the worry

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So the next day daniel and jemz sorted out der life problems together and figured out that it would be best for the baby if they sold it to da naybors so they did and daniel shed some tears but they are happy together 5ever now and everything is just fab...

Well, everything was fab until we heard a strange noise in the bathroom...

As we went up the creeky stairs of our house we all quietly and slowly opened the door to poor jye THROWING UP in the toilet, silly karen thought he was dying but he was just being sick, when we asked him what was wrong he said he had tummy pains and was bleeding


"Omg jess u twat were in england not america call 999 omg idiot" jye said

"Oh okay wotevz" i snapped

"Im bleeding really bad i dont know what to do!!!" Jye yelped

"Stay calm bby, where are you bleeding from???????????"

It stayed silent for what felt like 2 seconds and then he spoke again...

"my vagina"

Everybody gasped in horror as we realised what was happening, my poor baby jye was diagnosed with puberty that night and we were all devistated, when we took jye to the hospital they said it was very serious and the bleeding might not stop until maximummy 7 days!!!

We couldnt believe it, they gave us some special tablets to ease pain, and some fluffy tubes to suck up da blood, everything was better then we thought.

When we got back jye turned blunt and aggy with everyone and we didn't know what to do...

He was screaming and have a tantrum in his room till he came downstairs, fury in his eyes. He walked straight over to me pulled me up by my collar, banged me into the wall and simply said

"I need chocolate right now"

We were all gasping in horror because he was being so greedy, as i looked around our mansion at the plasma screen tv and the ps4, xbox , wii u, all our designer furniture looking for something to throw, i realised i needed to tell him the truth

"hunny im so sorry but you know we can't afford chocolate, last week it raised from 60p to 62p and we haven't got the money for that kind of stuff, look just go play on the xbox and i will bring you a 5 course meal"

Jye soon realised i was telling the truth and soon let go of me and did as he was told. i was ashamed and disappointed but it was the puberty making him this way:(

Would anyone else get puberty though?



me nd jye nd karen nd boes storiWhere stories live. Discover now