Ch.38 Where's My Partner?

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Eloise M.

I woke up the next morning with a strong feeling that something wasn't right. I quickly got dressed in my slacks, tunic, vest, and shoes. Today, I decided to wear my black leather gloves along with my fedora.

"Eloise?" Violet groaned, groggy eyed. "What time is it?"

"It's 7:38 P.M. That butler of Connor's should have waken us up by now, but..."

"But what, Eloise?" Violet questions.

I avert my eyes for a moment. I don't want to worry my sister... but staying silent might worry her more. So, finally I sigh and answer, "But I feel like, today at least, there's something more at stake."

"Then let me go with you," Violet bolts up out of bed, "I know Thunder is trained to protect but-"

"But he can't fight off a killer, I know Violet. Just hurry."


Violet put on a wine red dress with a off-shoulder bodice, decorated with black lace. Her hair was put in a braided bun. Compared to my sister... I looked horrible. But then again... murder doesn't care how you dress... and the one behind the murder weapon won't judge.

Violet and I were making our way down the halls to Arthur and Rodrich's rooms... when we heard a low moan coming from the room where Ace slept. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge, so I banged on the door as hard as I could.

I heard at least one thing fall over back there, amongst a great deal of shuffling. There was a metallic scent in the air, strong enough to where you would taste it.

"What is that smell?" Violet asked, plugging her nose.

"Good lord that's gas- Boys open the door!" I demanded, pounding my fist on the door.

No answer.

"BOYS! I swear! If you don't open this door right now I'll kick it down!" I threaten.

"Eloise no! You can hurt someone! Plus this is Connor's manor!" Violet holds me back by my right arm... as if that would do anything.

Thunder whines and looks a bit dizzy next to us. That's when I realize precisely what gas we were smelling. "Oh my god, there's nitrous oxide in the air!"

"Is that bad?" Violet questioned.

"Extremely." I nod. "Nitrous oxide is used mainly in hospitals to knock people out before an operation. It's otherwise known as 'laughing gas' and is known to make people hallucinate."

Violet steps up next to me and bangs on the door yelling, "ACE! Open up! Boys it's us! Eloise and Violet! Please open the door!"

"Hurry Violet, move!" I demand.

After Violet is out of my way, I draw my gun and kick the door in. We find that the door was blocked off. We push aside most of the furniture and enter the room to find Ace, Grey, Tex, and Rodrich passed out on the floor. But where was Arthur?

"Ace. Ace. Ace! Ace wake up now!" Violet demands, shaking her husband by his shoulders. "Oh for the love of-"

Violet smacks Ace across the face, waking him up with a start. Ace gasps, "Good mercy! What the hell happened?!"

"We were all put to sleep by nitrous oxide, I can smell it in the air." Tex groans.

"Nitrous what now?" Grey grumbles.

"It's laughing gas you buffoon!" I hiss.

"W-Well how was I supposed to know that!?" Grey growls back.

I roll my eyes, providing a hand for- "Rodrich!" I exclaim. "Where's Arthur? Did he come in here with you guys?"

"Eloise," Rodrich gasps, " Arthur is gone!"

"Wait, gone?" Violet echoes.

"What do you mean by gone?" even Grey sounds worried.

"We heard a noise just outside our door... Arthur went out to investigate b-but... he never came back." Rodrich explains.

I didn't know if it was from the laughing gas but I felt sick and even a little dizzy. Arthur is... gone? No... no that can't be, that can't be! He couldn't have left us! Not at a time like this!

I bolt from the room, Thunder at my heels, and Violet calling after me. My mind is a blur, my heart is racing and... and then I see it... Arthur's gun abandoned on the floor. I find myself aghast, not believing my eyes, thinking I'm hallucinating. With Thunder still at my heels, we burst into Arthur's room... to find everything intact... except for a note on his fedora. 

The note reads:

Stay outta my business little girl... or else your little ghost friend will get what's commin' to him. This is your last warning Millore...

It felt... like I had just gotten shot.... those words... they clung to my mind like a fish on a hook. Little ghost friend....

My legs gave out beneath me. My hands were trembling, clutching the letter as tight as I possibly could. I couldn't breath... my brain wouldn't work, "N-no!" I stammered... fighting back tears.

"You said you wouldn't leave me..."

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