Chapter 11

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We didn't know what was going on. But I thought that Nicole had some usefull information but she denied. She said that she is the same as us. I knnew that she knew something and I as going to pull them out.

-" Why did you say expect?"

-" Because I didn't expect zombies to attack."

-" Is the stress on zombies or attack?"

-" Does it matter Kasey?? I'm a just a normal girl like you!!"

-" You are not normal!"

-" If I'm not, so you're the same!" She said.

Maybe I wasn't normal or she just didn't wanna answer. I choose number two. I'm not special and I don't want to be.

All we had to do was to find a way to escape his shitty school full of body organs and blood. 

The smell of blood. red stains left on the floor. Headless bodies and bosdyless heads. Lungs, bowels were everywhere. It was so surreal. Even worse. 

-" We need some weapons to defend ourselves." Ariella said.

-" You are a weapon yourself." I said. She smiled.

-" We have to go somewhere that has some good equipment. Some needy stuff." The twins said.

-" Maybe..."

-" The dining room!"

-" But there might be crowdy. I mean full of zombies!" Ariella said.

-" Zombies aren't smart enough to go downstairs and open a shitty metal door. We can just have a quick look. Okay?" I said.

We went near the dining room's door. It had a circled window. We looked inside. There were some teachers and kids being surrounded by zombies but some other creatures were covering most of the scene.

-" Ugh! What are these black mofos?" Ariella said.

-" Stop saying mofos!! They aren't zombies." I said.

-" So what are they? Humans?" The twins said.

-" They are wearing sweatshirts with hats. i can't see them but they don't walk like zombies and can use a whistle!"

-" Why are they using a whistle?"

-" Maybe they are controlling the zombies!" Nicole said.

-" You knew that!" I said. Suddenly one of them turned. I was able to see his face. It was so light. Not very soft and clean. Yellow eyes. the skin was full of pimples. A huge tongue. Not very clean. Again full of pimples and stuff. He didn't see  me. He continued whistling. I was suddenly reminded of one of my nightmares. 

I was running. The city was empty again. The buildings were all ruined and the ground was bloody. Zombies were wandering around without even looking at me. Some people were running after me. I turned each second to see where the are that's why I didn't remember their total look. I only recognized the owl man . There was a huger and taller one that I don't remember how did he look and some barbarian black creatures. Yes. The mutants. They were the same but I was still suspicious. I fell down and they reached me. I wasn't able to see. Everything was black again and some one said You re one of us mommy! Come with us! the voice said. It was like a baby's voice. It WAS a BABY.

-" We have to leave right now!" I said. But we were all staring at the mutants. They blew into the whistles loudly. The zombies attacked and did the same thing to the other people.

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin