Chapter 10

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update :(
Please don't skip the authors note at the end of this chapter!

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update :(Please don't skip the authors note at the end of this chapter!

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~Nathaniel's P.O.V.~

The moment I heard her voice, I was on cloud nine. Well, do you know that feeling when someone sounds differently on the phone and they sound so good that you melt right then and there? Well if you don't it's okay, but I am legitimately feeling that right now. It was against my nature to feel so, or to do so. That's because I've always been bold and confident with girls, always flirting harmlessly, and publicly.

 But with this young woman, there are no words to describe what happens to me. Here I am, walking on the terrace, talking to her secretly. Damn when did I become secretive?

'Obviously ever since you met her.'

No shit, Sherlock.

'But hey if you like her, tell mom, I'm sure she'll be thrilled.'

What an amazing idea! Why don't we start the wedding planning before she does so it saves her the work? 

My brain stays quiet after that. 

"Hello?" I heard her sweet voice again.

"Hey! It's me Nathaniel this side."

"Oh gosh! ....Uhm .... Hey! How are you? Everything good? You okay?" She spoke slowly sounding unsure and astonished. 

"Yeah everything is perfect, and I'm okay too. Why so many questions though?" 

"Oh haha well nothing....So you called for a specific reason or just... um you must have called for something... or ... just- " Aaliyah sounded way too nervous, I wonder why. Before she could say further, I cut her off wanting to know what was wrong.

"Hey hey hey stop rambling there girl, is everything okay?"

"Why yes of course!" Well this time she sounded more confident, perhaps it was nothing.

"Okay so, beach tomorrow?"


We started making plans for tomorrow, but the minute the beach was decided, plans were long forgotten and we started talking about ourselves. 

I loved listening to her voice, it was like melody to my ears.

'Oh young one, you're definitely in love.'

Haha brain, you sure can be funny. Well if I am, I do not want to fall hard. I'm afraid of getting hurt. With the other girls, it was nothing serious and I was always the one who broke up, not the other way round. Also, I easily lost the feelings for them because it just didn't feel right. 

Besides, I was the one who made the deal with her, and I can cancel it anytime if I think I'm losing what I feel for her. I have ample amount of time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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