It's a love story baby just say yaaaassss

22 1 3

So 9 months later daniel gives birth to a baby who not gonna lie is proper ugly lol

And... ITS A BO...

The doctor paused for a minute before frowning and telling the love birds da bad news, it wasnt a boy, it wasnt a girl, it was BOTH ((da fuq))

So daniel and jemz didnt know what to do and when they examind the baby they saw dat the baby had vagina flaps and philipeen tubes, but where the pleasure part was meant to be there was a little winky...

I started laughing because if u lifted up da winky it was like an elephant and its trunk hehe lol

The doctor said there was nothing they could do so jemz and daniel decided to take there transvestite baby home and act normal..

Also after discussion they decided to call da baby gertrude da first.


Jemz mum and daniels dad popped over to see the baby, they didnt know that the baby had a bitta both soit came to a bit of a shock when jemz mum changed the babys nappy and it was there. In fact it was such a big shock that jemz mum jumped out of her skin got up called up the airport and bought a one way ticket to the north pole..

Anyway daniels dad said it ran in the family and showed us pictures of their ancestors with the same problem ew lol..

Then something really disgusting happend we found out daniels dad had the problem too and daniel was the only person without it, before we could say camel dick, daniels dad pulled down his trousers and showed us his one

It was awks bc daniels dad had a small winky haha lol

Daniel stormed out and couldnt take enough of it all, he took gertrude the first with him so he could breast feed 'it' and then came back in after a couple of years.

There was a lot of struggle and tenshun between the cuple but could love break through and help them pass the negative side of things?



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