Ch.50 What I Am

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Violet D.

"I don't understand," Ace mumbles, "why have you kept this from me... after all these years."

"I was afraid that I would hurt you. So I... I kept it a secret."

Ace was about to open his mouth and say more, but Rodrich and Grey burst through the door of the room, each of them holding a revolver.

"Violet..." Rodrich wheezes, "i-it's Arthur!"

"What about Arthur!?" I go straight back into panic mode.

"H-he's hurt," Grey gasps, "and he's saying you're the only one who can help him.

Fear crashes over me in a wave of cold sweat. I have to help Arthur... but if I do that... they'd know...

"Come on!" I shout.

I don't care! Arthur is my friend! After all he's done for me and Eloise, I have to help him... I'll never forgive myself if I don't. I have to do it... for him.


Arthur is laying on the floor... half transparent.

"What's happening to him!?" Austin wails.

"H-he's... he's going back to the spirit world." I stutter.

"What?!" Rodrich goes pale.

"Violet, can you stop this?!" Karen looks like she's about to have a nervous breakdown.


Thunder whimpers, curling up near Arthur's chest, licking his face. My eyes sting with tears. I shake away all doubt, take a deep breath and say, "I can help Arthur... just promise me none of you will ever speak of this moment again."

Glances are exchanged around the room before Ace groans, "We have no time for this! Violet, whatever you're going to do just do it!"

I level my breathing, closing my eyes as I clear my mind. "Consider it done."

><><Scene Switches to Tex's View><><

When Violet opens her eyes again, they're shining like stars in the sky. It's an effort to contain my gasp. Looking at her face... she seems... like an old soul in a new body.

Violet puts her hand over Arthur's heart. She starts to speak. I can hear her voice, but it's like there's an echo... "Heart of gold, purest of souls, your work here is not done. Though the light beckons you away, you must have the will to stay. Arthur... we need you. Eloise needs you."

"My god." Rodrich mutters in a short gasp.

Arthur is going back into his solid form again. His blood is going back into his body, and the color is returning to his face. There is a sort of goldish glow around Violet and Arthur. I keeps staring at Violet as she... as she starts to sing? The sound of her voice is making the glow grow stronger.

I realize, Violet's clothes are changing. Violet now wears a white dress with a off shoulder bodice and lace sleeves. Her hair is out of it's original style, flowing down her back like a river of gold. In her hair, now sits a silver crown of stars.

I couldn't help but gape at her... her... beauty. It's obvious Violet wasn't human. But... if not human... than what in this world was she?

><><Scene Switches to Violet's View><><

After the spell is cast... all is silent. I bit my lip, staring at Arthur with yearning, teary eyes. This has to work, it has to! Please Arthur... come back to us.

Soon, the glow around us fades. Arthur's blood starts to travel back into his body, the color returning to his face, and his chest once again rising and falling. After what seemed like years, Arthur gasps, his head bolting off of Maria's apron.

"Thank the gods..." I whisper.

"YES! HE'S ALIVE!" Tex cheers.

"ARTHUR!" Rodrich exclaims.

"My god! I thought we lost you!" Grey lets out a huge sigh of relief.

"Arthur are you alright!? What happened?!" Ace demands.

"Adrien was trying to drag me back to the spirit world," Arthur huffs, "now that you healed me... you healed him too."

"Well screw that! At least you're still alive!" Austin says.

"Violet..." Ace's voice is, low.

I stay silent, my eyes locked with the floor. My eyes... these stupid grey eyes. Now that the glow is gone, my eyes are a steel grey. Ace puts a gentle hand below my chin, raising it up so I can look at him. His smile... that same smile I fell in love with years ago.

I take a deep breath. "Eloise and I... we're not completely human. We're half bloods. Half human... then half of something else. That other thing... is... is Siren."

"Y-You're a Siren?" Ace gasps.

"What the hell is- OWW!"

"Can it Grey I'm tired of your shit!" Maria hisses, smacking him across the head.

"Land, Sea, or Air?" Rodrich asks.

I shoot to my feet. "H-How do you know?!"

Rodrich gives me a gentle smile. "I knew that you and your sister were special. Let's just say it's a gift of mine."

I give him a nod of understanding. "Sea and Air Sirens are dangerous... I am part Land Siren, a creature that is devoted to helping mankind... in the myths, Sirens are also called by another name. One that is quite common in stories."

"Dream Crafters," Austin whispers, "my read me stories about them when I was younger. But wait... that means..."

I sigh... removing the spell on my left wrist. There is a swirling symbol of lilac ink. The flowers are lilies, on vines of stardust. But in the center of it all, is a rapier with two dragon wings circling around it. "My siren symbol. Depending where it is on the body-"

"It shows the strength of your soul." Rodrich finishes.

"That's right." I nod.

"If yours is on your arm, then where is Eloise's?" Grey asks.

"I have what's called a gauntlet... Eloise..." I take another deep breath;

"Eloise has a crown."

*OLD*Phantom Detectives*OLD*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora