Chapter 13

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-" Why don't they kill us??" Ariella yelled.

-" Why do you want them to?" I said.

-" It's strange!"

-" Mostly for me. Foster called MY name, the mutant was looking at ME, I had the nightmares!"

-" Yes but for now let's just get out of this fucking school!" Ariella said and banged on the door. 

Ariella was always a calm girl but if she got angry, she got ANGRY. She was in love with her necklace. I don't know why. I never loved my stuff. I always got rid of them. It was meaningless to me if someone said that it's something from my parents. My parents were here so why should I keep some stuff? Anyway I pulled Ariella's necklace and threw it in the room from the threshold. She got angry. She turned red and and attacked the door. Surprisingly or not, It broke.

Some kids were there. A cheerleader. A useless one. She was a jealous mother fucking princess. She hated everyone. She could even kill people for herself. She was sitting in the corner. She did nothing when we went inside. She just turned and a girl called Laura. I didn't know her much.

-" Let's break the window." The twins said.

-" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" The snob girl said. Her name was Ashley.

-" What the hell has it got to..." I said. I stopped when the zombies in fluxed. There stood the owl man. 

Ashley stood behind us.  The zombies weren't moving. After some seconds they started moving near us. 

-" We have to make them slower to break the window!!" Ariella said.

-" Yeah! One of us should die!" Ashley said and caught me. She wanted to throw me to the zombies but I acted fast. I caught her and threw her to the zombies. After that I realized what I have done.

The zombies were chewing his hands and feet. She was crying, insulting and asking for help. I jumped out of the window. It broke. I injured myself but it was better than being stucked in a room full of zombies. 

-" I'm scared!" Laura said.

-" Come on! It's not as scary as zombies!" I said.

-" No! I can't! She said. She was standing up there. We were all in the yard.

-" There''s a single step left to.." Ariella said. She stopped because a zombie caught her. She started screaming. There was nothing to do about her so we started running.

Yes «Running»

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