Ch.10 A Bartender's Warning

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James R.

When Eloise said we were going to a bar, I didn't know she meant on the rough side of town. We entered the bar to find it quite dark though it was late-afternoon by the time we arrived. My ears became filled with the surprisingly low chatter of the drinkers, games of billiards and nine-ball, along with the saxophone, cello, drums, and piano.

Several people stared as we walked past. Their glances were so quick I couldn't quite tell who they were staring at the most. Possibly Eloise but I wasn't about to say anything...

We approached the front of the bar where the bartender, who seemed to be around our age, was busy rearranging the liquors and- was that tequila? I didn't think this place would be able to afford a brand like that but, I guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

"Hey oi! Bartender! I never got my drink!" Eloise growls.

"Well missy, you're just gonna haveta- DOG GONE IT MILLORE!"

Eloise proceeds to laugh as the bartender smacks her over the shoulder with his towel. Thunder barks at the bartender who then starts to ignore Eloise as he allows the dog to jump all over him.

"You two know this guy?" I whisper to Arthur.

"I know him as a friend," Arthur whispers back, "but that is Eloise's cousin."

"That's her what now?!" I hiss.

"James," Eloise says, "I'd like you to meet my cousin Tyler Evans. Ty, this is our new partner, James Reed."

Tyler has deep honey brown hair, warm ivory skin, and bright green eyes with what looks like traces of gold in them. Huh... and I thought the silver in Eloise's eyes was slightly odd... guess it runs in her family then. Aside from that, Tyler is wearing a short sleeved white tunic with a black bow tie, black slacks, black suede shoes, and a black apron.

Tyler looks me up and down and suddenly I have this overwhelming feeling that I should run out the door and never, look back. Thankfully, Tyler just grabbed my hand, shaking it as he laughed, "You seem like a real chicken to be in this line of work buddy."

"TY!" Eloise smacks him over the head.

"That's what I've been saying!"

"Arthur! Do you want a smack too?!"

"Hey! He was just saying the truth!" Tyler chuckles. "But really, it's all in good fun James. Don't pay any mind to me, I just like to piss people off."

"You might consider it his hobby." Eloise jests.

"Well," Tyler shrugs, "I do it on a daily basis seeing as I'm the owner of this bar."

"Wait, you mean you own this place?" I ask.

"Yep! Me and my wife Skyler have had this place running for about five years now and well, let's just say I'm glad I haven't picked up a bottle since then."

"That's a lie!" Eloise laughs.

"Well, I don't do it that often. Just because I own a bar doesn't mean that I'm addicted to drinking." Tyler glares at Eloise. "And speaking of drinking, ain't it a bit too early on in the case for you to be in here Eloise?"

"Wait, you drink Eloise?" I ask.

"Well, I'm no stranger with a bottle but I'm no addict. It's just when things get tough I come in here, have a couple shots of vodka and show these chumps who's the real master of billiards."

"Oh, is that why they were staring?"

"Yeah, Eloise has beaten every man in here." Arthur confirms.

"That's bonkers."

"Tell me about it! Now you're gonna have to play at least one game Eloise." Tyler laughs. "Or else these bozos won't stop buggin me!"

"Maybe we'll come back in here later, but for right now..." Eloise trailed off.

"You need my help, right?" Tyler raised his brows, leaning on the counter with a rag in his left hand.

"Have you ever heard of a earl or anyone at all with the last name Mistwood?" Arthur asks, his arms crossed.

"Mistwood eh? Now that's a new one, even for me and I've got people comin in here all the way from Brazil." Tyler starts to clean a glass, still leaning on the counter.

"Well great," Arthur huffs.

"Hey now," Tyler warns, "just because I haven't heard the name before, doesn't mean I still can't be of use. This Mistwood fella, ya know anything else bout' him?"

"We received a letter from him this morning. His seal was that of a black widow, a sword, and raven wings." I explain.

"Black widow? Raven wings? What kind of lord is this?" Tyler asked, his face cringing.

"That's the problem," Eloise sighs, "we believe that somehow, the case and this earl are connected. Along with one another incident we prefer not to say aloud."

"This case you took on," Tyler babbled, "it had gone cold for- for how long did you say again?"

"The most recent murder was back in the beginning of December." Eloise huffed.

"That long ago?" I exclaimed.

"It is what it is James," Arthur commented, "it's not like we're asking for another murder."

"I-I never said- oh never mind. In any case, if you two are supposed to be the best, then why didn't the queen give you the case earlier?" I question.

"That's an excellent question," Eloise started, "that we do not have the answer to!"

"Such enthusiasm," Tyler rolled his eyes, "anyway, you said the seal had raven wings and a black widow right?"

"Yes," Eloise confirmed. "Is there any chance you may have seen it before Ty?"

"As a matter of fact," Tyler looked around, some light that was in his eyes before now fading, his bangs dropping over one eye. "Follow me," his voice had reduced to a whisper.

All three of us, including Thunder, followed Tyler to the back storage room. When we entered, there was a faint aroma of roses and vanilla. It was pleasant compared to the heavy smell of alcohol in the front. Tyler leaned on the door while Arthur leaned on a crate next to the one Eloise and I were sitting on. Thunder, sat near Tyler, guarding the door.

"Whoever this Mistwood guy is, he's nothing but bad news." Tyler's voice was soft, but grim.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Two weeks ago, some tall fella wearin all black came in here and asked to speak with me alone about some private purchase that never got delivered. I brought him back here and he put a gun to my neck."

"Good god, are you alright?" I question.

"Yes I'm fine," Tyler huffs, "but whatever this Mistwood guy wants from you, I suggest you sleep with one eye open."

"So I assume this man somehow revealed the seal?" Arthur guessed.

"Actually," Tyler spoke, "it wasn't an article of clothing. He had that seal tattooed in purple ink on his left hand."

"A tattoo?" Eloise raised a brow.

"Now that was unexpected." Arthur sighed.

"Yeah, but why would-"

I was cut off by the sound of glass shattering and people screaming. But, worst of all;

There were gunshots.

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