury
Fury: you ready jake
Jake: ready as ever
Then the rocket burst to life and took him to high enough so he could drop down on the kaiju
Fury: loccent rockets detached and im now in free fall
Gipsy: what do you think your doing that too high you be killed on impact
Fury: thats the plan babe i am right above the kaiju so ill drop in and with my force and momentum ill kill the kaiju on impact
Nate: jake you agreed to this
Jake: never got to make my dad proud so ill do it today
Fury: no you will live today
Jake: huh
Fury ai voiced fury command
Fury's ai: pilot escape pod activated
Jake watched helplessly as he was ejected from fury and land on the side of the volcano excatly where all the jeager where running up
Gipsy: jake jake wheres fury
Jake looked up and so did everyone else and they could see fury gaining more and more speed fury glanced down to them and sulated in mid air and fury said his last words before impacting the kaiju
Fury: its been a pleasure to service and fight along side you all and gipsy just know i love you always did and always wi.....
The com link between fury and everyone else went dead queit as he impacted the kaiju and the kaiju went tumbling down the side of the mountain and stopped
Gipsy: l..loccent is it d....dead
Mako: kaiju signal just went offline its dead
Nate: and newton is captured aswell
Everyone then went queit as they realised fury had sacrificed himself to save all of them and earth
Amara: ive lost my jeager and rees is currently being treated which could mean i could loose him too
Rees: dont bet on it
Everyone looked around for where the rees voice came from
Rees:coms you stupid idiots hahah
Amara: i swear ill kill you
Then the coms went quiet again and everyone stared at the kaiju's carcus then yancy spoke up
Yancy: did you head that
Raleigh: hear what yancy
Yancy: it sounded like fury
Gipsy: it cant be him weve just watched him die
Then the sound yancy heard came again but louder this time and everyone looked around again in search for the sound then they all looked at the kaiju carcus again and could hear laughing coming from it
Striker: is it me or does that sound like fury's laugh
Everyone looked like they had seen a ghost as fury cut his way out of then kaiju's back
Evryone just stared at fury then they all whoshed around at the sound of metel footsteps coming towards them
Rees: we sure as hell gave everyone a fright dont you think fury
Fury:id say so
Amara: are you walking
Rees: me and fury fitted healing machine thingys into scrapper to so if any one got injured during a construction job they could be instantly healed
Amara just stared at rees with tears in her eyes and rees walked to her and hugged her
Rees: i told you im not going anywhere
Amara: i know i just thought i lost you
Fury: the becket moto amara the becket moto
Amara: huh
Raleigh,yancy,fury and rees: to loose me you have to believe you have lost me but know that ill always be here in your heart
Amara: wow thats pretty deep
Raleigh: i know our dad said it too us a day before he commited suicide
Fury: erm gipsy are you ok or
Gipsy: i er thought i lost you to this war
Fury: nah it takes more than that little kaiju to kill me
Gipsy rushed forward and crushed fury in a hug
Fury: ahahah ok ok i missed you too
Gipsy: good now dont ever do that again and your not listening are you
Fury smirked
Fury: huh what was that gips
Gipsy: oh your so lucky i love you
Fury: well i love you too so what do you say that we all return to the shatterdome and get these dented out and i need a new con pod
Fury; heyo loccent send transport and have my new con pod ready please
Mako: haha will do fury will do but gipsy do me a favour
Gipsy: slap raleigh for me after all he did scare the living daylight out of me
Raleigh: uh oh
Mako: and yance while your at it
Yancy: oh shit
Mako: and for really good measure slap fury as well
Fury: shit run becket boys run
Mako: oh and amara slap rees too
Rees: i agree run becket boys fucking run
Gipsy: get back here you little shits
Amara: yeah get back here
Rees: but babe im taller than your small ass oh shittt
Fury: im taller than you too gipsy hahaha shit beckets and rees jump on
Everyone watched as fury picked up raleigh, yancy and rees and started to sprint towards the incoming choppers
Herc: now thats a happy ending to a horriable day
Striker: i agree dad i agree now where is my little baby
Thunder: im next to you
Striker: not you twat out daunghter
Thunder: oh
Striker: still love you though
Herc: erm striker i think thats tempest and eurunder in front of fury and t was confirmed when gipsy and fury collided but lucky the beckets and rolled out of furys hand and landed outside the chopper while rees was not so fortunate he was being held down by amara just like gipsy was doing to fury
Fury: fine fine you win girl you win
Amara: ahha
Gipsy and amara let them up but were took by surprise when rees and fury grabbed them and kissed them both before running toward the choppers
Fury: i guess we win rees
Rees: haha guess so
Amara: god i love him
Gipsy: i know but there parkers they will never change
Fury: you two are parkers two you know
Amara: no were not were not married
Rees: oh really then look a your ring finger
Both girls looked down at there hands and notice a engagment ring
( the jeages are in human form now if your wondering)
Amara: so you manage to sneak engagment ring onto our hands how i will never know
Fury: told you your parkers
Amara: but we havent had a wedding
Rees: i hate wedding cant i just say that im married to amara do we really need a wedding after today
Fury: i agree wait herc
Herc: yah
Fury: your marshall marry us two to them
Herc: oh ok by the power invested in my i now pernouce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride
And that they did
Amara: well its good enough as long as im with you
Rees: you welcome mrs parker
Amara: amara parker does sound nice doesnt it
Fury: wait im confused again it is mrs tempest or mrs parker for gipsy
Rees: erm which every she would like
Gipsy: i think ill go with tempest
Fury: ok then mrs tempest
Herc: alright love bird get in the chopper so we can get back to base
Fury: were coming were coming god
Rees: god who shit in your salad
Amara: that disgusting
Rees: i know
Everyone laughed and joked all the way to the shatterdome
To be possiably continued

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