Ch.11 Lead Filled Rain

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Eloise M.

"LET THE DOG OUT!" I scream.

"BLOODY HELL!" Tyler bellows, garbing a shotgun and loading it.

James, Arthur, and I already had our guns locked and loaded. Tyler kicked down the door, letting Thunder bolt out, barking like there was no end. We followed after him. Once we were out, Tyler dove behind the bar counter, Arthur and James both behind opposite booths, while I flipped a pool table, Thunder hiding next to me.

"Get outta my bar!" Tyler commanded, firing his weapon.

"Aim and fire boys!" I shout, pulling the trigger.

The entire bar was filled with bullets. We heard two unidentified yelps followed by heavy thuds. When one of the men bolted for Tyler, surprisingly, James acted first. He ran out from behind his booth and kicked the man straight in the jaw. James removed his navy blue tie to bind the attackers hands together. Thunder and Arthur went after the second one. But, I had just barely gotten a glimpse of the third guy, taking off out the door.


"ELLY BE CAREFUL!" Tyler warned.

I leapt over the pool tables and burst through the doors, immediately having to duck to avoid the bullets. I took that time to reload my gun. As the attacker started to run, I followed. This bastard thought he was slick and charged up the fire escape to an apartment building. But I was just as quick, if not quicker.


Several lights went on and people opened their windows only to cower back inside. If they didn't hear me, they surely saw me. I hopped over the side of the building, continuing the chase as we hopped from roof to roof. The night sky turned grim with lead filled rain. A morbid disturbance.

The attacker turned around and fired, giving me little time to evade the bullet though I was successful. I fired two bullets, one just barely grazing his left shoulder. He yelped, but clung to his gun, staggering back. Though on separate rooftops, we stood face to face in a deadly duel, the wind whipping through my hair and clothes.

It was now I got a close look at our attacker. His skin sun kissed, his hair a deep ash brown, his eyes a blue so dark they looked black. His attire matching mine though without the fedora and his tunic a white so clean it was glowing.

"You shall pay for meddling in these affairs, woman." The attacker hissed in french.

"It is you that will pay for this attack you feral dog!" I bellow back in french, taking my aim and firing two more bullets.

I was sure they- NO! I missed the target!

Instead, the attacker fired the last of his own bullets. I ducked and dodged the best I could but in the end there were just too many. I screamed out in pain and agony as one of the bullets grazed my right arm. It tore through my skin, soaking my french ash grey tunic with deep, crimson blood. The attacker went to make his escape, but with a shaky left hand, I raised my gun and fired my last three bullets, each one hitting their target.

The attacker fell forward, straight onto his face. I mustered enough of my energy to leap onto the roof of where he now laid, deceased. I turned over his body... I had to know if...

No... I was wrong... His left hand held no tattoo. But... he had a pin on his vest...

It was the Mistwood seal.

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