Chapter 5

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        I woke up. I decided to clean that away from my mind. Those stupid funny thoughts. Like zombies, the owl man and silly motherfucking talking babies that had long bloody teeth. I went to school happily. As happy as a pigeon. Or I was just pretending to myself that I was happy. 

-" hey twins! How are you today?"

-" Thanks Kasey!!! What about you?"

-" Really good! Thanks!" I said.

-" Hey Psycho!" Ariella said.

-" Hey mother fucking princess! How are you?"

-" Oh Kasey!"

-" I was joking."

-" Did you visit the psychologist?"

-" No."

-" That's why you are so happy!" She said.

        I went inside the class. I sat down. The class was empty. Suddenly I thought that the owl man is standing there. I sneered. That was just an illusion. Just a silly and ugly imagination. How could this be posible? A man with eyes that are twice mine and long nails? That can't exist.

-" Fuck off clowny!" I said and showed my tongue to him. 


        He wasn't' there actually. That was because of my stupid nightmares. Children in-fluxed in the class and started shouting for no reason. This time, I joined the shout party with them. Every teens are like this. Most of them. They scream because of nothing. I wanted to nag but I pretended that I'm enjoying.

        That day was totally normal except Sean's absence for a week. It was like my nightmares made me feel bad and discover strange stuff. Now everything was normal.

        I went home. Mom and dad were both home. They were sitting on the sofa watching TV. 

-" Mom! Dad! You never watched horror movies!"

-" It's not a horror movie!" Mom said. Then I saw the BBC icon.

-" BBC Shows these kinds of movies?"

-" No not zombie movies."

-" So what's going on?"

-" It's real Kasey!" Mom said.

-" Mom! Stop joking! Maybe it's just jumbled up." 

-" No it isn't."

-" Stop Rosie! Zombies? It's a total joke!" Dad said.

-" Yes I agree! TV Wants to scare us or it's just jumbled up." I said. Me and dad started laughing.

        Mom was stressed but me and dad were laughing at her and making fun of the TV. 

-" Kasey! Brian! Stop laughing! Look at this!"

-" I still don't believe this!" I said and continued laughing.

        I went to my room and turned my PC on. I visited YouTube and searched about real zombies. I saw some movies. I chose one of them. The title was "Brain eating party in Beverley, East Yorkshire" I clicked on the video. the camera was shaking. There were a zombie, little zombie baby and a woman in the frame. The woman was holding the baby. She was crying. The zombie attacked the woman. He usd his long nails to open the woman's skull. The baby was trying to chew his/ her mother. She fell down. The zombie opened her skull and picked the brain pieces and put them in his mouth with pleasure. The woman was crying and asking for help. The baby was also trying to get some pieces.

        The camera fell down. Seemed that the camera man was vomiting. The camera's degree changed. It was a jungle. I spotted a man in the woods. Yes that clown. The man with big eyes, spotted coat and a red tie. It was him. After that I thought that it was fake cause I believed that the clown is fake so I forgot about that. But mom was still worried.

        That day I decided to see what has happened to Sean. I went to his house and pushed the bell. Someone opened the door. I knew her mother but have never seen his dad. A man opened the door. He turned around before I was able to see his face. He was wearing a spotted coat.

-" the owl man!!" I yelled. He turned around.

-" Who's the owl man dear Kasey?" He said. He wasn't the owl man.

-" How do you know my name."

-" Sean has told me."

-" Sean haven't been coming to school."

-" He's alright. He'll come tomorrow. Just a simple fever. Now bye dear." He said.

-" No can I talk to him?" 

-" No dear. He'll come to school tomorrow." He said and closed the door. He acted strange and I was suspicious. Anyway I decided to talk to Sean tomorrow. Let's see what happens tomorrow.

SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin