Ch.13 The Bet Lost

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James R.

During the coach ride to the train station, there was a pleasant but heavy silence among us. Thunder I guess, got tired of the heavy silence and started to lick Eloise's hand. Arthur and I snickered a bit but, Eloise's face stayed stone cold.

"Eloise? What's wrong?" I ask. "Is it about the case?"

"I guess you can say that."

"Was that sarcasm?"

Arthur continued to hold in his laugh though it was completely obvious that he couldn't breathe. I raised a brow, glancing between him, Thunder, and Eloise before finally asking, "What's so funny?"

Arthur took a moment to breathe before snickering, "Eloise lost a bet."

"Wait what?"

"Damn you to hell Arthur! That bet was unfair!" Eloise growls, glaring at Arthur.

"H-hey! It's not my fault!" Arthur laughed.

"I'm confused... what bet?"

"You remember Wednesday last week when Eloise and I stayed a bit later at Tyler's bar?" Arthur asks.

"Okay, what did you do?" I was glaring at Arthur.

"HEY! I-I didn't-"

"He waited until I had four shots of vodka and then challenged me to a game of bumper pool. I had no idea how to play when Arthur was a master at it. So, I lost the bet."

"Now that was a dirty trick!" I push Arthur over slightly but, he just keeps laughing.

"What! She did that to me once too!" Arthur laughed.

"And your punishment was as simple as reorganizing the books in our office. This is just plain torture you bloody bastard!" Eloise looked about two seconds away from kicking him in his shins... yet I was still confused.

"So what exactly did you have her do and how exactly does it relate to the case?" I question.

Eloise turned a bright red and Arthur roared with laughter, barely able to stop for breath. Oh, now I get it, I thought to myself, whatever deal they made, Eloise's end of the bet must be some sort of inside joke between them.

Eloise put her head down and mumbled, "I have to wear a dress for the two days we'll be at his manor."

Wait, say what? "And that's a problem how?"

"In case you couldn't tell yet, James," Arthur breathed, "Eloise hates pretty much every form of feminine code of dress."

"Wait what? I thought you- what?" I was baffled.

"Ball gowns, skirts, heels, and makeup, I hate it all. Well, actually I'm more lenient with makeup but you get the point! I never thought it was comfortable or fashionable in any way! Plus, why is it that women wear those awful death traps around their waists?!"

"You mean a corset?" I question, cracking a bit of a smile.

"Yes! God I hate those horrid things! Arthur went and picked out two dresses for me out of his wife's closet and now I have to wear the stupid things!"

"Wait, you have a wife currently?"

"She's the same wife, James. And she was more than happy to pass those dresses onto you, Eloise." Arthur taunted.

"Well she can take the nasty things back!" Eloise growled.

"I suggest we discontinue this conversation." I say.

"And why's that?" Arthur asks.

"We're here."

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