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I am including sweetpeas pov in this chapter. WARNING. Sweetpea will be using foul language. Maybe like one or two words. 


Our kiss was rudely interrupted by my brother calling me worried because he knows how I am with storms. He said something about how I needed to come home as soon as possible and that someone is here to see me. 

I have no idea who that could be, not unless its mom and Jellybean. But Bean would've told me she was coming to see me. She can't keep a secret for long. If it is them, I wonder how much mom had to pay her to keep quiet. 

Finally, here we go, back to the good town of Riverdale. I'm not saying I didn't like the date I really liked it, it was so cute. Except for the rain ruining it but we kissed. I can still feel his lips on mine. 

We are in the truck now, no music is playing because I want sweetpea to pay attention to the road ahead of us. The rain truly does scare me, definitely when driving. I get major paranoid that we would crash or something. 

I just stare out the window hearing the hard rain hit the top of the truck. The movement of the car is slowly making me fall asleep. Soon we will arrive back home, ill see jughead and tell Toni all about my date with sweetpea. My eyelids just keep getting heavier and heavier before I finally fall asleep.

Again I am awake. I must have been asleep for a good 10 minutes and the rain is still hitting the truck hard. I look over and see sweetpea eyes steady on the road out in front of us.

We continue along the road I don't see any cars, that is until I suddenly see a light in the distance. Instantly I assume we are near our destination until I realize a car is approaching. I close my eyes abruptly as the car approaches ours. The light from the car blinding me. I hear the car horn beeping, its driver and the others in the car, screeching and cursing. I am now wide awake. I see the headlights shine directly Into my eyes. The rain sounds as if it is getting louder. They approaching us head-on. Closer and closer they become. "Sweetpea!" I scream at him not really knowing what to do.

He tries to swerve out of the way and our car twists and turns across the road, before exploding into the other car. 

I am suddenly awoken by the sound of sirens. I see light above me as I lay beneath a massive heap of scrap metal. I cannot see anything but the silhouettes police and firefighters. The seat underneath me is wet, and my clothes are soaked... Wait, blood. I am covered in blood and I'm not sure who's it is. I hear Sweetpea whimpering pain next to me. I try to twist my bloodied body to look at him.

He is covered in blood. His beautiful brown eyes are bruised purple and his face is covered in cuts and scratches. I reach out if much as I can, I just want to hold Sweetpeas hand. I finally grasp it as my vision is blurred and I can't see anymore. Sweetpea is yelling something at me but I can't hear him.

Sweetpea POV

I wake up, my face and arms a hurting really bad. I look over and see Stormie. Fuck. She looks so bad her face is covered in her own blood. I see her arm reach over to mine. I reach out and hold her hand.

Her eyes are slowly closing. Oh no. "Stormy, no. Open your eyes," I tell her. "Come on you have to wake up".

"Stormy, wake up!" I yell at her. She isn't moving anymore. "Help." I start screaming until I notice two giant firefighters trying to pry Stormie's door open.

I didn't notice a police officer right next to me. "Calm down sir, we are trying to get you to safety as fast as we can,"  one of the officers said. The next thing I saw was Stormie being carefully placed on a stretch and quickly being pushed towards a bunch of flashing lights of red, white and blue.

The car must have hit us on Stormie's side, Damn it. Jughead is going to kill me. Hell if he doesn't FP definitely will. My mind is going crazy, I don't know what to do. I hope Stormie is okay. God, It happened way to fast. I tried to stop I swear. I hope she isn't dead. I shouldn't be thinking that. It is not true, she is fine. Stormie is going to be fine, right?

"Alright sir, I'm going to get you out, hold still," a firefighter said to me breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at him blankly. 

"Is she going to be fine?" I asked him hoping to get some sort of answer. I wanted to get angry at him and lash out but its not that time for that. I need to be calm. 

"Its too early to know they are rushing her to the hospital now," When he said that I saw an ambulance drive away. One was still here for me. 

The man plus others helped me get out and step out of the car. I think my arm is broken but I can't tell, It hurts really bad. One of the men in suits tried to grab my arm, I winced in pain. When he noticed he held it in a certain position to hold it in place for me. 

I made it in the ambulance and I was asked a bunch of questions, I gave them the number to call FP and my brother.  I did just wreck his truck, he might want to know about it. Plus I am his brother.  

I fell partially asleep during the ride to the hospital, I remember them asking me a question and now we are pulling up to the front doors. I was quickly wheeled in and I looked to the right of me to the waiting area and see the whole gang, my family,  just all stand up to see if it all right. I reached my non-hurt hand up and put a thumbs up. "I'm alright, for the most part," I said and they all cheered me on. Fangs, Toni, and my brother were quickly by my side. 

"Hey, what do you know about Stormie?" I asked them, all three of them gave me the same look. 

"They haven't said anything, FP and Jughead are waiting outside her room right now. I let you know as soon as I know," Toni said to me. It scared me to think that she isn't going to make it. 

"When you can tell Jughead I'm sorry," I was able to get that in before I was pushed through the doors isolating me away from my family. I was quickly wheeled into a room, It was dark so I think its a room they do x-rays in. I wasn't even paying any attention to my arm. 


I am so sorry about that. I hope it was okay, I've never written a crash scene before and I've never been in a car wreck so... 

Also, I've finally had an idea for this story and you are all going to be shook. At least I am. Another thing, I might have butchered Sweetpea's part up. I've never written a story with a guys point of view and it was fun and fresh. 

I need to get a better writing schedule because I literally don't update for a month at a time and I can't do that. It makes me feel bad. Okay, so I also want to know your guys' opinions on this story, like for do you feel about it so far?

word count: 1340




Rainy Nights | SweetpeaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt