1- Lucky Ass [Halfway Done]

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I open my eyes and rub them. I feel like they are swollen and are going to explode. I can barely see anything. Everything looks blurry. I can only hear noises. My mom's walking in the kitchen. I can feel it. I can always recognize the voice of her feet stamping on the ground. I look at the clock. I have time for a 5 minute sleep. I close my eyes again and put the blanket all over my face. I fall asleep in a fall of a coin.

-"Wake up!! Another exciting day is coming through!" My mom sings.

-"Exciting?" I groan.

-"Each day could be your last honey. Just like today. So go enjoy it." She says and removes the blanket. In a second I feel like I lost all my protection which is my blanket. Even a murderer can't hurt me if I have it. I don't move. She has no hope left for me so she leaves. I stand up and stretch my body. I go to the restroom as soon as I hear some of my bones make sounds. I'm fatigued and weary. Just like my grandma. I feel like I will actually look like her when I get to the age of 18.

Everything's quiet in the bathroom. No one could ever hurt me here. Even a serial killer. No sounds. Everything's quiet. Just the sound of water dripping and sometimes horrible odors. For five minutes I stand in front of the mirror without a single move and look at my hair which I haven't been brushing since the last year. Except seven months ago when my mom made me do that because we were going to a wedding party. Oh God I hate those parties. Or I better say I hate all kinds of parties. After peeing, washing my hands and brushing my hair with lots of difficulty, I leave the most peaceful place of the whole world.

I go back to my room and look at it. It's a big mess. This is the reason I love it. I randomly pick some clothes to wear. Mom always says that I have to pay attention to what I wear but that would make no difference because all my clothes are just like each other. Black. Just like my soul. Just joking. After wearing them I take the final look at myself. My eyes are still swollen and red. My hair is even worse than the previous months because it's much longer. I make a bun and wear a hat. I just brush my bangs because they are short and easy to be brushed. They help my hair look neater. My eyes are still on my nerves. I pick my bag, put my books in it and go downstairs. As I walk on the stairs I can hear the sound of the wood creaking under my feet. That gives me a good feeling. The more I go down, the louder I hear my mom singing. She always sings and considers herself as a flawless singer. I totally believe the opposite.

-"Kasey! How many times did I tell you? Girls don't wear black hats!"

-"I do."

-"That's abnormal! Look at the other girls? How they room is. How they dress?"

-"Mom I'm actually the most normal kid you've ever seen. Have you ever gone outside our house? Ppl younger than me have sex!)

-"Oh my God! Listen to me Kasey-"

-"Bye mom." I say and go outside. Whenever I stayed home when an argument was going on, I didn't get a good result. We had many arguments. Like my Math marks, my friends, my clothing, the places I go and stuff like that.

I never really had friendly interactions with my family. I know they love me and want me to get better but the better you get, the stricter they become. So I consider hem as a pain in the ass. At least when I'm a teenager. Just like the other teenagers. You know, they belong to the old eras and expect us to be just like them. They ask you to do difficult stuff like taking out the trash and doing homework. Anyways, I think I shouldn't fill my mind with stuff related to them.

Our house was placed in a dark, narrow dead end. Before you could reach the dead end from my house you had to walk through a small path surrounded by painted walls. There was also a graffiti ass art which I called "The Booty". I always poked it before going to school. For Good luck you know... Dad always asked me to paint over it but I didn't. He even offered 100 bucks but I never listened.

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