Chapter 10: fury returns

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The was mid afternoon when fury,yancy and the other jeagers reached the hong kong shatterdome and herc was waiting for them
Herc: haha i see you finally made it
Fury: yeah we made so herc can you call all jeagers and pilots here please
Herc: sure thing
Loudspeaker: can all jeagers and pilots come to the jeager bay please
Within a couple of minutes all jeagers and pilots were in the jeager bay welcoming fury and yancy back
Fury: so whos ready to be upgraded as im already done
Gipsy: what how
Yancy: i did it before we left anchorage
Raleigh: gld it good to have you back yancy
Yancy: its good to be back and rees im so sorry about you sister
Rees: she died protecting what she loved and to me that an honorable way to go
Amara: agreed
Fury: well jeagers line up and get ready we will start with gipsy
So after the next 20 to 30 minutes all jeager were mark 7's but there chassis didnt change shape so they looked the same but the only two who didnt get upgraded was tempest and eurunder
Fury: hey kids you want to be done now
Tempest: yeah im ready
Eurunder: so am i
Fury: if it hurts you can hit me how about that
They both agreed and they also got upgraded to mark 7's
Fury: you two do know what this means right
Tempest: erm no dad
Fury: you both get to join in the action now
Tempest: sweet
Eurunder: nice
Herc: hey people listen up ive just been told that shao has had full surport of her jeager hybrids so there sending two to each city
Fury: fucking great
Herc: sorry fury but not in my hands
Yancy: i have a bad feelin about this
Raleigh: you have a bad feelig about everything yancy
Yancy: true oh and i think weve found way to tell me and rees son apart at base
Rees: which is
Yancy: yancy jr is your son and ill be yancy of course
Rees: sounds good
Amara: herc when do these new jeager hybrids arrive
Herc: next week
Gipsy: why so long
Herc: i dont know gipsy and fury where are the other jeagers
Fury: oh right everyone meet bracer pheonix, titan redemer and sabar athenia
Titan: hi
Bracer: heyo
Sabar: hey
Avenger: bout time you joined us
Sabar: is that my baby
Everyone looked at avenger as he tried to hide behind his pilots but forgot he is in jeager form
Jake: avenger you in jeager form she can see you
Avenger: right yeah i knew that
Bracer: babe he doesnt change does he
Titan: no baby he doesnt
Avenger: hey when did you too happen
Titan: just after you left boyo
Avenger: oh well i guess all jeagers are taken now
Fury: dont know how striker did it but he did
Striker: the hanson gift
Rees: so the parker n becket gift must be the best then
Striker: why
Amara: because fury and gipsy were the first couple here
Herc: actually there second
Raleigh: how so oh wait coyota and ronin
Fury: wait isnt that stackers jeager and his best friends jeager
Herc: yeah back in the mark 1 days coyota, ronin and crews never got sent out without each other so every mission or operation was a two jeager drop for them
Fury: why cant i do that
Gipsy: i wonder who with
Fury: striker of course
Gipsy: oh
Striker: ahah
Fury: babe i was joking it would be you of course but im now wondering something
Yancy: what that
Fury: who are you going to pilot
Yancy: my jeager which i just remember got destroyed by mr rogue
Fury: my point proven unless
Raleigh: unless what
Fury: erm ill let mako say
Mako: im quiting being a jeager pilot
Raleigh: what why
Mako: because im pregant as i told you this morning and i wanted to be more within the base so im giving my place to yancy
Yancy: mako you sure i dont want to intrude
Mako: yes yancy im sure
Yancy: ok then
Fury: the becket boys are back ladies and gents
Raleigh: really you big child
Fury: hey i get that of gipsy which reminds me
Gipsy: what
Fury: were getting matching paint jobs both being metellic red with a balck perlesciont or what ever its called
Gipsy: ok fine
Fury: haha we will be back in an hour guys so do what every yous do
They all watched as fury and gipsy walkes off to be painted
Herc: well titan, sabar and bracer as you three are close with avenger you can all share the same room
Titan: great
Bracer: good
Sabar: nice
Avenger: greatttt
Titan: you love us really sabar more than us but you love us
Avenger: fine i guess i do
So everyone returned to what ever they were doing before and the day was pretty preductive all round
To be continued
Sorry this chapter is abit on the short side

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