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Edited 5|28|18

Stormie's Pov
It's been a few days since I first got here. Everything I had is packed away. I did end up having to buy a storage locker to keep all of my stuff in it that couldn't go in the trailer. It wasn't that much it could have been more. Luckily I had Sweetpea, Fangs, and Toni to help me move over there.

In the few days, I was here getting closer to my brother. He's a pretty cool guy once when you remove the layer of his emo weirdness. One thing to say is that he eats a lot. We were constantly at pops. He was mostly eating cheeseburgers over and over again. I was just slurping down a few shakes a day. I swear he ate at least four cheeseburgers in one sitting plus a shake.

I don't get how he does it. Eats so much food and never gains anything. It's not like he works out either, have you seen his arms. They're like spaghetti noodles. They just dangle out of his shoulders.

Besides hanging out with him I mostly stayed at home or the bar while they were at school. My old school is on spring break while Riverdale is not. So I have to wait a day or two before I can go here. Which sucks because this town is boring without my people from home. Plus Toni and the boys are at school right now.

I decided to go to pops and get me some breakfast food. I don't have anything better to do. I'm sure he has something there. Maybe he has muffins. I really want one right now.

Walking to pops isn't that far from the trailer but I do have to walk from the southside to the northside. Riverdale is a small town so everything is pretty much close together. Plus I've walked here with my brother for dinner. So I've done it a few times already.

I was halfway there when Sweetpea decided to walk up next to me. "What are you doing here? And not in school?" I ask it may not be my business but I would still like to know.

"I don't know honestly. I just woke up this morning and decided I didn't want to go to school. Then I thought 'Hey Stormie isn't in school' and now I'm here," He said which all sounds like a very Sweetpea thing to do.

"Awe you thought of me," I say with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"I always think of you, Stormie," He replied with that and I laughed at him.

"So where are you going?" He asked

"Well I was going on a great adventure to pops but was slowed down by some guy named Sweetpea," I said. Which is all true.

"Hey my names great," He said. He is right it is a great name but a weird one. This whole town is filled with weird names. Especially the southside. Who even knows if they are nicknames or not. I'd believe it if they are the real names. This town is weird.

"I didn't say it wasn't a great name. I simply said I was stopped by some guy named Sweetpea," I told him smiling. He laughed at it. Sweetpea has a really nice laugh. I honestly love it so much.

"Leave me alone. It's not like I don't make fun of your name Miss Stormie-Nyght," Sweetpea said. Well, at least it's not Sweetpea.

"And, your name is Sweetpea. Is there anymore for me to say. My name is bomb it actually goes together. It flows," I said which is true.

"Fine you got me there," He said throwing his hands up in defeat.

"I did, I beat you. Now tell me, Sweetpea, how do you feel about it?" I asked him pretending I was an interviewer and held up my hand and pretend it was a mic.

"I'm fine," he said leaning into the 'mic'. We burst out laughing. That was very funny.

"So you got any boyfriend back home?" He asked me out of the blue. It was a weird question for right now.

"Is this your way of asking if I'm single?" I asked him but continued to say, "Well I don't. I didn't really date much only a few people. Why do you want to know?"

"I don't know. I wanted to know for future references," he said giving me a small wink. It was honestly very attractive.

"Who said we were going to date in the future?" I asked him.

"I did," He paused for a moment before saying, "Hey Stormie you want to go on a date with me?" I was shocked at the question but I guess it was a very smooth transition.

"Sure, where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he said unsurely. I just shook my head and laughed at him.

"Come on let's get something to eat. I'm hungry," I said and pulled his hand dragging him it to pops.

"Let me guess you eat a lot like your brother," he said as we were walking into pops.

"No, I do not. I just haven't eaten anything today," I said walking over to a booth.

After a while of us sitting there and talking back and forth. Pops came over and asked what we wanted. I obviously asked if he had muffins here. Luckily they do. Sweetpea just ordered a breakfast sandwich and so tater tots. I hope he doesn't mind me drilling his tater tots.

"I'm stealing some of your potatoes," I said to Sweetpea.

"It's not stealing if you told me you are. Plus I don't mind. Now if you were Fangs or your brother then I would mind," he said which is probably very true.

Pops came over to us and gave us our food right when he placed it down I took a potato from him. Sweetpea just laughed a little mostly to his self. We just sat there and ate while talking. I learned that he chews with his mouth closed which is very good.

If he didn't I honestly don't think this relationship thing could work out.

I honestly had trouble with this one.

Word count: 1049


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