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Stormie's pov

I have been at this hospital for a week now. Sweetpea has been by my side for the most part. I try to convince him to leave and have fun every once in a while. He tends to blame himself for it but it's honestly not his fault. I tell him that but he doesn't listen.

When the car wreck happened I was put in a coma, when I woke up I was freaking out because I couldn't feel my leg. The doctors said something like my whole left leg was crushed in the accident. I gave a cast that goes from my waist down to my foot. It sucks, I have to use a wheel chair for name before the give me cruches. They don't want me to put any pressure on it for now. I've never had a broken leg so I don't really know what im doing but it hurts really bad.

The doctors wanted to watch me for a couple of days to see if I had any problems. Adjusting to my now unusable leg. For the most part I have been having Sweetpea wheel me around when he is here. I can do it on my own or a nurse/doctor would help me.

"Hey sweetpea?" I said softly to him, he was sleep in the chair next to me. He didn't wake up but he looked so cute when he was sleeping. "Sweetpea?" This time he quickly jumped up. He scared me just a little.

"What? Is everything okay?" He said standing up to see if something was wrong.

"Sweetpea calm down everything is fine. I'm just just hungry," I said to him. He gave me a sleepy grin.

"Do you want to wheel me down to the cafeteria? I could go by myself but I wanted to ask you first," I asked as he stood up. He went over and unfolded my chair. I want to get out of this cast as fast as I can. Which will be about 6-8 weeks depending on how the doctors will feel.

I know I'll have to go through some physical therapy and I will need to learn how to walk on that leg. I don't really know much, I don't think I've broken a bone in my body.

"Let's go princess," Sweetpea said to me as I hoped on one foot over to him it made me blush instantly. He's been calling me that for a while now. It's a cute nickname and I like it.

I sat down on my chair and we were off, well not after I propped my leg up on the foot holder thing. I don't really know what it's called. It's kinda just there.

Sweetpea was holding on to the back of my wheel chair not really letting me push it by myself. It was late at night so no one was really here. Surprisingly the cafeteria was open usually they are close at night. Sweetpea ending up having this great idea to start running down the hall.

"Sweetpea," I said laughing at how fast we are going. "Slow down we are going to crash," I said to him. He didn't really listen. He didn't slow down at all.

"Dont worry babe, I got this," He said smiling like always. It wasn't long before one of the night nurses to tell us to slow down. She was giggling at us, she said that we were a cute couple. Hearing that made me so happy.

He pushed me a little further until we got to the elevator. I don't really like them that much but I'll be okay. I seem to have a lot of dumb fears.

"Hi," I said to him randomly and he was confused but said it back.
"Did you sleep okay?" I asked him because he stayed last night and the hospital chairs are not the greatest. The doctors wouldn't let him sleep next to me because of the weight thing on the bed. They have to make sure I don't fall.

"I slept fine honestly, the chair isn't too bad," Sweetpea said to me.

"That's good, hopefully I can get out of here soon and finally go home," I said to him looking up. I kinda hate being stuck in the wheel chair.

"Yeah, me too," He simply said to me.


Word count:800

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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