Ch.40 Back to the Underground

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Tex A.

"I knew it." Violet whispered.

"Knew what, Violet?" Ace asked her.

"I knew Connor wasn't the killer."

"Now none of you have any excuse," James growls, "we were both chained together all night. So you can't-"

"Wait..." Connor mumbles weakly, "wh-where's Arthur?"

Eloise's eyes go... dark... like some spark in her just died. She puts her head down and mumbles, "Arthur's gone..."

"Wait what?!" James bellows.

"He's missing," Violet growls, "and I think I know where he went!"

As Violet begins to storm off, Ace yells after her, "Vi! Where are you going?!"
"I can't do a thing in this dress! Meet me in the room Adam was found in!"

"Violet," Rodrich chimes in, "you don't mean-"

"Yes," Violet cuts him off, "we're going back underground."


Violet had changed into shadow black slacks, black suede shoes, a wine red shirt, with a black ribbon holding her hair back. She must have really been on to something because she was up front with Eloise, leading the way.

"When Ace and I came down here the first time," Violet explains as we make our way down, "we found this old room with our photos on the wall, along with all of the victims from the case you're investigating Eloise."

"The new ones, or the old ones?" Eloise asks.

"What the hell are you blabbering about Millore?" Grey questions.

"Some butler you are," Eloise mumbles the first bit, then explains, "the case we are currently solving went cold a year ago. Arthur and I didn't realize how old the case had been until we visited an old friend of ours."

"Why had the case gone cold Eloise?" Connor asks.

"Because for some reason," James starts, "the killer hid. They wouldn't commit any more murders... they just hid in silence."

"It's obvious that though it was only a year ago, London forgot what terror this case brought. And now that the case has been thawed..." Eloise trails off.

"Do you have any clue which one of us could have done it?" Maria asks from behind me.

"I have one key suspect... and no, it's unfortunately not Grey but, it is what it is."

"What is your-"

Ace puts his hand over Grey's mouth. "Quiet Grey, I'm tired of your bull shit."

"Thank you," Karen half groans.

"Karen, be nice. Just because a killer is in the manor, it does not give you the excuse to be rude." Connor jested.

"It is when I'm standing beside the biggest idiot in the house." Karen sasses.

"Who, Nick?" Austin guesses.

"No, Grey." Karen responds. "Although Nick would be the next guess."

"Oi! Would you quit it with that?!" Nick growled.

"You Americans are really annoying." Ace rolled his eyes.

"Are you seriously doing this right now?" Rodrich hisses.

"Right sorry," Ace shrugs.

There was a long moment of silence... it was too long. Far too long for this group of people. So I decided to break the silence by saying, "You're not really sorry are you?"

"Not in any way, shape, or form." Ace smirks.


"Nick! Stop shouting in my ear!" Karen demanded.

"I'm about to blow off on all of you now put a sock in it!" Eloise growled.

Well that was the end of that... at least I hoped it was.


When we finally got down to the tunnels, the air became heavy. Eloise probably noticed it too, but James was the first to say it aloud.

"Okay, now this makes no sense." James muttered.

"What makes no sense James?" Connor asks.

"The last time we were down here, there was no sign of any dust anywhere. Now look at all the dust and cobwebs!" James exclaims, gesturing to the tunnels around us.

"Good god he's right!" Violet gasped.

"You're right James," Eloise agrees, "except for one thing."

"What would that be?" I ask.

"All the tunnels are covered in dust... except for that one."

Eloise points down a tunnel and I realize... she's right. Plus, not only is it clean, but there's already a burning torch in place near the entrance.

"Don't tell me-" Rodrich starts.

"That's the one we have to go down." Violet sighs.

"No way!" Rodrich backs right into me.

"Well it's either you go in with us, or stay out here where the killer can get you." I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Never mind, let's go." Rodrich pulls ahead.

I cock my head to the side and think for a moment... Who do I think is the killer? It can't be Eloise... and it certainly can't be Arthur....... Arthur...

Where on earth could he have gone?

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