Chapter 6: The new jeagers

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Fury, gipsy, raleigh and amara headed into the cafertia to get something to eat before the new jeagers arrive, they joined the table thag held the other jeagers along with there pilots but mako was no where to be seen
Herc: raleigh if your looking for mako she said shes getting ready for the jeagers arrival
Raleigh:oh ok
Fury: so babe are you looking forward to seeing your brother
Gipsy: i guess
Fury: whats up
Gipsy: well there is four new jeagers joining us and three of them are girls so im alittle nervous
Fury: are you worried ill leave you
Gipsy looked at fury in abit of surprise that he read her so easyly
Fury: gips i love you and im not going to leave you ok
Gipsy smiled and nodded
Fury: good so cherno
Cherno: da
Fury: you do realise you new jeager room mate is russian right
Cherno: no me didnt know that
Fury: oh well i guess you do now but you gonna try and get with her
Cherno: i dont know me not good at relationship
Fury: im sure it will work out so what about you crim
Crim: i dont know all i know is that she is chinese aswell but speaks fluten english
Fury: hey might be your catch
Crim: ha maybe
Fury: im almost afraid to ask you but what about you striker
Striker: well ive learnt from my prevous mistakes that showing off dont work so ill try you way after all you did land gipsy
Fury looked at gipsy as she talked with her pilot and fury chuckled
Fury: haha i guess it did but striker you do know who the aussie jeager is right
Striker: erm no clue actaully
Fury: its tsunami thornado the same jeager you left to hold the mircile mile on the day you lost your brother
Striker: no way i had feeling for her then but we then got sent to different shatterdomes
Fury: well you never know she might have the same feelings still
Striker: there's hope still i guess
As fury was about to answer a message came across the loud speak
Can all jeagers and pilots go to the jeager bay as the new jeagers are arriving
Fury: jeagers lets go
So all the jeagers and pilots went to the jeager bay and met the marshall there
Marshall: ahh fury
Fury: marshall when do they get here and do we stay like this or do you want us in jeager forms
Marshall: its up to you fury and there here now
Then four jeager walk around the corner and stopped behind the marshall
Marshall: ahh you four must be abyss six, tsunami thunder, emerald thornado and gipsy avenger
Avenger answered for the group
Avenger: yes sir and may i ask where the other jeagers are or are we it
Marshall turned to fury
Marshall: this is fury better known as nightfury tempest
Abyss: no offence sir but he is a human
The marshall chuckled and let fury take over
Fury: jeagers follow me and transform i guess
The four new jeagers watched as five human turn into jeagers
Fury: im nightfury tempest, to my right is gipsy danger sister to avenger, to my left is striker eureka one of the last mark 5's and on his left is the oldest jeager here cherno alpha was the last mark 1 and on gipsy's right is crimson typhoon
Avenger: i have a sister
Gipsy: yeah i was the same when i found out
Thunder: so no disrepect but who are your pilots
Fury: my pilots are rees parker and amara namani
Gipsy: mine are raleigh becket and mako mori
Crim: the wei triplets
Cherno: them
Fury: cherno whyd you just point
Sasha: because he doesnt know how to say our second name
Cherno: da
Fury: oh ok so who are your pilots then and avenger we know yours
Avenger: wait you do
Gipsy: yep they would be jake pentacost and nate lambert
Avenger: that they would
Thurnder: my pilots are mr and mrs scot
Aybss: mine are makarov and yuri and thats all i know of there names
Thornado: mine are callum and chloe fisher there siblings
Gipsy: oh abit like my old pilots
Raleigh: oi one of your old pilots
Gipsy: right sorry raleigh
Fury: so before you go none of you three girls have a problem with sharing a room with the different sex
Abyss: no
Thunder: no problem
Fury: good well thunder your sharing with your old friend striker who surprisingly has took your human baggage to your room
Thunder: aww how kind of him
Fury: yeah and abyss you will be sharing with cherno and thornado you will be crimson
Abyss: fine with me
Thornado: same but where are they
Fury looked around to see cherno and crimson carring the girls human baggage to there rooms
Fury: they have done the same as striker has
Abyss: wow most kind
Thornado: aww very kind
Avenger: wait where am i staying
Fury: well because of the lack of room the girls had to share but luckly for you, you get your own room which is located next to gipsy danger pilots room
Avenger: ahh ok and what about my pilots and other jeager pilots
Fury: they have returned to there old rooms which luckly hadnt been used for storage
Avenger: ahh ok well i guess we will see you tomorrow
Fury: yeah i guess you will
Fury watched as the new jeagers went to there rooms
Gipsy: so how about we call it a day we need sleep just in case a kaiju attacks
Fury: good point but im going to speak with the marshall a second so ill see you in our room babe
Gipsy: ok love you
Fury: love you too
Gipsy kissed fury and walked off to their room as fury walked over to he marshall
Fury: marshall all new jeagers and pilots are accomadated
Marshall: good work fury
Fury: sir if i may resquest something
Marshall: and whats that
Fury: if a kaiju attacks i want to be the first jeager deployed sir as i was the first hybrid of the jeagers
Marshall: are you sure fury that does mean you will be in action more that others
Fury: im sure
Marshall: ok but what about your pilots
Fury: fuck i didnt ask them well ill get back to you about there answer then we can go from there sir
Marshall: very well now go and get some sleep
Fury: will do sir
Fury walked back to his room but stop to ask his pilots if there where alright with his plan to be deployed first and luckly both pilots loved the idea well more rees than amara but
they both agreed and fury returned to his room and joined gipsy in a peaceful nights sleep
To be continued

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