(14) Present: 2024

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                                                            (14) Present: 2024

I rested my head against the cushioned headboard, sighing repeatedly as my fingers ran through Xavier’s dark hair over and over again. It was just as I remembered, only unfortunately shorter. He was asleep, thankfully. He’s much, much easier to deal with when he’s asleep. Before he had drifted off, he had said something about my “performance being just fine.” I didn’t take this comment to heart because I knew I was way better than fine. He tore some of the fabric off the back of the headboard, so fine was definitely an understatement. Soulless Xavier wanted to see my reaction to his harsh comment.

Another thing I loved about sleeping Xavier was the fact, even not conscious, he still did as he always has. He crawled on top of me and rested his head against my shoulder with his arms wrapped around me in the same way a child would hold their stuffed animal. I used to complain about Xavier lying this way because it was suffocating and I always woke up stiff. But I loved it now. I loved how, in his sleep, he’d give me a little squeeze and nuzzle his nose closer to my neck, inhaling my familiar scent. I loved how his foot would brush my legs under the sheets and how he’d make this strange murmuring grumble in his sleep. It was as beautiful and wonderful as he was.

I rested my cheek on top of his head, again sighing contently. I thought about Xavier, my Xavier, and pictured him being here. He’d probably murmur something sweet before he fell asleep, or maybe mention how we make an extraordinary pair. My lips curled into a smile as I thought of exactly how he’d use his nineteenth-century vocabulary. That’s why I never slept that day. My eyes were wide open as I pictured all of these wonderful things. I thought of the way Xavier used to kiss my forehead in a way that showed he was always there for me.

Last night was, to say the least, incredible. It wasn’t like it used to be, which I still deeply miss, but it felt so right. Xavier was too rough for my liking, but I was happy to have him to just hold me. I pressed my lips to his head and glanced at the clock, realizing the sun was setting by now. I only had less than an hour before Xavier would awaken and destroy every fantasy of him being the man I knew. I could have spent those precious moments still stroking his hair and kissing his forehead, but I didn’t. Instead I unwrapped his solid arms from me and slid out of bed in hopes of taking a shower.

I slipped on a robe and leaned in the bathroom doorway as I watched Xavier move to where I was laying at before awkwardly settling with his face pressed into my pillow. It was adorable, and I took in this moment before turning towards the bathroom and turning on the shower.

Tonight I planned to speak with Matthew and make a plan on how to get Xavier’s soul back. I’ve learned I’ll do anything for it. I’d go to hell and back for that man. I knew that, if I saw my reflection, I’d see a woman glowing with determination. I grinned as I stepped into the shower and immediately washed my hair and body off as fast as possible. I needed to see Matthew as soon as I could in order to get things rolling. It took maybe five minutes before I stepped out and put my robe back on, still grinning. But that grin went away when I saw Xavier standing in the doorway.

He must have just woken up because he didn’t bother with clothes and his eyes were squinted. I rubbed a towel over my short, red hair and looked at him. “You’re up.”

He didn’t say anything, but only watched me.

“Shower's open, if you want to use it. I’m going to find some blood.”

He was still wordlessly staring at me, his expression blank and impossible to read.

“I guess I’ll get dressed and meet you downstairs…?” I nervously wrapped my arms around my body and waited for him to say something.

The Creation (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now