da next day

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da next day i woke up to the sounds of a dying cat/crying whale and then realised rgec was playing in my barfroom. i went in and had the shock of my life as jye was having a shower and he had a vagina. i was so scared i ran out my house into the road and got hit by a lorry.

da next i woke up in hospital with jye leaning on my hospital bed, when the doctors told me what happened i started to cry and then i looked in the mirror and saw my ugly face. the lorry had cracked my nose off and my hair was cut off by the knifes hanging off the back of the truck.

after a couple of hours the doctors said i could go home so i did. then when i got home jye rushed upstairs and told me to wait downstairs. i waited for years until he said i could come upstairs. i went upstairs and saw a bed of roses with naked jye on da bed.

he was being naughty again so i cut off his vagina and made him eat it. cannibalism woz my only option now so i ate him. after i ate him i felt really bad so i went downstairs and told karen. karen was with bo and when bo found out he cried for some reason ( idk why )

then i decided to do the right thing and throw up his remains. when i threw up his remains his body popped back into place and he started shouting at me. i was crying so i wacked him round the head with a dorito and then ran out of my house to karen who was waiting for me outside.


me nd jye nd karen nd boes storiWhere stories live. Discover now