da pregnancy

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so the next day me and jye went out for dinner at nandos and after we went for a couple of drinks. we got so drunk that we went into the nandos disabled toilets and had some rub rub time. then we got a lorry to drop us home and we went to bed. the next morning jye woke me up telling me he was pregnant. we then realised that during sex in the disabled toilets my vagina fell off and his penis fell off and when we went to sow the parts back on us we had swapped. so now i had a 50' long penis and jye had a crusty vagina. YAY

after a couple of weeks we went to the doctors for a scan and they said we were having sixtuplets.

with no money we didnt know what to do so we moved out of our house and lived in bins down our road. after a while jye had six babies called




-jyejess jr



we was very happy with our preshus babies when all of a sudden we got mugged and lost jyebelline. we went searching more then dora does in a year. it was hard, but when we found her it was a big shock as she got turned into a foundation pot. we bought the foundation pot with the change we recieved from being homeless and took it home. that night we heard a funny noise in our storage bin and when we looked it was the beaugie monster. it took the foundation pot with jyebelline in it and smothered the foundation on its bum.

me nd jye were crying so much we made more babies with my winkie dink and his vajaijai

then one day we bumped into my good old friend karen and her boyfie called boo.

karen was heavily pregnant by about 11 months and was soon about to give birth to her heffalump fattie baby.

i was actually there when karen gave birth because boo was a coward and he fainted when he saw all the blood.

karens vagina opened so wide a watermelon could of easily dropped out

i was gobsmacked

but also intrested;)



me nd jye nd karen nd boes storiWhere stories live. Discover now