who is the girl??

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"A girl is seen in hospital bed....like a lifeless body,machines are attached to her all around....suddenly she wakes up and starts shouting and crying vigorously ....." no,leave me....please don't do this to me...somebody help ....please" she screamed at the top of her voice...doctors came running to her ward.." nurse, prepare the injection " they are trying to pacify her...but it doesn't seem to work...nurse and doctors are unable to handle her" nurse,call him...be quick"
nurse is calling someone in hurry" hello.....sir please come fast.....she has got another panic attack....reach the hospital fast".
"oh no....I am coming"
the man is seen running out of his office like a mad man..he starts his car and made his way towards hospital.
In Hospital,

Doctors and nurses are trying to pacify her but her condition is getting bad to worse....they tied her legs and hands with ropes...in order to stop her from hurting herself.
suddenly the man enters in the ward and run to that girl
"Estella, shh .....don't cry,look I am here...you don't need to worry ,my love....your brother is here to protect you from the world....just calm down ..dear"
"Daniel....he will kill me....he is hurting me ....stop him please...rather I will die....."
"no one is here dear....no one can harm you till I am alive....shhh.."
he is stroking her hair lovingly and the girl is seen getting calm.
"Daniel,they tied me with ropes....its hurting ....they are bad"
"doctor,how dare you tie my baby girl with  ropes....free her right now....look Estella...I scolded them...now happy"
the girl is seen clapping like a kid....doctor give her injection and soon she went into deep slumber.
Daniel come out of that room and starts crying vigorously... doctor put his hand on his shoulder.
"what he has made my sister....the girl who always made everyone laugh .... now....she forgot to laugh, the girl who was the reason of my life.... is now became a lifeless body....her talk,craziness, nonstop chanting everything is ringing in my head...and now I only listen her shout,scream and crying .....I am not a good brother uncle....I am a bad brother..I was unable to protect her...I hate myself for this....I should have protect her...when she needed me most....I am a bad brother" and broke down .

" Daniel ,you are the best brother ....don't blame yourself, whatever happened that wasn't your fault....you should not shed tears...they are the reason for all this mess they should shed tears....don't break yourself ...break them ...and give justice to your sister my boy.."

"you are right uncle Ben,they will get punishment.... they will have to pay for there each and every deeds....I will took revenge of my sister,my Estella.... I will snatch everything and that's my promise....Daniel's promise....and once I took promise...I always make it happen....now the war begins..........get ready Ryan  to lose from me..." .he wipe his tears and walk out of the hospital...

to be continued............

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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