Chapter 4

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        I reached school. The twins ran next to me.

-" Hey Kasey!"

-" I don't have the mood guys." I said and passed them without looking at them.

        I went inside the class and put my head on my desk and closed my eyes. Time passed and the bell rang. Children in-fluxed while shouting happily.

-" Hey what's up budd?" Ariella asked.

-" Nothing."

-" I know that something has happened. Tell me."

-" I had a nightmare."

-" What? Nightmare? Funny. Why are you so pensive?"

-" Cause I found some matches."

-" What matches? What are you talking about?" She asked. I told my nightmare to her.

-" Sean's gone, Foster's just..." I said. She looked at me with a mysterious face and started laughing loudly.

        I said nothing. Just put my head on my desk again. The class started. I didn't do anything cause I was tired. I was asleep the whole time.

-" Miss Kasey Smith!!"

-" What's up?"

-" Where's your homework?"

-" I don't know. I didn't do it."

-" Again? Why are you sleeping? You have to show that to me next week."

-" Ah okay." I answered. Our Math teacher was the worst. He was the only one that killed me because of home works.

        The bell rang after a long long time. I continued sleeping. Ariella said that I'd better visit a psychologist and laughed. Sometimes I just wanted to kill her. 

-" Hey what's going on Kasey?" I heard someone said. An unfamiliar voice. I didn't lift my head.

-" Who are you?"

-" Nicole."

-" Ugh you don't talk much. Sorry."

-" So what's up?"

-" Nothing."

-" Tell me. I might be able to help or something."

-" How can you help if someone's going to eat me?" I said then continued -" Mother fucking Kasey you are just making fun of yourself. How can somebody eat you?"

-" How? Zombies maybe."

-" You are CRAZY!"

-" Maybe but I had a nightmare and referring to..."

-" Referring to what?"

-" You'll find it out today."

-" Ah! Do you have fun when you leave me confused?"

-" No. Maybe." She said and left.

        Now I was really confused and somehow scared. I knew that zombies are just supernatural creatures but now... I just I was....

        I went to the yard. All the people were talking together. Some were laughing and some were angry and stressed. I moved closer to them. At first I didn't understand what are they talking about. I turned to see if there were any other children left or not but... I saw the same man. The man with a spotted coat and a red tie. And with huge huge eyes. Really huge eyes that were staring at me. I screamed.

-" What's up Kasey?"

-" L look at there!" I said pointing at the man.

-" There's nothing. It's a cat. He's always there."

-" No no no! the man!"

-" There is no man. You're turning crazy Kas. You really should visit a phsychologist." Ariella said. I got really angry.


-" Don't worry Kas. You'll be fine." Ariella said and smacked my shoulder.

-" No. She's not turning crazy." Nicole said.

-" Guys! Let's just forget about it."

-" Yes." We all said and separated. I didn't realize what they were thinking about. Soon I forgot about it all. Zombies and the owl man. that had been happened for me. When I was a child, I had loads of nightmares and this was the same.

        I went home. It was a boring day so I went to sleep. I  closed my eyes hoping not to have another nightmare. I've forgotten about zombies and those stupid stuff so I wasn't so worried.

        I opened my eyes. I was lying on the ground. A large empty place. Totally empty. The ground was just bloody. Really bloody. No one was there. I stood up. The sky was brown.

-" Hello?" I said. I wasn't able to breathe because of blood's smell.

-" Kasey Smith...." A man said the sound was like echo I wasn't able to find him.

-" Who are you??"

-" Know me as the owl man." He said. I knew him. I looked around. He wasn't there. 

-" Why don't you show yourself?" I asked and closed my eyes. When I opened them he was standing really close to me. I screamed.

-" No need to be afraid Kasey."

-" How do you know my name?" I asked. He didn't answer. He moved his hands closer to my head. His long nails were touching my cheek's skin. He wrote a small letter on my skin with his sharp nails. The letter Z.

-" What are you doing?" I screamed and moved backwards. He moved closer. I started running away. He didn't follow me.

-" You can't run away from this Kasey." He said. Suddenly I saw that he's standing in front of me.

-" What the fuck creature you are?" I yelled and started running. 

-" We will find you Kasey where ever you are. You can't run away from this. This isn't the last time that you saw me." He said. I turned around. He wasn't there.

-" We?" I thought. Cause he was a single person. But I woke up.

-" FUCK!" I yelled and tried to sleep again.


SEVEN I S2G if U read this shit I will find U & murder U it's unedited.Where stories live. Discover now