Ch.6 His Brother

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Arthur W.

Back in the office, the only noise to be heard is the clock, ticking on the opposite wall from me. I'm standing by my desk on the right side of the room, Eloise is standing by hers on the left. James is sitting on the couch in the middle... a empty look on his face. He was here physically, but dead mentally it seems.

I avert my eyes to Eloise. Though I don't dare speak, my gaze says, Your call.

Eloise nods my way, then turns to face James, sitting on her desk. She takes a deep breath, then said, "James, I asked once, and I'll ask again. Who is Connor Reed?"

James looks pale, his voice shaking as he asks, "What's the description... I might know... but I'm not sure..."

 I pick up the case files and read aloud, "Hazel eyes with dark hickory brown hair and beige skin. Born 1854, current age 31, and has a blood type of AB-negative."

"DAMN IT!" James roars bolting to his feet.

Eloise and I both jump back in shock. What the hell was his problem!? James starts to pace between the entrance to our kitchen and the bookcase across from it, a rage filled expression on his face.

"James," Eloise speaks, "who is he? Does he have some relation to you?"

"Unfortunately, yes." James sighs. He clutches the back of the couch. "He's... he's my older brother."

I have no idea about Eloise, but my eyes are about to pop straight out of my damned head. "I-I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me," James growls, "that bloody bastard is my older brother."

"From how you're talkin' about this bloke, it seems as though you and him have an axe to grind." Eloise huffs, leaning back a little, her legs crossed.

"My older brother was abusive..." James sighed, "my... my mother tried so hard, to find some good in him... but I always knew there wasn't any."

Eloise and I lock eyes. Her brows are creased with worry, as I'm sure mine are too. Abuse... that's... if Eloise slammed a door in my face before knowing this, I don't wanna know what she'll do if I bother James now.

"Is there a specific reason why you despise your brother?" Eloise asks gently.

"Despise, Eloise, was an excellent word choice. And, yes... unfortunately there is..."

"And that would be?" I wasn't sure I wanted the answer.

James looks at both of us then puts his head down. His voice is low... but, the words are clear, "He tried to kill our little sister."

No... I definitely did not want to know the answer to that question... good god James....

"He..." James covers his mouth for a second, his voice wavering, "he and two of his friends dragged our little sister outside one night in the summer. She was only seven, I was nine, while him and his friends were nineteen. They took her to the river near our house, intending to stab her to death then chuck her body in the river.

Eloise and I stood breathlessly as James continued, "Sh-she was fighting them the whole time... that's how I had woken up. I-I followed them outside... b-by the time I had caught up they were starting to taunt her. They tied her hands behind her back, taped up her mouth... I-I had taken my mother's gun with me... when they put the knife to her neck, I snapped and fired all six bullets."

Eloise and I stay silent for a moment... the air thicker than it was before, the room suddenly too small for the three of us... "Did you-"

James cut Eloise off, "No... I couldn't stomach the thought of killing someone back then. I bought enough time for my sister to run back to the house to get our mom."

"A-and you?" I whisper.

"Do you want to see?"

Eloise and I lock eyes again, worried and confused. Eloise looks at James before I do, asking, "See what?"

James stepps away from the couch and unbuttons his vest. My eyes became wide as he lifted up his shirt, and revealed a huge scar going across his stomach. I glance at Eloise... who looks very, very pale.

"His friends ran when I fired the gun, but he chased me deeper into the woods by our house." James explains, lowering his shirt and buttoning his vest again. "He punched me in the stomach until I coughed up blood then pinned me down under him and cut my stomach, slowly. Then he left me for dead while he ran.

"I..." James huffs, "had barely enough strength to get back to the river. I haven't seen Connor since then."

"What of your sister?" I ask.

James smiled weakly, answering softly, "She didn't leave my side the entire time I was recovering."

The clock chimed 7:00 p.m. It was late. James sighed and started walking to the door when Eloise gripped his shoulder. I was never good at reading faces, it didn't help that Eloise was a closed book. But the look on her face, that gleam in her eyes.

"You're strong, James. A hell of a lot stronger than you let on." Eloise takes a deep breath. "Don't be ashamed of your scars. It just means that you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you."

James smiles weakly, whispering, "Thank you."

"We'll look further into this in the morning. For right now, let's all get some rest." Eloise sighs. "We all had a long day today, and I believe a good night's sleep is necessary."

"Alright then," I huff, grabbing my coat. "By the way James, if it's not too much to ask, who is your sister?"

James smiles as he answers, "Emma, Emma Rosette Reed. Currently nineteen and getting her medical degree." James averts his gaze before he says,

"I became a detective for her."

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