Ch. 1 The Phantom Detectives, My Partners

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James R.

My head jolted off of my pillow at the sound of my alarm clock in my ear. Rather than groan and cover my ears, I turned off the clock and jumped out of my bed to begin getting ready. It was today, the day I had been preparing for.

I started by taking a shower then went back to get dressed. I put on a pair of navy colored slacks, a white tunic, and navy vest with a black tie. I brushed my brunette hair back, away from my deep emerald green eyes. With the end of the comb in my mouth I struggled to fix my tie. When I finally got it fixed, I roamed over to my desk near the window to set the comb down.

I sighed, fiddling with my bronze watch, frowning over the cloudy grey skies. Then again, this was London... I shouldn't really be expecting much more out of the weather than this. I'd been living dead in the middle of this city since I first started college. Since then, I've been living in the same one bedroom apartment, with the same noisy neighbors who never seem to shut their globs.

I took a look at the morning paper, yesterday's date, January 9th, 1889. A shiver runs down my spine at the sight of the "for hire" advertisement for a butcher in the slums. If I don't get hired by these folks, I might just have to move out London.

I slip on my coat to keep out the early morning chill and cover my head with a black and blue fedora. Nearly forgetting my keys, I somehow manage to leave my apartment with my head still attached to my neck. Stepping out of the apartment building, the early morning chill is slightly worse than I had expected. I continue to walk along the sidewalk, glancing at my wrist watch for the time.

It's only 6:32, yet the streets are already becoming so crowded... suppose it's better than walking alone in the dark...

I slip my hand back into my pocket for a minute to make sure- yes, my letter was still there, from a certain detective that said I had caught their eye. They didn't give me much information in the letter, only that they already had one existing partner and were willing to take on an extra hand.

I continue to glance up and down from my letter to the pavement until I arrive. To make sure I'm in the right place, I say the address aloud to myself.

"9091, Royal Boulevard. Yep, this is the place."

The building was eight stories high, two stories higher than my apartment complex. The doorway is lined with birch wood, which complements the red brick building. There is a cobblestone pathway leading to the door, and the fence around the place was lined with small trees and what looked like white rose bushes.

Gulping away my fear, I began to walk to the beige colored door. When I turned it's silver handle, a small gold bell inside rang so the woman at the desk could be aware of my presence. As I approach the desk, I remove my hat, holding it in my hands.

The woman's mocha hair was set in a neat bun atop her head. She has warm beige skin, and pensive auburn eyes. She wears a green velvet dress that compliments her pale pink lipstick.

Those pensive eyes of hers float up to me, a smile appearing on her face as she says, "Well hello there sugar, how might I be of your assistance this morning?"

"Ah well, I'm here to see the Phantom Detectives. Could you possibly tell me what level they're located on?" I ask.

"The Phantom- I see! You're they're new partner!"
"W-wait what? No, I haven't been hired yet, plus I haven't had good luck thus far so I don't believe it's right to keep my hopes up so high."

"Nonsense! If Detective Millore picked you over all the others coming in and begging for a job, then that's saying something. Come on, I've got some mail to drop off for those two so I'll lead the way."

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