Prologue - Chaos

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No matter if you're dead, alive or somewhere in between... We will find you... And you're in.

It's only you. You, means human beings. You, your family and friends also the enemies. Life is normal. You wake up, go to school and come back. You eat and sleep. That means a normal life. YOUR normal life. That's the real meaning of normal.

The oddest things that could happen are meeting celebrities or going to parties... Odd is odd when there is no other odders. All the odds limited in your mind. Wrapped exactly around your brain... What will happen to those when you have to open up your mind?

What will happen when those limitations break? What will happen when totally new elements are included? For a period of time, people would stay still. Still thinking... Trying to wrap the odds in their mind again. What if they don't want to do that? People... Humanity... That's what humans do. They surrender when they can't wrap the new odds in their mind. They don't believe it when they don't want to.

One night, day or evening. They don't care. Time is another limitation that people use as an excuse... They don't care. They'll come. It has to end one day.

People surrender, die and get slaughtered. No one knows. When there's no humanity, odds become more and more. World becomes smaller and smaller. People getting less & less until a few are left and it's all up to the few. Everything gets smaller until it's gone.

Now odd doesn't mean meeting celebrities.

It's this...

Will you lose hope?

Or fight for your life?

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Where stories live. Discover now