Chapter 23 Conclusion

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These are some of my findings in my endeavour to find the truth. I hope that it helps liberate those that have been enslaved by the chains of religions.

While in this book I only speak of Christianity, I assure you that all religions are false. They are the creation and main tool utilized by the ruling class, to subconsciously dictate how humanity will live. Religion is not a faith; it's a way of life! Don't take my word for it, look up religion in a dictionary and you will know that I am telling the truth. Control religion and you will control humanity.

The Sumerians, first civilization that existed, research the Sumerians, their culture, religion and you will know that Judaism is a rehash of their religion. Without Judaism, Islam and Christianity would not exist, the correct term for these three faiths is: Abrahamic religions.

It's unfortunate; that those that think they are free are the ones that are enslaved!

I will end this with a quote, from a famous Layer and Political analyst, Lionel of "Lionel Nation" and "Lionel Media":

"History would be a wonderful thing, if only it were true!"

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