Chapter 5

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~Nathaniel's P.O.V.~

As she was walking away happily, and I was merrily fantasizing about her, I realised that everyone had left me and I was left to shop alone in the big mall of Emirates. Great.

I entered forever 21 which was the nearest store and I also thought that maybe, just maybe I might find Aaliyah there. As I was walking around in the store, I spotted her going into one of the fitting rooms with a sundress and some ripped jeans. 

The saleswoman was suggesting her a few more options that she had, and okay, the saleswoman was hot. And sexy even. 'Why do I feel like there's a but' My brain said.

Hold on. Brain? Since when did it start speaking to me? 

'Who else helped you ace your tests huh?'


So yeah I'll admit that the saleswoman was hot, but 'oh look, there it is' I had eyes for one girl and one girl only. 

I don't know if what is happening is right or wrong, but I do know that what I feel isn't something small. She has that something that attracts me to her.

I was just your simple high school nerd once upon a time. Nobody knew the competitive me, the funny or sarcastic me, the flirty me. It's not like a showed my actual self to people, but very few people actually even knew I existed. I was not your everyday loner, but I sure as hell wasn't popular. I was the typical guy with a crush on the head cheerleader, but I never actually had the chance to love someone. Or be loved by someone. I was really very tired of the way I was treated back in highschool. And so before I left for college, I decided to have a makeover of myself. I decided to open up, talk more, I left my glasses, worked out, became someone I've always dreamt of being. I wasn't changing just to gain attention, well maybe it was one reason, but I was changing so that I could be stronger. Strong enough to protect myself and my family. Aaliyah just brings out the better in me.

I feel like I should stop thinking about her but then i just can't.  It's just too hard! Well 2 things become hard when I think about her. Haha if you know what I mean. She is jus-

Okay. Focus. Remember all the romance movies you had to watch with your parents. Focus focus focus fuck a cactus.

Um what? Whatever. I don't know anything anymore anyway. I'm slowly losing my brains. It wouldn't be a surprise if I sleep-walked into a closet and suddenly cane out and screamed - "I'M BACK FROM NARNIA!" Yupp, I'm totally capable.

Swiftly catching up to her, I grabbed her elbow and pulled her towards me. Okay step 1, done. "Hi"

"What are you doing Nathaniel?" she spoke somewhat in an irritated tone. Fuck she looks so cute.

"Well the dress that you've taken - " I threw it "- is boring."

"I actually liked that dress Nathaniel and you better stop poking you nose."

"Okay okay calm down, I'm taking you somewhere else, let's go." Step two, taking her out.

"If I wanted to listen from an asshole, I'd fart." Ouch.

"I really hope you're not calling me an asshole"

"Maybe, maybe not. Now let go of me." Oh I forgot I was holding her.

"I'm not an asshole, I'm a hemorrhoid, I irritate assholes. Am I irritating you babe?" I dont know where all my confidence comes from when I talk to her, I've been a nerd all through my life in high school and look me. Here I am, standing with the most gorgeous girl, being confident, and flirting a lil. I mentally pat my back.

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