Chapter 6

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Foster's P.O.V

-" You have to act normal."

-" But..."

-" What?"

-" They are innocent."

-" I don't care."

The Next Day, Biology...

Kasey's P.O.V

-" La la la la la la LA LA la! Lala lala!!"

-" Kasey?"

-" What's up?"

-" You are so happy! Why?"

-" Does it matter?"

-" No..." Ariella said.

-" Kasey!" Nicole yelled.

-" What's up loner?"

-" Do you believe that..."

-" Zombies?"

-" No."

-" So what?"

-" I wanna tell something. To YOU."

-" Okay let's hear it." I said. She moved her mouth near my ears.

-" Not all clowns will make you happy." She whispered.

-" What do you mean?" I asked but she was gone.

-" She IS strange, isn't she?"

-" Yes. That's why she doesn't have any friends." Ariella replied.

-" HEEY GIRLS!!!" Someone screamed. It was Andrea. She continued,

-" C'mon Crowd Let's get loud Cheer the Tigers to victory Yell go fight win!!!" She said and screamed.

-" Thanks Andrea."

-" Are you going to the game?"

-" Sure why not?" I said.

-" YAAAY!" She said and left.

        We went to watch the game. Bieber was also there. I rolled my eyes for him. He did the same plus a sneer. Bieber moved closer to me.

-" Hey Kas! What are you doing?"

-" that's not related to you Bieber and don't call me Kas!"

-" That's my business KAS!"

-" I said..." I said. Ariella was trying to pull me but I was so angry. I really hated him and there WAS a story behind.

-" No cause you aren't a human."

-" OH! So YOU ARE?"

-" yes!"

-" Your photo was printed on a magazine? that's why you are but not me?"

-" That's one of the reasons."

-" Or cause my dad is just a racist?"

-" Yes and?"

-" You have so much money but I don't?"

-" yes."


-" THAT'S THE REASON THAT YOU AREN'T A HUMAN! You are just a racist."

-" I'M NOT!"

-" You are just like your father."

-" I'm not!" I said.

        But I always tried to do whatever dad says cause I was afraid of him. I always both hated and loved him but he wasn't a really good person. He was a drunk racist. Bieber was somehow right but I didn't want to be like my father.

-" I don't care if a neanderthal like you says these stuff to me." I said and turned.

-" Face me Smith."

-" I'll face you Bieber! But first YOU have to face me!" I said and rolled my sleeves up.

-" You wanna fight?" He said and did the same. 

-" You started this Bieber. Now you have to face this."

-" Hehe you racist mother fucker!" Bieber said.

        I was SO angry about these words. My eyes turned to face the floor. I turned red, shouted and punched him in the face.

-" WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" He said and responded with another punch in my face but his nails injured my cheek. It started bleeding. 

        I kicked him. He fell down. I wasn't able to think. My mind was out of order. he insulted me, my dad and everything and I didn't care if he died in this fight. Suddenly I saw all of the children surrounding me. Ariella, Jim, Josh, Jacob, Nicole etc. Lea and the other stupid girls were around Bieber helping him to stand up. I rubbed my cheeck. 

-" What's going on right here Kasey?" Andrea asked.

-" He insulted my family and me."

-" YOU INJURED HIM!" Lea yelled.

-" He did the same." I answered. Lea rolled her eyes. Lea ran and called the manciple Miss. Lockwood. She called me to go to her room.

-" Hi Kasey."

-" Hello miss." I replied.

-" What have you done?"

-" I had a fight with Bieber." I said and chattered my teeth.

-" Why didn't you control yourself?"

-" Cause he insulted my dad."

-" He said that your dad's a racist?"

-" How do you know?"

-" I know everything about the kids. But why did you hit him."

-" He said that I'm a racist too."

-" You know Kasey, London is for British people. The other people from different nationalities should be living in their own place. Where they belong. They shouldn't fill our country. Government should not let them in. We should try to let them out but it's hard."

-" What do you mean?"

-" Your father is right. But you shouldn't have hit him."

-" He started the fight. Look?" I said and pointed to my cheek.

-" Now apologize." She said. I wasn't able to refuse but....

        I went outside. Bieber was standing there. Lockwood came outside of her room. I moved closer to Bieber. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

-" Sorry." I said and sneered.

-" I should think about that." He said. I lifted my hands to hit him but Lockwood didn't let me to do that.

-" There are many monsters in the world. But first we should be worry about ourselves. Maybe we are one of them." Lockheart said and left.

I went to the stadium again. I was so angry why they didn't asked Bieber to apologize but I was mostly thinking about Lockwood's statement about beasts.

Guys sorry because of this shitty chapter. I'm just trying to make the atmosphere ready for the invasion. Next chapter's gonna be better the action's gonna start! Thanks for reading!
Xx Sky


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